Kapanlagi.com - Bananas are one of the healthy fruits that have many nutrients. One of the fruits that is high in good nutrients is the Ambon banana. So it's no wonder that Ambon bananas have many benefits for the body's health. Even these benefits will have an impact when consumed regularly, KLovers.
Ambon banana is a banana that is identical with fresh yellow color and sweet skin. This banana is rich in potassium and pectin, which are good fibers for the body. In addition, bananas can also be a source of magnesium, vitamin C, and vitamin B6. In both raw or overripe conditions, Ambon bananas have excellent benefits for the body.
Even research has shown that the nutritional levels in all types of bananas, especially Ambon bananas, will increase when ripe. If eaten regularly, you will definitely get various incredible benefits for your body. Therefore, based on various sources, here are 16 benefits of Ambon bananas for your body's health. Let's check them out KLovers.
1. Heart Health

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The first benefit of pisang ambon is that it is very good for heart health. Not only pisang ambon, but other bananas are also good for heart health. This is because bananas contain potassium, an electrolyte mineral that allows electricity to flow throughout the body and is needed to maintain a steady heartbeat.
The high potassium and sodium content in bananas can also help protect the cardiovascular system against high blood pressure. In addition, potassium helps nerve muscles work optimally and helps the kidneys filter blood. So it's no wonder that the benefits of pisang ambon can maintain your heart health.
2. Good for Digestion
The next benefit of pisang ambon is that it is very good for your digestion. Bananas are indeed one of the fruits that are very good for digestion, and this is no secret. Bananas are rich in fiber that can help regulate bowel movements. One banana can provide almost 10 percent of the body's daily fiber needs.
This benefit of pisang ambon is also thanks to resistant starch. Resistant starch is part of starch that is resistant to the hydrolysis of digestive enzymes called amylase, making it difficult to digest in the small intestine.
This starch is then fermented by intestinal bacteria, producing the formation of short-chain fatty acids called butyrate or butanoate. Butyrate plays an important role in maintaining intestinal health. So it's no wonder that bananas, especially pisang ambon, are very good for digestion.
3. Becoming a Source of Energy
Not only that, the third benefit of pisang ambon is becoming a source of energy. Yup! It's no longer a strange thing for bananas to be one of the fruits that can provide energy in the body. This is because bananas contain vitamin B6 and carbohydrates that can provide instant energy.
In addition, the glucose, fructose, and sucrose content which are natural sugars in bananas can provide good energy needs. It's no wonder that this fruit is very important for athletes to provide extra energy with balanced calories.
4. Overcoming Stress

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For those of you who are experiencing stress, you can consume pisang ambon. This is because the benefits of pisang ambon can naturally overcome depression very well. The high tryptophan content in pisang ambon will be converted by the body into serotonin, so the brain neurotransmitter increases the mood to become more relaxed.
In addition, the vitamin B6 in it can help you sleep soundly. And the magnesium content will help relax the muscles. So, you will be able to avoid the stress and depression that you will experience.
5. Good for Brain Function
Not only does it provide digestive and heart health, it turns out that the benefits of ambon bananas are also very good for brain function, KLovers. That's because ambon bananas are rich in vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). By consuming one medium-sized ambon banana, this is able to meet 33% of the recommended daily vitamin B6 requirement.
Pyridoxine itself is an important B-complex vitamin that plays a role in maintaining heart health, digestive system, and immune system. In addition, this vitamin is also needed for brain function development. Even the content of norepinephrine and serotonin hormones in ambon bananas also affects mood.
6. Promotes Bone Health
Bones are indeed one part of the body that must be maintained. By maintaining bone health, you will be protected from bone diseases, one of which is osteoporosis. According to an article in the Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry in 2009, the benefits of ambon bananas can also be obtained from the content of fructooligosaccharides, which are non-digestible carbohydrates that act as prebiotics.
This substance is friendly to digestion and improves the body's ability to absorb calcium. Not only that, ambon bananas also have high mineral content. These minerals are needed for the formation of collagen, which will accelerate the absorption of iron and increase energy.
Even the copper content in ambon bananas is also very good for bone health. That's because about 50% of the copper content in the body is found in bones and muscles. So by consuming bananas every day, the bones become stronger. So don't hesitate to consume ambon bananas regularly, KLovers.
7. Good for Eye Health

