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5 Ways to Get Rid of Sleepiness and Fatigue while Doing Activities

5 Ways to Get Rid of Sleepiness and Fatigue while Doing Activities Photo of ways to eliminate sleepiness, source: - Various methods can be applied to overcome fatigue and reduce sleepiness while going about daily activities.

It is important to understand this in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle and improve productivity.

Strategies to relieve fatigue and sleepiness actually depend on the routines performed before and during activities.

Several habits have been proven effective in dealing with these problems.

Getting enough rest at night, starting the morning with breakfast, and maintaining adequate fluid intake are steps that can help reduce fatigue and sleepiness.

Even if you have already implemented these steps, if you still experience fatigue and sleepiness, here are some other methods that can be tried to overcome them! summarized from Alo Dokter on Sunday, (25/02/2024).

1. Drink Enough Water

Lack of fluids in the body can result in drowsiness and fatigue.

Therefore, it is recommended to ensure adequate water intake by drinking at least one large glass every hour.

2. Consuming Caffeine

One common way to reduce drowsiness and fatigue is by consuming beverages that contain caffeine, such as coffee.

Although caffeine can reduce drowsiness, it is recommended to limit coffee consumption to one cup.

Consuming coffee can cause dehydration, which can ultimately increase fatigue.

3. Listening to Songs

One method to reduce drowsiness and fatigue is to use earphones to listen to music.

Listen to your favorite music playlist or listen to songs with dynamic rhythms, such as rock or pop music, that can boost your spirit and reduce drowsiness and fatigue.

4. Take a 10-20 Minute Afternoon Nap

If you feel very drowsy, take advantage of your break time to take a 10-20 minute afternoon nap.

If that is not possible or difficult to sleep, try lying down and closing your eyes for 10 minutes without any disturbance to feel more refreshed.

It is important to remember that getting enough sleep every night is crucial.

So, make sure to have adequate sleep at night and avoid staying up late to keep your body healthy and energetic the next day.

5. Prepare Healthy Snacks

When blood sugar levels drop, a person may feel weak.

In this condition, consuming light snacks can help restore energy and reduce drowsiness and fatigue.

Some healthy snack options that can boost body energy include whole grain biscuits, various types of nuts, and fruit slices such as watermelon, melon, and oranges.

6. What to Drink to Avoid Drowsiness?

By drinking beverages that contain caffeine, you can overcome drowsiness.

7. What Causes Us to Feel Sleepy?

Quoted from another source, one of the causes of frequent drowsiness and fatigue that occur in our bodies is excessive activity.

8. Is Feeling Sleepy After Eating Normal?

Quoted from another source, feeling sleepy after eating can also be caused by health disorders, such as poor blood circulation, allergies, diabetes, or stress.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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