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6 Most Exciting and Unmissable Novel Series Recommendations, Including Romance - Fantasy

6 Most Exciting and Unmissable Novel Series Recommendations, Including Romance - Fantasy Novel Series Recommendations (credit: - There are various titles of novel series with very exciting stories that have even been adapted into feature films. From romance to fantasy genres, novel recommendations are very worth not to be missed.

Novel series consists of several parts with interconnected stories. This means that the novel is not only finished in one title, but continues with the next story following the main character's journey. From fantasy to romance genres, a series of novel recommendations in the review below are a must-have in your reading wishlist.

There are recommendations for the most exciting novel series from Wattpad to fictional stories by famous authors. Want to know what the best and most exciting novel series recommendations are? Let's directly check out the following review.



1. Senior

One of the exciting romance genre novel series recommendations is Senior. This novel is an adaptation from Wattpad that has successfully reached tens of millions of readers. For the Senior novel, it tells the story of the first meeting between Aluna and Nakula when they were still in high school.

At that time, Nakula became the head of the MOS (student orientation program) where Aluna was one of the new students. Nakula was known to be very handsome but quite quiet. This is what attracted Aluna to get to know Nakula. The beginning of their story is presented in the Senior novel, which is then continued in a novel titled Inestable. The Inestable novel will discuss Aluna's perspective in building a relationship with Nakula when they were still in high school. Then it is continued with the Athlas novel, which is the child of Nakula and Aluna. Interested in reading?



2. Dilan: He is Dilanku in 1990

The next novel series recommendation is Dilan: He is Dilanku in 1990. This novel is very popular and is included in the bestseller list. Moreover, the novel by Pidi Baiq has been adapted into a feature film that has captured public attention.

Through the novel titled Dilan: He is Dilanku in 1990, readers will be taken into the romance story between Dilan and Milea when they were still in high school. Dilan's character, who captivated Milea's heart in a unique way and made her emotional, will hypnotize you to follow their story until the end. Meanwhile, this novel also has a sequel titled Dilan Part Two: He is Dilanku in 1991, and Mile: The Voice From Dilan. And it is rumored that there is a new one titled Ancika: He Who is With Me in 1995.



3. The Royals

The Royals is also included in the list of recommended novel series that you shouldn't miss. This novel by Erin Watt has three parts that have a very exciting story about a girl named Ella Harper. Ella's life drastically changes when she is adopted by her father's best friend and lives in a big palace.

Now Ella has become a part of the Royal family with five other siblings. However, she faces difficult situations when her adopted siblings do not accept her as a new family member in the palace. Ella has no choice but to continue living in the palace with various conflicts and obstacles. For the first part, The Royals is presented with the title Paper Princess. The second part is The Royals: Broken Prince, and the third part is The Royals: Twisted Palace.



4. The Lord Of The Rings

The next recommended novel series is The Lord Of The Rings. You must be very familiar with the title of this novel, which has also been adapted into a blockbuster film. The Lord Of The Rings novel has three parts, telling the exciting adventures of Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee, which begin with the destruction of the ring in Mount Doom or Orodruin.

This mountain is located in Mordor, where there are many armed Orcs. They begin their adventure bravely, even though they have to overcome many obstacles and risk their lives. Their story is continued in the second trilogy titled The Two Towers. And the third part is The Return to the King. You can also read the novel titled The Hobbit, which tells the story of the hobbits' lives before The Lord Of The Rings novel is published. Guaranteed not to get bored following the story from beginning to end.



5. Harry Potter

Harry Potter became the most popular novel and film that has many fans. This novel comes in 7 series that tell the exciting adventures of Harry Potter with his magical powers at the magic school named Hogwarts. Harry Potter meets his friends at Hogwarts and spends his teenage years there.

In the first series, it will tell more about the life of Harry Potter and his family's enemy named Lord Voldemort. The evil wizard has killed Harry Potter's parents. He also intended to kill the baby Harry but failed. This is where the second meeting between Harry and Voldemort takes place after decades have passed. The story then continues for the next series titled Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.



6. Earth

Earth is a novel by Tere Liye that successfully entered the bestseller list. This novel is a series that consists of 11 parts. The serial novel Earth presents an interesting story about the adventure of a parallel world. There are three main characters in this novel, namely Raib, Ali, and Seli.

In the first serial, you will follow Raib's story who realizes that he has something special. He starts a new adventure to the parallel world and meets two friends, Seli and Ali. Meanwhile, for the reading order of this series, it starts with Earth, Moon, Sun, Star, Ceros and Batozar, Comet, Minor Comet, Selena, Nebula, Si Putih, Lumpu, and also Aunt Gili and Sagaras.

That is the most exciting novel series recommendation that you shouldn't miss. Happy reading, KLovers.




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