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6 Ways to Easily View Laptop Specifications Through Settings, Applications, and DXdiag

6 Ways to Easily View Laptop Specifications Through Settings, Applications, and DXdiag Illustration (Credit: Pixabay) - Knowledge about how to view laptop specifications or computers is something that should be owned. Now, many things that used to be manual have become digital. Not to mention if your work is closely related to laptops, you should know about it.

Laptop specifications are technical descriptions of computer components and capabilities. From this information, you can find out the processor speed, model, factory description, and so on. Well, you need to know how to view laptop specifications in order to manage the workload that can be accommodated by the laptop.

Of course, you don't want your laptop to be overloaded and become slow, or even fast just because you don't know its specifications. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the following steps on how to view laptop specifications.

1. How to View Laptop Specifications by Opening Settings

The easiest and simplest way to view laptop specifications is by opening 'Settings' on your device. Next, you will see an overview of your laptop or computer system configuration. You can follow the steps below:

- Open 'Settings'.

- Then, click on 'System'.

- Next, click on 'About'.

- Wait for a moment and your laptop or computer specifications will appear.

- You can see the laptop name (usually used for Bluetooth pairing), processor type, RAM size, version, edition, and details about its security system.

2. How to View Laptop Specifications in My Computer

Next, there is another easy way to view laptop specifications, which is through the 'My Computer' menu on your laptop. For more clarity, you can refer to the information below.

- Open Windows Explorer directly or you can also use the shortcut by pressing 'Windows+E' on your keyboard.

- After that, right-click on the 'My Computer' option or the 'This PC' option.

- Then, select properties.

- After following the above steps, you will see several information displayed on the screen. The information includes your computer specifications such as type, speed, RAM size, etc.

3. How to View Laptop Specifications Using Command Prompt

Command Prompt is an easy way to view laptop specifications that you can try. No need to worry if you don't know how, you can follow the steps below.

- First, open Windows Explorer and type 'command prompt' in the search bar.

- Next, click on the command prompt.

- Type 'system info' and press enter in the command prompt.

- After that, you can directly view your laptop specifications.

4. How to View Laptop Specifications Using Speccy Software

You can also view laptop specifications using an application called Speccy Software. To find out how, you can read the explanation below.

- First, you need to download and install the software on your laptop or computer.

- Once done, make sure to wait for the application to be installed properly and you can open it.

- Next, you can view detailed information about your CPU specifications.

- In the summary tab, you can see detailed specifications of your PC.

5. How to View Laptop Specifications with CPU-Z

Another application that you can use to view laptop specifications is CPU-Z. CPU-Z can assist you through the following steps.

- First, please download and install CPU-Z on your computer or laptop.

- After CPU-Z is installed properly, open the application and you can directly see detailed specification information.

- You can see detailed information about the CPU, from the processor name to your core speed, in the CPU column.

- To view information about the computer or laptop's mainboard, you can open the available main board column in CPU-Z.

- In the memory type column, you can see the type of memory, while in the SPD tab column, you can see the RAM slots and various information about your RAM.

- In CPU-Z, you can also see power consumption and the voltage used.

- This free application is widely used by gamers to adjust their laptops.


6. How to View Laptop Specifications using DXdiag

Furthermore, how to view laptop or computer specifications should not be missed. This method is considered easy and practical to follow. For those of you who want to know the steps, please follow the following explanation.

- Open RUN by pressing 'Windows+R' on your keyboard.

- Then type the word dxdiag in the 'open:' column.

- After that, select and click OK.

- After that, you can see various information about your computer specifications.

- In the system version, you can see the specifications on Windows, either 64-bit or 32-bit.

Well, KLovers, those are some ways to view laptop specifications that you can follow.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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