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Not only does it provide health benefits to the bones, apparently bananas can also provide health benefits to the eyes. The vitamin A content in bananas can improve vision by helping to protect the cornea.
Not only carrots, apparently bananas also have high vitamin A content. So it can provide health benefits to your eyes, even this content is very good for children who are in the growth phase.
8. Preventing Cancer
Not only the heart, apparently cancer is also one of the quite dangerous diseases for the body. In fact, this disease is one of the diseases that has a high mortality rate. Cancer itself occurs due to a healthy lifestyle. In fact, anyone can experience cancer, regardless of age.
And to prevent the occurrence of cancer, you can use the benefits of bananas. Several studies have shown that consistent consumption of bananas can protect you from kidney cancer. In addition, a study in Sweden in 2005 found that women who consume more than 75 servings of fruits and vegetables reduce the risk of kidney cancer by 40 percent, and bananas are very effective fruits.
The same study also stated that women who consume 4 to 6 bananas per week can reduce the risk of kidney cancer by half. This can happen because of the high levels of phenolic antioxidant compounds in this yellow fruit. So by consuming bananas regularly, you will have a lower risk of cancer.
9. Overcoming Gastric
For those of you who have problems with the stomach, you can use the benefits of ambon banana. Bananas are natural antacids and function to neutralize stomach acid. Bananas also contain a flavonoid antioxidant called leucocyanidin, which helps increase the mucous membrane in the stomach, preventing gastric ulcers.
But remember, KLovers, consume bananas according to the recommended dosage, not more than that. Because eating too many bananas in a day can actually cause various health problems.
10. Assisting Fetal Growth

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For pregnant women, you can use the benefits of ambon banana to help with fetal growth. This is because ambon bananas contain high levels of folate.
The folate content in ambon bananas can help the fetus absorb nutrients properly, which directly affects brain development and bone marrow. Meet the folate needs during pregnancy by regularly consuming fruits and vegetables high in folate and folate supplements.
Lack of folate during pregnancy can have serious effects on the fetus, such as neural defects. So, you can regularly consume foods that contain folate, KLovers. But remember, stick to the normal dosage.
11. Able to Detoxify Toxins
The next benefit of pisang ambon is that it can detoxify toxins in the body. There are indeed many toxins in the body, so it's not surprising that you have to remove these toxins. Because if left untreated, it will create new, more serious diseases.
Bananas contain pectin, which is a natural substance that serves as a body detoxifier. Therefore, toxins in the body can be overcome simply by consuming bananas every day.
12. Overcoming Anemia Problems
Anemia is one of the mild diseases, where the sufferer lacks iron intake, making them easily tired, unenthusiastic, and having pale skin. Iron is needed by the body to produce red blood cell components known as hemoglobin.
However, you can actually get iron from consuming pisang ambon. This banana is high in iron content and can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood, as well as help fight anemia. In addition, vitamin B6 contained in bananas can also balance blood glucose levels and help anemic individuals.
13. Good for Diet

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It is not unfamiliar that bananas are very good for diet. That's why many people consume bananas for their diet. This is because the aroma of bananas can suppress appetite and sudden hunger.
In a study by Dr. Alan Hirsch from the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago, it was stated that smelling the aroma of bananas when hungry can trick the brain into thinking that we have already eaten. That's why bananas can help you lose weight.
In addition, the calorie content of bananas, especially Cavendish bananas, is very low, but they can provide a sufficient feeling of fullness for a long time. Not only that, bananas also provide more energy to the body compared to consuming white rice.
14. Good for Diabetes Patients
For people with diabetes, they must control their diet very well and carefully. Because consuming too many calories can cause an increase in blood sugar levels. But this can be avoided by consuming bananas.
People with type 2 diabetes can include green bananas and ambon bananas in their diet. Because green bananas and ambon bananas have a small amount of sugar content. Diabetes patients need low-sugar food, and green bananas are the perfect food. You can consume boiled green bananas as a healthy snack and good for your health.
15. Providing Skin Health
Another benefit of ambon bananas is that they can provide health to the skin. Not only providing health, but bananas can also provide beauty to your body. Bananas contain vitamin A, vitamin B, and vitamin E which function to provide nutrition and naturally moisturize the skin, making the skin appear smoother.
Not only that, having a high antioxidant content makes bananas able to prevent acne on the face and prevent premature aging. You can consume bananas directly or make them into a mask to get the benefits of bananas.
16. Providing Nutrition to Hair

Illustration (credit: Freepik)
And the last benefit of ambon bananas is that they can provide nutrition to the hair. Not only the skin, it turns out bananas can also provide nutrition to your hair. The silica content in bananas will be absorbed by the body to produce collagen and protein, which are the building materials of hair, so that the hair becomes healthy.
In addition, the antioxidant content in bananas can overcome dandruff symptoms that appear on the hair. The folate content found in bananas will also keep the hair moisturized and strong. The way to use it is also quite easy, KLovers, you just need to use bananas as a hair mask regularly twice a week.
Those are the 16 benefits of ambon bananas for body health when consumed every day. Not only being a delicious fruit, it turns out that ambon bananas also have many beneficial contents for body health and beauty.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.