Kapanlagi.com - Everyday vocabulary in English is very diverse. There are meanings in English for verbs, adjectives, pronouns, and time. The meanings of everyday vocabulary in English are certainly important to understand their meanings and usage.
Learning an international language, namely English, is certainly important in the current era of globalization. For beginners, it is necessary to know the meanings of everyday vocabulary in English that are often used in conversations. Vocabulary for objects, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, and so on are often encountered in daily conversations.
However, there are also some vocabulary words that are rarely used and not popular enough to be used in conversations. Want to know the meanings of everyday vocabulary in English and rarely used? Here's the review of the meanings of everyday vocabulary in English that has been compiled by kapanlagi.com from various sources.
1. Meaning in English Everyday Vocabulary

(credit: pexels.com)
Understanding the meaning of words in English is certainly important to know for beginners who have just learned this international language. Especially if the meaning in English is actually included in everyday vocabulary, it is necessary to know its meaning. So that it makes it easier for you to know the meaning of everyday vocabulary in English. The following is a discussion about the meaning of everyday vocabulary in English that you can read through the explanation below.
Meaning in English of Verbs
1. Admit: It means to acknowledge
2. Accept: It means to receive
3. Agree: It means to agree
4. Apply: It means to apply
5. Believe: It means to believe
6. Bring: It means to bring
7. Begin: It means to start
8. Confirm: It means to confirm
9. Come: It means to come
10. Delivery: It means to send
11. Us: It means We
Meaning in English Vocabulary Congratulations
70.Good Morning: Good Morning
71.Good Afternoon: Good Afternoon
72.Good Evening: Good Evening
73.Good Night: Good Night (before sleeping)
74.Good Day: Good Afternoon
75.Good Bye: Goodbye
76. Happy Birthday: Happy birthday
77.Happy New Year: Happy New Year
78.Happy Graduation: Congratulations on your graduation day
79.Congratulation: Congratulations
80.See You: See you
81.Bless You: God bless you
Create: Means Complain.
12.Disagree: Means Disagree
13.Enjoy: Means Enjoy
14.Follow: Means Follow
15.Find: Means Find
16.Forget: Means Forget
17.Improve: Means Improve
18. Introduce: Means Introduce
19.Learn: Means Learn
20.Participate: Means Participate
21.Receive: Means Receive
22.Relax: Means Relax
Meaning in English Vocabulary Time
23.Today: Means Today
24.Tomorrow: Means Tomorrow
25. This Week: Means This Week
26.Yesterday: Means Yesterday
27.Now: Means Now
28.Later: Means Later
29. : Means Tonight
30.Last Night: Means Last Night
Meaning in English Adjective Vocabulary
31.Cool: Means Cool
32.Old: Means Old
33. Boring: Means Boring
34.Lucky: Means Lucky
35.Smart: Means Smart
36.Beautiful: Means Beautiful
37.Lazy: Means Lazy
38.Angry: Means Angry
39.Nervous: Means Nervous
40. Popular: It means Popular
41.Happy: It means Happy
42.Powerful: It means Strong
43.Healthy: It means health
44.Confident: It means Self-confident
45.Nice: It means Good
46.Meaning in English Change
47. Them: It means They
48.It: It means It
49.She: It means She (female)
50.He: It means He (male)
51.We: It means We
52.Yours: It means Yours
53.Mine: It means Mine
54. His: It means His (male)
55.Hers: It means Hers (female)
56.My: It means Mine
57.Ours: It means Ours
58.Their: It means Theirs
59.Myself: It means Myself
60.Yourself: It means Yourself
61. Themselves: It means Themselves
62.Himself: It means Himself (male)
63.Herself: It means Herself (female)
64.Somebody: It means Somebody
65.No one: It means No one
66.They: It means They
67.I: It means I
68 Me: It means Me/I
2. Meaning in English Rarely Used Words

(credit: pexels.com)
In addition to the meaning of everyday English vocabulary, there are also several words that are rarely used. Because these words are rarely used in a conversation even though the meaning in English is almost similar to some other everyday vocabulary. Want to know? Here are the meanings in English of rarely used words.
82. Doughty: Brave, never give up
83. Bodacious: Extraordinary
84. Bamboozle: Deceive
85. Aurora: Dawn time
86. Epiphany: Enlightenment
87 Epoch: Era, age, time
88. Ennui: Boredom
89. Equanimity: Calmness
90. Feign: Pretend
91. Fractious: Whiny
92. Hew: Cut down
93. Halcyon: Peaceful and calm
94. Neophyte: Newcomer
95. Noxious: Toxic or dangerous
96. Oust: Expel
97. Pulchritude: Beauty
98. Serendipity: Coincidence
99. Yore: Past, long ago
3. Meaning in English of Popular Abbreviations

(credit: unsplash.com)
In addition to the meanings in English above, there are also several popular abbreviations in English. These popular abbreviations and their meanings in English have become trends on social media. The meanings in English of popular abbreviations have also become slang in conversations or social media. Here are the meanings in English of popular abbreviations.
100. FYI: For your information
101. OOTD: Outfit of The Day
102. BTW: By The Way
103. ASAP: As soon as possible
104. ROTFL: Rolling on The Floor Laughing
105. LOL: Laugh Out Loud
106. IMO: In My Opinion
107. BF: Boy Friend
108. OTW: On The Way
109. CMIIW: Correct me if I'm wrong
110. OOT: Out of Topic
111. AFAIK: As far as i know
112. AKA: As know as
113. CYA: See You Again
114. FGD: Focus group discussion
115. FYP: For your page
116. GWS: Get well soon
117. TGIF: Thanks god its Friday
4. Meaning in English of Contemporary Slang Words

(credit: pexels.com)
Not only abbreviations with meanings in English that are popular on social media. But there is a current slang language in English or known as slang words that are quite popular. The meaning in English of current slang words can be seen through the following reviews. So it makes it easier for you to understand the meaning and meaning in English, namely slang words.
118.Spill the tea: Spill secrets, reveal the truth
119.On purpose: On purpose
120.Damn it: Damn it
121. Baps: Crazy
122.TBH: To Be Honest
123.What The Hell: What is this?
124.No cap: Honesty
125.Chicken: Coward
126.Dude: Term of address 'Bung'
127.What's up: What's happening?
128. Ass out: Broke (having no money)
129.Egghead: Intelligent person
130.Peanuts: Cheap
131.Brass monkeys: Very cold
132.Ants in your pants: Nervous
133.Pipe down: Be quiet
134.Salty: Bored
135. Chill out: Relax
136.Cold feet: Afraid
137.Lowkey: Quietly
138.Tea: Gossip or telling something
139.Highkey: Clear or not hiding.
140.Fishy: Suspicious
Those are some references to the meanings in English of everyday vocabulary, even rarely used. In addition, there are also meanings in English from slang and popular abbreviations on social media. So by understanding the meaning in English to Indonesian above, it makes it easier for you to know the real meaning.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.