Kapanlagi.com - Turmeric is one of the spices that functions as a natural food flavoring and coloring agent. Of course, turmeric has a lot of content. It not only provides health benefits for the body, but also has benefits for beauty for your body KLovers.
That's why there are many beauty products that contain extracts from turmeric. However, besides providing benefits, turmeric also has side effects that are not good for the body if consumed excessively.
What are the benefits of turmeric for health and body beauty? And what are the side effects that can arise if consumed excessively? According to various sources, let's check it out KLovers.
1. Relieve Joint Inflammation

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The first benefit of turmeric is that it can treat joint inflammation. Joint inflammation is indeed one of the most disturbing diseases. Usually, those who suffer from joint inflammation are elderly men and women.
However, it turns out that you can treat joint inflammation by using the benefits of turmeric. Yup! In 2012, a study found that turmeric actually has a stronger effect than the commonly used diclofenac drugs to relieve joint pain. That's why it doesn't hurt to consume turmeric as a natural remedy for treating joint inflammation.
2. Diabetes Medication
The next benefit of turmeric is that it can be a medication for diabetes patients. Having diabetes is indeed very difficult because you have to pay attention to the food intake consumed. If consumed incorrectly, it will cause blood sugar to rise, and this is not good for diabetes patients.
But don't worry, there are now many studies that have found natural ingredients that can be used as medication for diabetes patients. And one of these natural remedies is turmeric, which can be a natural medication for type 2 diabetes patients.
In a medical study conducted by Auburn University, which was later published in Biochemistry and Biophysical Research Communications in 2009, researchers concluded that turmeric has been proven to have a positive impact in dealing with this sugar disease.
3. Improving Digestion

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Do you often experience digestive problems and constipation? If that's the case, it should be addressed, KLovers. Continuously experiencing such issues will not be good for your overall health and can lead to conditions like hemorrhoids and stomach cancer.
To achieve good digestion, you can use the benefits of turmeric to address these issues. This is because turmeric contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that can prevent inflammation and damage in the digestive organs. In addition, the compound curcumin is effective in enhancing the performance of the digestive organs.
4. Relieve Acid Reflux
If you have stomach ulcers due to delayed meals, you can consume turmeric to address this issue. A study published in Systematic Reviews states that people who regularly consume dishes containing turmeric have a healthy stomach and large intestine.
This is because turmeric contains natural compounds that are beneficial in relieving acid reflux. Its benefits include acting as a shield for the stomach with its properties. These compounds increase mucus production, which protects the stomach lining.
5. Get Rid of Indigestion

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In addition to treating acid reflux caused by food, it turns out that another benefit of turmeric is its ability to get rid of indigestion in the stomach. This is because turmeric contains a substance called curcumin, and it is this curcumin content that can help the muscles of the digestive organs move more smoothly.
By consuming turmeric, you will allow the organs to move as they should. This will reduce the pressure of gas in the stomach and stop the excessive production of stomach acid, which causes bloating.
6. Reducing Liver Risk
Liver disease is very dangerous for your body. If liver disease is not detected and treated in time, it can lead to liver failure or permanent liver damage. In such cases, the only solution is liver transplantation.
However, this can be avoided by consuming turmeric. Regular consumption of turmeric helps the body regenerate cells and protects it from long-term damage to health.
Turmeric also stimulates the optimal functioning of the gallbladder. This spice is beneficial in keeping the gallbladder energetic, productive, and functioning properly, thus minimizing enlargement of the liver ducts.
7. Relieve Diarrhea

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Diarrhea can make someone feel uncomfortable, and even disrupt their activities. Diarrhea can occur due to two reasons, first because of bacteria found in food or objects that enter the stomach. Or it can also occur due to viruses, which can damage cells in the body.
If you have diarrhea, it is good to quickly address this issue, KLovers. Because if left untreated, it will not be good for the body. Immediately deal with diarrhea by using the benefits of turmeric, because the potassium and magnesium in this rhizome plant will help balance the body fluids that are drained due to diarrhea, and at the same time prevent dehydration.
8. Promoting Brain Health
The brain is indeed one of the most important things for the body. If the brain does not function properly, then all organs in the body will not be able to perform optimally. Therefore, it is mandatory for you to always maintain brain health, whatever the way. And one way to do that is by consuming healthy food, one of which is turmeric.
Many studies have proven the benefits of turmeric for your brain health. Many researchers mention a strong connection between cognitive disorders, such as dementia and Alzheimer's, with a decrease in certain types of growth hormones. This condition is called Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor.
This condition can be suppressed with curcumin, which can be found in turmeric. According to researchers, curcumin has a positive impact on these growth hormones, thus keeping people away from brain diseases, especially those caused by aging.
9. Anti Allergy

