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20 Benefits of Potatoes for Beauty and Health, Natural Low Budget Treatment

20 Benefits of Potatoes for Beauty and Health, Natural Low Budget Treatment Potato Benefits (credit: - Potatoes are one type of food that is rich in carbohydrates and very familiar in society. Some countries even use potatoes as their staple food. However, did you know that the benefits of potatoes are not only for health, but also very good for facial skin.

Having beautiful and healthy facial skin is the dream of every person, especially women. Because, a beautiful face is the main support for appearance. However, beauty without healthy skin is also incomplete.

Thus, it is necessary to balance between body health and appearance. To achieve both beauty and health at the same time, natural ingredients such as vegetables and fruits can be used. Where vegetables and fruits have very good nutritional content for the body.

One of them is the benefit of potatoes to maintain beautiful and healthy facial skin. Starting from potato skin to potato meat rich in nutrients. Among them are vitamin C, folate, potassium, vitamin B6, minerals, and protein.

Certainly, these nutrients are beneficial for the body, especially facial skin. The benefits of potatoes for facial skin are diverse and can be a natural beauty treatment without a high budget. So what are the benefits of potatoes for facial skin?

For those of you who want to treat your skin with natural ingredients, you can use potatoes as an option. It is also important to know that using natural ingredients for skin care is certainly less prone to side effects. Here are 10 benefits of potatoes for beauty summarized from various sources.




1. Preventing Premature Aging

One of the benefits of potatoes for facial skin is that it can prevent premature aging. As it is known, premature aging is characterized by the appearance of fine lines on the face and wrinkles around the eyes.

Aging process is indeed natural for everyone, but it will be disturbing if the aging process occurs earlier. Surely you do not want to experience premature aging, right? To overcome this, you can use potatoes as a natural low budget treatment. The way to do it is quite easy, you just need to use potatoes as a mask.


2. Overcoming Dull Facial Skin

Dull facial skin can disrupt appearance. To overcome it, you can use a potato mask to make your face look brighter. The nutritional content in potatoes can help overcome dull skin to make it look brighter and healthier.


3. Moisturizing the Skin

Another benefit of potatoes is that they can be useful for moisturizing the facial skin. This benefit comes from the nutritional content, namely vitamin C, which is quite high in potatoes. As it is known, vitamin C is one of the good antioxidants for facial skin. So, you can use potatoes to moisturize dry skin to make it healthier.


4. Overcoming Panda Eyes

Dark eye bags, also known as panda eyes, occur due to poor blood circulation under the eyes. This causes the bags under the eyes to become dark.

If you experience panda eyes, you can use potatoes to solve this problem. The benefits of potatoes can lighten panda eyes that appear on the face. To use them, cut potato slices and wrap them in cloth, then place them on the dark circles under the eyes for 20 minutes.


5. Treating Oily Skin

Oily skin can be a factor causing various facial problems. However, you don't need to worry because the benefits of potatoes can help treat oily skin. To use them, simply mash the potatoes and use them as a face mask.


6. Tightening Skin

The next benefit of potatoes for the skin is that it can tighten the skin. Skin that appears tighter will certainly look younger. So you can use potato masks as a natural, low-budget treatment.


7. Treating Dark Spots

Acne is a common problem that occurs on the face. And most acne problems can greatly affect appearance, including when acne has disappeared but leaves behind red black spots.

If this problem occurs, one way to treat it is by using a potato mask for acne scars that appear. Surely the benefits of potatoes for facial skin can make the skin beautiful again.


8. Removing Dead Skin Cells

Dead skin cells on the face, if not immediately cleaned, can make the face look dull and even cause black spots. One of the benefits of potatoes is that it can remove dead skin cells on the face.

The method is quite easy, which is to make potatoes as a scrub and rub them on the face. Then leave it for 10 to 15 minutes and rinse with clean water.


9. Treating Sunburn

Sunburn or skin burns due to sun exposure can cause skin problems such as heat, stinging, blisters, irritation, and redness. But you don't need to worry because the benefits of potatoes can treat sunburned skin.

Using sliced potatoes or a mask on the skin for 20 minutes can provide a cooling sensation and reduce the appearance of uneven skin tone. You can also mix it with ingredients like tomatoes and turmeric.


