Kapanlagi.com - Everyone experiences many things in their lives. Not only happy things, but often we also have to experience sad things. When enveloped in sadness, life will feel heavy to live. That's why sadness should be expressed. Writing sad words in English can be one way to express sadness.
Sad words in English not only become an outpouring of sadness. More than that, these words can also be a source of motivation for someone to be able to rise. Although it cannot be denied, to be able to rise from sadness is not an easy thing. Because, often someone needs a long time to heal a broken heart.
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Collected from various sources, here are sad words in English and their meaningful meanings.
1. Sad Words in English about Life

(credit: pixabay)
As life goes on, we will encounter various heartbreaking events such as loss or failure. These painful events make life feel heavier and sadder. Here are some sad words in English about life.
1. "In life, do not do something pleasing but it makes you sad at last."
(Dalam hidup, jangan lakukan sesuatu yang menyenangkan tetapi membuatmu sedih pada akhirnya.)
2. "People cry, not because they're weak. It's because they've been strong for too long."
(Orang-orang menangis, bukan karena mereka lemah. Ini disebabkan karena mereka menjadi kuat untuk waktu yang terlalu lama.)
3. "For you, I was a chapter. For me, you were the book."
(Untukmu, aku hanyalah sebuah bab dari buku. Dan untukku, kamu adalah sebuah buku.)
4. "This life is a choice like a quiz. Whatever makes you sad, throw it away. And, whatever makes you smile, keep it in your hand."
(Hidup ini adalah sebuah pilihan layknya ujian. Apa saja yang membuatmu sedih maka buang jauh-jauh, apa saja yang membuatmu tersenyum maka tetap genggamlah di tanganmu.)
5. "Tears dry, but the pain drowns."
(Air mata mengering, tetapi rasa sakitnya tenggelam semakin dalam.)
6. "I'm not mad. I'm hurt. There's a difference."
(Aku tidak marah. Aku terluka. Di sana terdapat perbedaan.)
7. "Stab the body and it heals, but injure the heart and the wound lasts a lifetime." - Mineko Iwasaki
(Tusuklah tubuh seseorang dan itu bisa disembuhkan, tetapi sakiti hatinya maka lukanya akan berbekas seumur hidup.)
8. "Moving on is simple, it's what you leave behind that makes it so difficult."
(Melanjutkan hidup kembali itu mudah, yang sulit adalah meninggalkan masa lalu.)
9. "Tears are words the heart can't express."
(Air mata adalah kata-kata yang tidak bisa diungkapkan oleh hati.)
10. "Just because I am strong enough to handle pain doesn't mean I deserve it."
(Hanya karena aku cukup kuat untuk menangani rasa sakit, bukan berarti aku pantas mendapatkannya.)
11. "This life is a choice. Whatever makes you sad, leave it.And, whatever makes you smile, hold it."
(Life is a choice. Whatever makes you sad, leave it. Whatever makes you smile, hold on to it.)
12. "When someone hurts you, do not be sad. God has the cure."
(When someone hurts you, don't be sad. God has the cure.)
13. "You can choose to feel sad about what you lose in your life or happy about what you have."
(You can choose to feel sad about what you lose in your life or happy about what you have.)
14. "He taught me how to love, but not how to stop."
(He taught me how to love, but not how to stop.)
15. "I think I have known you well, but now I know I am wrong."
(I thought I knew you well, but now I know I am wrong.)
16. "Nobody is very tough in this life. Everybody feels the sadness but they sometimes pretend to smile."
(Nobody is really strong in this life. Everyone feels sadness, but sometimes they pretend to smile.)
2. Sad Words in English about Love

(credit: pixabay)
Love is often called the most beautiful gift in life. However, it is not uncommon for love to also bring pain and sadness to someone's heart. Here are some sad words about love in English.
17. "If the trees abort the leaves to stay alive. So I want to lose you to make you and I still happy."
(If the trees shed their leaves to survive, I also want to lose you to keep you and me happy.)
18. "Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
(Pain cannot be avoided, but suffering is a choice.)
