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How to Send Indosat Credit to Same Operator and Other Operators, So Practical

How to Send Indosat Credit to Same Operator and Other Operators, So Practical Illustration (credit: - How to send Indosat credit can be done via SMS or USSD. However, there are differences in how to send Indosat credit to fellow operators or other operators. But both are equally easy to practice by users.

The credit transfer feature is provided by every mobile provider including Indosat. Sending Indosat credit is very easy for fellow operators or other operators. However, before transferring Indosat credit, there are requirements that users need to fulfill.

Because the requirements for sending Indosat credit can determine the success of sharing credit with your closest people. Meanwhile, the way to send Indosat credit to fellow operators and other operators is certainly different.

Now, if you want to transfer credit with other users, whether they are fellow operators or different operators, the review below is important to know. The complete guide on how to send Indosat credit to fellow operators and other operators has been summarized by from various sources.

1. Terms and Conditions for Sending Indosat Credit

The Indosat credit sending feature can make it easier for users to share credit with other users. This credit sending feature is usually used by users when their close contacts need emergency credit. That's why sending credit can speed up the user's need to get additional credit balance without having to buy it through the operator. However, there are terms and conditions for sending credit that must be fulfilled. Here are the details of the terms and conditions for sending Indosat credit.

- Make sure the sender's and recipient's cards are active, except for Matrix Ooredoo Auto users.

- The sender will be charged Rp 600,- per transaction.

- Sending credit to the same operator applies to Mentari Ooredoo prepaid users, IM3 Ooredoo, Matrix Ooredoo.

- The sender's remaining balance must be at least Rp 5,000,- after the credit sending transaction.

- The recipient will receive an extension of the active period and grace period according to the sent credit amount.

- The extension of the recipient's active period will not affect the sender's active period.

- Sending credit to the same Indosat operator applies to Mentari Ooredoo, IM3 Ooredoo, and Matrix Ooredoo users.

- The sent credit will be added to the recipient's main credit so it will not be lost when the recipient wants to change packages.


2. How to Send Indosat Credit to Same Operator via SMS

Sending Indosat credit to the same operator via SMS is very easy and practical. Users only need to send an SMS format for credit transfer. Here is how to send Indosat credit to the same operator via SMS:

- First, go to the message menu on your phone.

- Write a new SMS with the format TP(space)destination number(space)credit amount send to 151. For example, TP 0858378347838 30000 send to 151.

- Next, you will receive an SMS notification along with the token code indicating that the credit has been sent.

- Reply with the SMS format OK(space)token code send to 151.

- The credit transfer will be processed immediately.


3. How to Send Indosat Credit to Same Operator via USSD

Meanwhile, sending Indosat credit to the same operator via USSD is also very easy. Users only need to enter the USSD number for credit transfer. Here is how to send Indosat credit to the same operator via USSD call:

- First, go to the call menu.

- Next, dial *123*7*2*3*1# (for IM3 Ooredoo and Mentari Ooredoo users). While the USSD code *123*7*1*6*1# (for Indosat Postpaid users)

- Select Call.

- Follow the next steps until the credit transfer process is successful.


4. How to Send Indosat Credit Through the Application

Sending Indosat credit through the application can also be an option for sharing credit with loved ones. Here's how to send Indosat credit through the application.

- First, download and install the MyIM3 application.

- Next, log in with your registered account.

- After that, go to the menu with three lines.

- Choose 'lanjutan' (advance).

- Select 'transfer pulsa' (credit transfer).

- Follow the steps to send Indosat credit until it's completed.

- You will receive an SMS notification stating that the credit transfer was successful.


5. How to Send Indosat Credit to Other Operators

In addition to sending credit to the same operator, Indosat credit can also be shared with other operators such as XL, AXIS, 3, and others very easily. Here's how to send Indosat credit to other operators.

1. How to Send Indosat Credit to Other Operators Via USSD

- First, go to the call menu.

- Then dial *123*6*8# and select call.

- Type the number 1.

- Enter the number to which you want to send the credit.

- Next, follow the steps until the credit transfer process is successful.

- If successful, you will receive an SMS notification.

2. How to Send Indosat Credit to Other Operators Via SMS

- First, go to the message menu.

- Create a new message with the format TRANSFERPULSA(space)phone number(space)credit amount. For example, TRANSFERPULSA 08587782287 20000.

- You will receive an SMS notification and a token code.

- Reply to that SMS with the format ok(space)token number send to 151.


6. Benefits of Sending Credit

After knowing how to send Indosat credit, there are several benefits or advantages of the credit sending feature. Here are the benefits of sending credit that users can enjoy.

- More practical without the need for online or offline transactions.

- The sent credit can be used for SMS, calls, and even purchasing internet packages.

- Getting an extension of the active period from the credit sending feature.

- Easier and time-saving.

That's how to send Indosat credit to fellow operators and other operators. Hopefully, with the above review, it can make it easier for you to share credit with your loved ones.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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