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Allergies can be quite bothersome, and they usually occur because of consuming the wrong food or due to weather conditions and dust in the surroundings. If it happens, don't panic, you can use the benefits of turmeric to effectively manage allergies.
This is because turmeric contains compounds called curcuminoids. These compounds react by inhibiting the activity of proteins that cause inflammation, while also preventing the release of histamine that can trigger allergic reactions in the body.
10. First Aid for Snake Bites
Snake bites can be very dangerous for the body and can even lead to death if not promptly and properly treated. That's why many people panic when bitten by this venomous creature.
However, don't panic, because you can actually administer first aid when bitten by a snake using turmeric. This is because the compounds in turmeric are capable of neutralizing the venom from the snake bite. The antioxidants present in turmeric can absorb the venom and render it harmless.
The method is to drink turmeric water. But not only that, turmeric can also be used for self-healing purposes.
11. Giving Heart Health

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Having a healthy heart is indeed the desire of everyone, because currently the number one deadly disease in the world is still occupied by the heart. That's why maintaining heart health by consuming good food is the key to a healthy life.
You can maintain heart health by consuming healthy foods such as turmeric. Still with the same content, namely the content of curcumin in turmeric, it is able to help the blood vessels stay clean, free from clotting and plaque that sticks to the walls. So you are free from various risks of cardiovascular diseases, such as heart disease and stroke.
12. Reducing Cancer Risk
Another benefit of turmeric is that it can reduce the risk of cancer in the body. In addition to heart disease, cancer is also a frightening specter for human health. Every day, there are more and more cancer patients with various types and causes.
Before that happens, you can reduce the risk of getting cancer by consuming turmeric. It is known that turmeric has a high alkaline content that has a positive impact on the body, one of which is preventing the development of cancer.
13. Preventing Premature Aging

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In addition to providing health benefits to the body, it turns out that turmeric can also provide beauty to your facial skin. And one of them is preventing premature aging. That's because turmeric has high antioxidant content, so it can prevent damage caused by free radicals.
The functions found in turmeric are very good for preventing signs of premature aging, such as wrinkles, fine lines, and dark spots. You can obtain nutrients from turmeric by making it into a drink or using it as a healthy natural face mask.
14. Relieving Menstrual Pain
Menstrual pain can be very disruptive for some women, and those who experience excessive pain may not be able to perform their activities properly. But there's no need to worry, turmeric has long been trusted in relieving pain during menstruation.
The curcumin content in turmeric functions as a natural pain reliever by relaxing the contractions of the uterus that cause abdominal cramps. In addition, this curcumin content also reduces the influx of calcium ions into the epithelial cells of the uterus and reduces the production of hormones that cause pain and inflammation.
15. Natural Wound Medicine

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Not only can turmeric treat major diseases, but it can also treat minor ailments such as wounds caused by scratches. Turmeric is very effective in treating wounds on your skin, KLovers.
This is because turmeric contains antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Both of these properties can be used to help treat common wounds and burns.
16. Treating Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a skin disease that occurs due to inflammation, such as peeling skin, itching, and pain. This disease can occur in anyone and is usually caused by dry skin, prolonged exposure to sunlight, and many other factors.
The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric can help treat psoriasis. The National Psoriasis Foundation states that you can use turmeric as one of the remedies for psoriasis. However, it is important to consult with a doctor first.
17. Removing Acne Scars

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And the last benefit of turmeric is that it can remove acne scars. Turmeric is indeed believed to be effective in dealing with various skin problems, including acne. In fact, turmeric can remove dark acne scars.
This is because the inflammatory properties in turmeric can shrink pores and soothe your skin. This prevents acne from forming. The antioxidant content in turmeric can also make your skin brighter and fade acne scars.
18. Side Effects of Using Turmeric
Although turmeric has many benefits, it also has side effects. And these side effects can be dangerous for your body. What are these side effects? Let's find out.
- It turns out that consuming turmeric too often can inhibit blood clotting. Turmeric can slow down blood clotting and increase the risk of bruising and bleeding in people with bleeding disorders.
- Although it can aid digestion very well, consuming turmeric excessively is also not good. Turmeric can cause gastrointestinal side effects. The most common gastrointestinal side effects are stomach pain, gas, nausea, and digestive disorders.
- Consuming turmeric excessively can also lead to gallstones and kidney stones. Curcumin in turmeric stimulates the gallbladder to produce more bile, which can improve digestion. Due to the extra bile production, individuals with gallstones or other conditions that block the bile duct are not recommended to consume turmeric.
A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2008 found that participants who consumed turmeric had higher levels of urinary oxalate. Oxalate is a waste product that needs to be eliminated from the body during urination, but if there is too much oxalate, it can bind with calcium and form kidney stones.
- Pregnant women are allowed to consume turmeric, but it is not recommended to consume turmeric supplements. According to MedlinePlus, the side effects of curcumin in turmeric can stimulate the uterus or cause the uterine lining to shed, which can increase the risk of miscarriage.
Those are the 17 benefits of turmeric for health and beauty, along with its side effects. Turmeric is indeed a good spice for the body's health, but it can be harmful if consumed excessively. If you want to consume turmeric regularly, it is advisable to consult a doctor first. KLovers.
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