19. "When my heart is broken, my boats are burned: nothing matters anymore. It is the end of happiness, but the beginning of peace."
(When my heart is broken, my boats are burned: nothing matters anymore. It is indeed the end of happiness, but the beginning of peace.)
20. "Love don't cost a thing: except a lot of tears, a broken heart, and wasted years."
(Love doesn't ask for anything in return: except a pile of tears, a broken heart, and wasted time.)
21. "Pleasure of love lasts but a moment. Pain of love lasts a lifetime." - Bette Davis
(The joy of love only lasts for a moment, but the disappointment of love lasts forever.)
22. "Broken heart is funny to everyone, except those who are heartbroken. For me, heartbreak is very very not funny."
(A broken heart is funny to everyone, except for the one who is heartbroken. For me, a broken heart is not funny at all.)
23. "Love is blind, but a broken heart sees everything."
(Love is blind, but a broken heart sees everything.)
24. "No one realizes the beauty of love, until you lose it."
(No one realizes the beauty of love until they lose it.)
25. "It hurts the most when you can actually feel your heart breaking."
(The most painful thing is when you can actually feel your heart breaking.)
26. "Love can sometimes be magic but magic can sometimes just be an illusion."
(Love can sometimes be magic, but sometimes it is just an illusion.)
27. "I hate you for not letting me have you."
(I hate you for not letting me have you.)
28. "A broken heart is the worst. It's like having broken ribs. Nobody can see it but the pain is unbearable every time I breathe."
(A broken heart is the worst. It's like having broken ribs. Nobody can see it, but the pain is unbearable every time I breathe.)
29. "I have a thousand reasons to stick with you. However, you have a thousand reasons to leave me."
(I have a thousand reasons to stick with you.) However, you have a thousand and one reasons to leave me.)
30. "The hardest thing in the world is fixing a heart you didn't break by yourself."
(Hal tersulit di dunia adalah memperbaiki hati yang tidak engkau hancurkan sendiri.)
31. "It takes a strong heart to love, but it takes an ever stronger heart to continue to love after it's been hurt."
(Dibutuhkan hati yang kuat untuk mencintai, tetapi dibutuhkan hati yang lebih kuat untuk terus mencintai setelah terluka.)
3. Sad Words in English about Friends

(credit: pixabay)
Just like love, friendship often brings happiness in someone's life. However, it cannot be denied that a friend is also a human who can sometimes make mistakes that cause sadness. Here are sad words in English about friends.
32. "Better to be praised secretly by just one person who is the best in giving always openly an honest opinion than to be liked openly by any number of people who are good for nothing but just often make fun secretly of others." - Anuj Somany
(Lebih baik dipuji sembunyi-sembunyi oleh satu orang yang terbaik dalam memberi opini jujur yang terbuka, daripada oleh banyak orang yang tidak baik untuk apa-apa, sebaliknya hanya sering mengejek orang lain secara sembunyi-sembunyi.)
33. "When one has lost a friend one's eyes should be neither dry nor streaming. Tears, yes, there should be, but not lamentation." - Seneca
(Ketika seseorang telah kehilangan seorang teman, matanya seharusnya tidak kering atau mengalir. Air mata, iya, harus ada, tapi tidak ratapan.)
34. "Forgiving your enemy is easier than trying to forgive your best friend."
(Memaafkan musuhmu lebih mudah daripada mencoba memaafkan sahabatmu.)
35. "Friendship is delicate as a glass, once broken it can be fixed but there will always be cracks." - Waqar Ahmed
(Persahabatan itu rapuh seperti kaca, sekali rusak bisa diperbaiki tapi akan selalu ada retakan.)
36. "When someone breaks your trust don't feel stupid for trusting them. You didn't do anything wrong. They're just an untrustworthy person." - Sonya Parker
(Ketika seseorang menghancurkan kepercayaannya jangan merasa bodoh karena mempercayainya. You didn't do anything wrong. They are just untrustworthy people.)
37. "The word "friend" is a label anyone can try on. You decide who is best suited to wear it." - Carlos Wallace
(The word "friend" is a label that anyone can try on. You decide who is best suited to wear it.)
