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5 Practical Plecing Kangkung Recipes that Stimulate the Appetite

5 Practical Plecing Kangkung Recipes that Stimulate the Appetite Illustration (Credit: Freepik) - Plecing kangkung is a type of condiment similar to sambal that is usually served as a complement to ayam taliwang or ayam betutu in Lombok and Bali. This plecing kangkung recipe can be an alternative for those of you who are bored with the usual boiled kangkung dishes.

The fresh combination of kangkung and spicy sambal will be even more delicious when accompanied by fried peanuts, eggs, anchovies, or other ingredients according to taste. It is the flexible combination of ingredients that makes plecing kangkung recipes have various types.

The simplicity of the plecing kangkung recipe also makes it popular. The sambal sauce consists of shallots, garlic, sugar, and salt. For additional seasonings, please see the plecing kangkung recipe from below.


1. Plecing Kangkung Recipe Typical of Bali

This is the recipe for plecing kangkung that is usually served as a complement to ayam betutu to enhance the taste.


- 2 bunches of kangkung (boiled with salt water, thinly shredded)

Plecing ingredients:

- 10 curly chili peppers

- 10 bird's eye chili peppers

- 2 garlic cloves

- 10 shallots

- 1 medium-sized tomato

- Balinese shrimp paste

- Salt

- Pepper

- Sugar to taste

How to make:

1. Grind all the ingredients except salt, pepper, and sugar.

2. Sauté the ground ingredients.

3. Add salt, pepper, and sugar.

4. Arrange the kangkung on a plate, serve with sambal.


2. Plecing Kangkung Recipe Typical of Lombok

Here is the recipe for plecing kangkung that is often served as a complement to ayam taliwang, typical of Lombok.


- 1 bunch of kangkung, cleaned

- Salt to taste

- Sufficient water for boiling

Sambal ingredients:

- 5 red bird's eye chili peppers

- 5 curly red chili peppers

- 2 medium-sized tomatoes

- 1 tsp original grilled lombok shrimp paste

- 1/4 small-sized palm sugar

- 1/2 tsp salt

- A pinch of flavor enhancer

- 1 kaffir lime


- Fried peanuts

How to make:

1. Soak the kangkung in salt water for at least 30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

2. Boil the kangkung with a little salt. Remove and soak the kangkung in ice water, then drain.

3. Grind all the sambal ingredients except kaffir lime. Drizzle the sambal with kaffir lime juice.

4. Mix the vegetables with the sambal.

5. Serve with a sprinkle of fried peanuts.


3. Simple Plecing Kangkung Recipe

This simple plecing kangkung recipe is made to make it easier for beginners to cook.


- 2 tablespoons cooking oil

- 1 bunch of kangkung (cleaned)

- 1 lime

- Salt to taste

Sambal ingredients:

- 1/2 tomato

- 7 shallots

- 3 cloves of garlic

- Roasted shrimp paste to taste

- Salt to taste

- 9 curly chilies

- 5 bird's eye chilies

- Sugar to taste

How to make:

1. Boil the kangkung with a little salt, drain and set aside.

2. Grind the sambal ingredients and sauté.

3. Arrange the kangkung on a plate, pour the sambal over it. Drizzle with lime juice.


4. Javanese Plecing Kangkung Recipe

Also, check out the Javanese plecing kangkung recipe to add references to Indonesian cuisine in your kitchen.


- 3 bunches of kangkung

Ground spices:

- 5 bird's eye chilies

- 3 shallots

- 1 piece of palm sugar

- 1/2 cup tamarind water

- Salt

- Shrimp paste

How to make:

1. Clean and wash the kangkung.

2. Boil the kangkung, remove from heat and drain.

3. Soak the tamarind in half a cup of hot water.

4. Fry the shallots and bird's eye chilies. Grind all the spices, add tamarind water. Mix well.

5. Arrange the kangkung on a plate, pour the spices over it.


5. Plecing Kangkung Recipe with Pindang Soup

If usually served with chicken, this plecing kangkung recipe is served with delicious pindang fish soup.


- 2 bunches of kangkung petiki

- 1 tuna fish

- Salt to taste

- Sufficient water

Plecing sambal:

- 250 grams of curly red chili and bird's eye chili (adjust the ratio according to spiciness level)

- 5 cloves of garlic

- 3 red tomatoes

- 1 tablespoon of grilled shrimp paste

- Salt to taste

- Brown sugar to taste

- Mushroom broth powder to taste

- 5 jeruk sambal (a type of citrus)


- Ketupat (sliced)

- Boiled eggs

- Snack mie remes

How to make:

1. Boil the tuna fish, drain the meat and take the tuna broth, add a little salt and set aside.

2. Steam the chili, garlic, and tomatoes. Crush them and add shrimp paste, salt, brown sugar, and mushroom broth powder. Blend until smooth. Drizzle with jeruk sambal, mix well.

3. Wash the kangkung thoroughly, boil, lift, and soak in cold water. Lift and drain.

4. Arrange ketupat on a plate, place kangkung on top, pour the tuna broth, add plecing sambal, and serve with eggs and mie remes.

Those are some plecing kangkung recipes with various flavors that you can learn and try at home.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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