10. Controlling Body Weight

The first benefit of potatoes for health is that it can be a natural ingredient for controlling body weight. Potatoes are friendly for diet programs as they contain nutrients and vitamins. Potatoes are known to have high fiber content and other vitamins that can maintain the ideal body weight.

In addition, the fiber in potatoes also promotes digestion and makes the body feel full longer. That's why the benefits of potatoes can help you lose weight and prevent obesity.


11. Promoting Heart Health

Various benefits of potatoes for health can also be obtained from their nutrient and vitamin content. One of the popular benefits is maintaining heart health. According to, potatoes are low in cholesterol, which helps maintain heart health. Additionally, the fiber content in potatoes can help lower cholesterol levels in the blood to minimize the risk of heart disease or stroke. The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) states that potassium in potatoes can reduce the risk of death from heart disease.


12. Increasing Energy

The extraordinary health benefits of potatoes are that they can help increase energy in the body. The nutritional content of potatoes, such as vitamin B6, can function as a carbohydrate and protein breaker into glucose and amino acids. Both types of nutrients can increase energy in the body. It's no wonder that potatoes are also suitable for a filling and nutritious breakfast menu.


13. Reducing Inflammation

Another health benefit of potatoes is that they can help reduce inflammation. Potatoes are known to have high anti-inflammatory properties to reduce inflammation in the body. According to, potatoes are known to contain choline, which can prevent inflammation in the body. In addition, a study also shows that extracts from various types of plant materials, including potatoes, can inhibit the production of active inflammatory components in the body.


14. Relieving Stress

Both low and high levels of stress can potentially affect the body's health. In this case, it turns out that the benefits of potatoes can help the body naturally relieve stress due to its nutritional content and vitamins. Among the nutritional content in potatoes, such as vitamin B6, which can increase the production of adrenaline hormones to prevent stress. In addition, according to, potatoes can also help increase the production of GABA (gamma amino butyric acid), which is a hormone to relieve stress.


15. High in Fiber

Potatoes are known to be high in fiber, which provides good benefits for the body's health. Because the high fiber content in potatoes can prevent health problems in the body. In addition, due to this high fiber content, potatoes can also improve digestion and prevent obesity in the body. It's no wonder that potatoes are often a favorite food for many people in weight loss diet programs.


16. Preventing Cancer

The benefits of potatoes for health can also prevent chronic diseases such as cancer. The folate content in potatoes is known to play an important role in preventing cancer in the body. According to, potatoes are believed to help prevent colorectal cancer. In addition, vitamin C and quercetin in potatoes also function as high antioxidants that can prevent exposure to free radicals, the causes of diseases.


17. Improving Brain Function

The benefits of potatoes for health can be useful in helping to improve brain function. This can be obtained because potatoes contain copper and iron which can enhance brain function to be more optimal. In addition, several types of nutrients such as manganese, potassium, vitamin B6, and vitamin C can promote brain health and enhance positive responses from brain function to fatty acids and amino acids.


18. Boosting Immune System

Having a strong immune system is important to prevent various types of diseases. Because if the immune system is weak, it is possible that it makes the body vulnerable to diseases caused by viruses or bacteria. However, it turns out that the vitamin C content in potatoes can help boost the immune system because it is a high antioxidant. According to, vitamin C offers benefits in relieving flu symptoms caused by viruses.


19. Relieving Diarrhea

The nutritional content and vitamins in potatoes can also help alleviate diarrhea. This is because potatoes contain nutrients such as light fiber and other nutrients that play an important role in energy formation. When experiencing diarrhea, the body experiences symptoms such as weakness and fatigue. According to, potatoes are considered a friendly food for diarrhea sufferers. However, it is important to consume potatoes in moderate amounts to maximize the benefits.


20. How to Make Potato Mask

To make a potato mask that can benefit the facial skin, here are some tips that you can try at home:

- Prepare potatoes according to your needs.

- Grate raw potatoes until smooth.

- Then apply it on the cleansed face as a mask.

- Leave it on for 15 to 30 minutes.

- Then rinse with clean water.

You can also mix it with some other ingredients such as honey, yogurt, eggs, carrots, milk, turmeric, cucumber, lime, and olive oil to get healthy and beautiful facial skin.

So those are 20 benefits of potatoes for facial skin, a natural and low-budget treatment. Easy, right KLovers? However, it is also important to maintain nutrition intake in the body such as consuming vegetables and fruits to keep the skin healthy from within.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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