38. "It is somehow painful when you can lay your life down for them, but they won't be there for you, even when you need them the most." - Goals Rider
(It is somehow painful when you can lay your life down for them, but they won't be there for you, even when you need them the most.)
39. "I used to think enemies were the worst people in the world, but that was until I met fake friends and realized that they're a lot worse."
(I used to think enemies were the worst people in the world, but that was until I met fake friends and realized that they're a lot worse.)
40. "Friends who understand your tears is more valuable than many friends who only know your smile."
(Friends who understand your tears are more valuable than many friends who only know your smile.)
41. "If you have two friends in your lifetime, you're lucky. If you have one good friend, you're more than lucky."
(If you have two friends in your lifetime, you're lucky. If you have one good friend, you're more than lucky.)
4. Sad Words in English Full of Meaning

(credit: pixabay)
Sad words in English not only describe someone's sadness. More than that, these words are also written in meaningful sentences. So, from these words, we can learn many valuable things in life. Here are meaningful sad words in English.
42. "God always has the best one for you. He has the solution for your every problem, relieving feeling for your sadness, and happiness that waits for you."
(Tuhan selalu memiliki yang terbaik untukmu. Ia memiliki jalan keluar atas semua masalahmu, perasaan yang melegakan atas kesedihanmu, dan kebahagiaan yang menunggumu.)
43. "The one who gives you happiness that you can not explain will always be a reason of your sadness that you can not explain."
(Seseorang yang memberi kebahagiaan yang tak dapat kamu jelaskan akan selalu menjadi alasan atas kesedihan yang tidak bisa kamu jelaskan.)
44. "Don't put the sadness on your face because you never know that there is someone who feels happy by your smile."
(Jangan letakan kesedihan di wajahmu karena kamu tidak pernah sadar bahwa ada seseorang yang merasa bahagia oleh senyummu.)
45. "I know I am not so meaningful when you cried on your sadness, when you screamed on the public, when you hate everybody. But this is me who always do everything as a human who always loves you."
(Aku tahu aku tidaklah begitu berarti bagimu ketika kamu menangis dalam kesedihanmu, ketika kamu berteriak di depan publik, ketika kamu membenci semua orang. But, this is me who always does everything as a human who loves you.)
46. "The deepest pain is unseen by eyes. The deepest sadness is unsaid by words."
(The deepest pain is unseen by eyes. The deepest sadness is unsaid by words.)
47. "As God said just believe in me, lift your hands and I will help you."
(As God said, just believe in me and pray, then I will help you.)
48. "He can give you everything of materials and stuff you need every day which cannot be explained, but the reason for my love also cannot be mentioned as much as he gives you."
(He can give you everything, both material and things you need every day, which cannot be mentioned one by one, but the reason for my love for you also cannot be mentioned as he gives you.)
49. "Sometimes I choose to look happy because I do not want to explain why I am sad to those who cannot even understand what I feel."
(Sometimes I choose to appear happy because I do not want to explain why I am sad to those who cannot even understand what I feel.)
50. "When someone hurts you, do not be sad. God has the cure."
(When someone hurts you, do not be sad. God has the cure.)
51. "When someone who is so meaningful to you goes away, do not be sad. You can lose yourself and you will forget that you are priceless."
(When someone who is meaningful to you goes away, do not be sad. You can lose yourself if you are sad, and you will forget that you are priceless.)
52. "The only reason why sadness is so cruel and hurting me is just because you are the person who stands there."
(The only reason why sadness is so cruel and hurting me is just because you are the person who stands there.)
53. "When I was a kid, I wanted to be a policeman so I could catch the bad person. When I was a teenager, I wanted to be a police officer so that I could catch bad people. When I was a teenager, I wanted to be a manager so that I could have a lot of money. When I grew up, I realized that I am not what I used to dream of. "
(All the memories will come back, but he never does.)
"Someone who appears tough is not someone who never feels sad. They act like nothing is wrong, but their heart is hurt."
(These are 55 sad words in English and their meaningful translations. How about you? Is there anything that can represent your current feelings?)
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.