Kapanlagi.com - Since long ago, the movement and position during sleep have become a research, which is conducted to determine whether movement or sleeping position has benefits and also dangers to the body's health. There are various types of recommended movements or sleeping positions in terms of health, and one of them is sleeping on the right side. The benefits of sleeping on the right side turns out to be good for the health of the body when we are sleeping.
Sleep is a natural condition that occurs not only to humans, but also to animals. Not only as a way of life, sleep is also very important for health within the body. When someone has difficulty sleeping or has insufficient sleep, it can be ensured that the body will quickly be susceptible to diseases due to decreased body immunity. In addition, serious diseases will also come along as time goes by if we cannot sleep well.
The benefits of sleep for health also come from the position when we sleep. One of the benefits is when sleeping on the right side. Curious about what benefits occur when we sleep in a right-side position? Therefore, quoted from various sources, here are 6 benefits of sleeping on the right side for the health of the body that you must know.
1. Reducing Heart Load

credit: Pixabay
The first benefit of sleeping on the right side for health is reducing the heart load while we are sleeping. This is because the heart is located on the left side of our body, and if we sleep on the left side, the pressure on the heart will increase and compress its performance. And if we sleep facing the right side, the pressure on the heart will decrease and make it easier for the heart to work at night when sleeping.
Not only that, when sleeping facing the left side, other organs will press on the heart and give it a heavier load when working. Although it does not have a significant impact on the bad things that will happen to the heart, it is advisable for us to not sleep too often in a left-side position.
2. Resting the Stomach

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The next benefit of sleeping on the right side is that it can rest the stomach. This is because when we sleep facing to the left, it increases stomach acid in the body, which can cause erosion on the stomach wall. Not only that, if you sleep on the left side, there will be an activity called chyme, which is an activity where food will have difficulty accepting stomach acid fluid and result in a longer process of emptying food in the stomach.
This is what we usually experience such as constipation or difficulty in bowel movements. This can also affect the food we consume, as it does not provide much nutrition in the body with a digestion process that does not run smoothly.
3. Preventing Gallstones

credit: Pixabay
In addition to helping the performance of the heart, it turns out that the next benefit of sleeping on the right side is preventing the presence of gallstones in the body. This is because if you sleep on the right side, the chyme flow in the body will be smooth and the bile fluid will increase. On the other hand, if we sleep on the left side, it will reduce bile fluid, which may have fatal consequences later.
Not only that, by sleeping on the right side, it will help better absorption of nutrients into the body. Therefore, it doesn't hurt to sleep in a right-side position to help the body function smoothly and lightly.
4. Maintaining Lung Health

credit: Pixabay
The next benefit of sleeping on the right side is maintaining lung health. This is because the lungs do not have the same size, with the left lung being smaller than the right lung. This will certainly have an impact when we sleep on the left side, as the left lung is smaller.
And if we sleep on the right side, the heart will compress the larger lung, and of course, this is not too risky. In addition, when we sleep on the right side, it will reduce snoring during sleep. And if snoring disappears, it will not disturb your sleeping partner too much.
5. Improving Digestion

credit: Pixabay
And the next benefit of sleeping on the right side is that it can facilitate the process of filling the large intestine, and this can certainly affect the urge to have a bowel movement in the morning. That is why many people feel stomach pain to have a regular bowel movement in the morning. By having a regular bowel movement every morning, you will be free from various digestive problems. Not only that, a person who regularly has a bowel movement has a very low risk of being overweight.
But if you have difficulty having a bowel movement, there are many dangerous factors that you can experience, such as constipation, obesity, and even worse, you can get stomach cancer. It doesn't hurt to consume foods that are high in fiber and vitamins at this time, and also improve your sleeping position.
6. Resting the Left Brain

credit: Pixabay
Then the last benefit of sleeping on the right side is to rest the left brain. This is because the right brain is used to move the left side of the body and the left brain is used to move the right side of the body. In this case, people usually use the right side of the body more for their daily activities. Therefore, sleeping on the right side will allow the left brain to rest properly.
Not only that, by sleeping on the right side, it will reduce the narrowing of blood vessels, fat, and oxidized waste acids that occur due to sleeping activities.
Those are the 6 benefits of sleeping on the right side for body health, although it may not have a direct significant impact, if done continuously and becomes a habit, it may be dangerous. Therefore, it is not wrong for us to improve the habit of sleeping on the left side and change it to sleeping on the right side.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.