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42 Welcome Birth Month Quotes, Full of Hope and Profound Meaning

42 Welcome Birth Month Quotes, Full of Hope and Profound Meaning Illustration (Credit: Freepik) - Your birth in this world is something to be grateful for. Living well and caring for others can be your gratitude as a human being. In addition, you can also convey words of welcome to the month of your birth to welcome your birthday.

Words of welcome to the month of birth can contain hopes, complaints, or deep gratitude. You are free to choose the style to convey it. Whether by writing long sentences as a photo caption or just quoting short words as social media status.

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If you feel that putting words of welcome to the month of birth is unnecessary, then there is no need to do it. You can simply read it in your heart and convey it to God as a prayer.


1. Words of Welcome to the Month of Birth Full of Hope

Birthdays are special days. So it's not wrong if you convey words of welcome to the birth month accompanied by hopes like the following.

1. "Welcome to the birth month! Hope everything gets better for this month and beyond."

2. "Today I enter my birth month. Hopefully I become a better person than the past months."

3. "My life until now is nothing but the will of Allah SWT. Thank you Allah, may my birth month bring blessings to my life."

4. "In this special month, I hope to be happier and achieve the great accomplishments I aspire to soon."

5. "There is nothing happier than entering this month for me. Welcome to my birth month! May this month be filled with goodness and blessings."

6. "This month is the most important month in my life. Hope everything becomes easier for everything I will do in the future."

7. "This month I celebrate my birthday and realize the most special gift that God gives-Life. Welcome birth month!"

8. "The past is just a passing wind. Make the past a lesson and face the future boldly, happy birth month!"

9. "In this month, I was born. In this month, I received the gift of life from Allah the Almighty. Thank you Allah, may I be able to use the age You give me to worship You and do good."

10. "Before others give me birthday wishes, let me wish myself a happy birth month."

11. "May the arrival of my birth month bring blessings to my current and future life."

12. "I have gone through months that felt empty, only this month makes me feel the need to make improvements. InshaAllah, I will become the best version of myself for this month and the next."

13. "There is no month more beautiful to me than my birth month. Thank you for this special month. The month that has brought me through each day full of spirit and blessings."

14. "The beauty of this month cannot be replaced by other months. In this month, I was born and given life. May this month be a better beginning for every aspect of my life."

15. "I pray to Allah for a happy month like this. Not many people have the opportunity to add years to their lives. Only with Your grace and approval can I feel the beauty of life."

16. "Alhamdulillah, I offer my praise and gratitude to Allah SWT who has given me the opportunity to live in this world. This month, my birth month, is the most special month in my life. I hope that blessings always accompany every step I take."

17. "No one has ever given more love and affection than You, O Allah. And in this special month, I express my gratitude for everything You have given me. And everything You have prepared for me."

18. "Welcome birth month, welcome new year. I always pray for blessings and hopes to Allah. May happiness, health, and prosperity always be in my life."

19. "This world is truly beautiful. Day turns into night, one day turns into another, and so does the month that keeps changing every year. But the beauty of every passing time, the month in which I was born remains the most special for me. Thank you, Allah, for giving me the opportunity to experience every moment in this truly beautiful world."


2. Words of Welcome to the Month of Birth in English

Installing words of welcome to the birth month in English as a social media status as the birthday approaches can be an alternative, KLovers. As a reference, you can read the following quotes.

20. "Welcome the month of birth, I'm waiting for good news to be conveyed."

(Selamat datang di bulan kelahiran, saya menunggu kabar baik tersampaikan)

21. "Trying to thwart any difficulties that come over to be always optimistic, welcome the month of birth."

(Berusaha menggagalkan segala kesulitan yang menghampirinya agar selalu optimis, sambut bulan kelahiran)

22. "Welcome month of birth, there will always be the best time in everyone's life. So, no need to be pessimistic in this life."

(Selamat datang di bulan kelahiran, akan selalu ada waktu terbaik dalam hidup setiap orang. Jadi, tak perlu pesimis dalam hidup ini)

23. "Good things done in the past, will not fade in the future."

(Hal-hal baik yang dilakukan di masa lalu, tidak akan luntur di masa depan)

24. "It's up to whatever kindness has been done, as long as it is beneficial for your life."

(Terserah apapun kebaikan yang sudah dilakukan, asalkan bermanfaat untuk hidup anda)

25. "To be the best, I must have big dreams and passion to make it happen. Welcome my birth month."

(Untuk menjadi yang terbaik, saya harus memiliki impian dan semangat yang besar untuk mewujudkannya. Selamat datang bulan kelahiran saya)

26. "Often many people underestimate the small things, but without realizing it from there was born something big."

(Seringkali banyak orang yang meremehkan hal-hal kecil, namun tanpa disadari dari sanalah lahir sesuatu yang besar)

27. "Complaining will only make life more depressed. While being grateful will always take us on the path of convenience."

(Mengeluh hanya akan membuat hidup semakin tertekan. While being grateful will always lead us to the path of ease)

28. "Welcome to the month of my birth. Wishing myself a life filled to the brim with happiness."

(Selamat datang di bulan kelahiranku. Berharap hidupku dipenuhi kebahagiaan.)

29. "On my special month, I just want to wish myself pure happiness that never ends. Welcome to the month of birth, especially to me."

(Di bulan spesialku, aku hanya menginginkan kebahagiaan murni yang takkan pernah berakhir. Selamat datang di bulan kelahiran, khususnya untuk diriku.)

30. "As I celebrate my month of birth, I ask for God's blessings in my life. May I be blessed with good health, happiness, and prosperity. Happy birthday to me!"

(Saat aku merayakan bulan kelahiranku, aku meminta berkah Tuhan di dalam hidupku.) May I be blessed with good health, happiness, and prosperity. Happy birthday to me!)


3. Words of Welcome to the Month of Birth Full of Meaning

These are the words of welcome for the birth month from January to December. You can customize them yourself to create a status on social media.

31. "Welcome to the month of January, the month when I was born. May this special month bring blessings to my life now and forever."

32. "February has arrived, thank you for being the witness to the beginning of my happy life. May every month I go through bring me happiness, goodness, and blessings."

33. "March, the month when I was born into this world. Thank you, Allah, for allowing me to step into this world with all the advantages You have given me."

34. "Welcome to the birth month! April, the month that witnessed the birth of this human being. May You never stop giving me abundant blessings."

35. "The month of my birth has arrived, welcome! May, how beautiful this mood is when I remember you. Hoping that not only this month, but other months also bring blessings and prosperity to me."

36. "Welcome to the month of June, thank you for being the witness to my birth full of mercy."

37. "The beauty of July, it is a witness to how amazing God's grace is. From my mother's womb, I was born in struggle and ended in happiness."

38. "August, the month when I was born. Welcome! May happiness, love, and affection always come into my life."

39. "Welcome to the month of September, a month full of grace. May the month when I was born [age] years ago always remind me that I am destined to live in the mercy of the Almighty."

40. "This month is the time when I was born. Thank you, Allah, for choosing October as the month of my birth. May I always be healthy, have a long life, and be in Your mercy."

41. "Welcome birth month, welcome November. The days spent with you will always be remembered as the most beautiful time of my life."

42. "December, the month when I set foot in this world for the first time. There is no month more beautiful, bright, and full of grace than December. May I become a better person every moment."

Those are the words of welcome for the birth month that you can quote or use as inspiration to simply give greetings to yourself.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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