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60 Funny and Entertaining Silly Words, Makes You Laugh Out Loud - Suitable for Social Media Status

60 Funny and Entertaining Silly Words, Makes You Laugh Out Loud - Suitable for Social Media Status Illustration (credit: freepik) - Silly things are often sought after by people when they feel sad or in distress. Because, a gloomy heart can become happy just by looking at silly things. Not only in the form of pictures and videos, silly things can also be found in the form of words. In fact, silly words are also entertaining and can make someone laugh out loud.

Silly words can be a simple entertainment. However, the humor contained in these words can make someone burst into laughter. Not only for self-entertainment, these words are also suitable for use as social media statuses. Moreover, writing silly words on social media is equivalent to sharing happiness with others.

Interested in entertaining others through social media by posting silly word statuses? Compiled from and, here are funny and entertaining silly words.


1. Short Silly Words

There's no need for long sentences, silly and funny things can actually be conveyed in short sentences. Even in just one sentence, these words are still entertaining and can bring laughter. Here are some short silly words that are very entertaining.

1. "When you're polite, we're suspicious."

2. "When you're lazy, it doesn't mean you're diligent."

3. "Because being greeted a little, move on in a pot is ruined."

4. "Being steadfast is difficult, if it's light, take a rest."

5. "Humans can plan, but the balance also determines."

6. "Joking shouldn't go too far, if it goes too far, it becomes far-fetched."

7. "As tired as working, it's more tiring to be unemployed."

8. Talking to a fabric seller is enjoyable, because they have a lot of 'material'."

9. "Saving half to death, spending half unconsciously."

10. "I've also been rich, during payday."

11. "Loving you is normal. What's abnormal is loving your father."

12. "Soulmates don't go anywhere, but rivals are everywhere."

13. "Marriage is complicated. If it's simple, it's called a restaurant."

14. "The key to health is only one, which is not getting sick."

15. "Actually, someone else's boyfriend is also our boyfriend because we are also people."

16. "Heartache and toothache both start from something sweet."

17. "Sometimes life is like a comedy, if you don't laugh, you'll be laughed at."


2. Funny Words Make You Laugh

Funny words will be very suitable to read when sad or in distress. Because, the humor in these words will make the heart feel comforted. With that, a sad heart can become happy with laughter. Here are funny words that can make you laugh.

18. "Actually, math lessons in America are harder because they mix English."

19. "We paddle to the upstream, we swim to the shore. How can we go to the leader if until now we haven't become a couple."

20. "My girlfriend broke up with me because we have different beliefs. I believe that I am handsome, but she doesn't."

21. "Honey in your right hand, poison in your left hand, destiny remains in the hands of God."

22. "Netizens, if you exercise your thumbs on your phone without cooling down, no wonder your comments always make people angry."

23. "People say that falling eyelashes are a sign that someone is missing you. You are lucky if not many people miss you, otherwise, your eyelashes will run out."

24. "We live in a time where if we make a mistake, we get scolded, and if we do something right, it's called unusual."

25. "Earlier I bought sleeping pills." When bringing it home, you have to be careful, because you're afraid of waking up the medicine."

26. "There was a mother who was robbed earlier, but I couldn't help because I saw it on TV."

27. "Being single doesn't have to be ashamed, being single doesn't mean no one wants you, but indeed no one wants you."

28. "Remember, BPJS (health insurance) doesn't cover sickness because of love, and the SAR team (Search and Rescue) won't look for a soulmate that hasn't been found."

29. "Poor letter 'B' often feels cold. Because it's in the middle of the AC."

30. "Do you know why women are easily tempted by the charms of crocodiles? Because they believe that aloe vera has many benefits."

31. "I'm amazed by researchers who diligently search for ancient sites and dig the ground, even though they just need to open Google and type 'ancient sites'."

32. "Running away won't solve problems, except for the problem of obesity."


3. Funny and Satirical Words

For those of you who have a humorous personality, silly words will be very suitable as social media statuses. Its funny sentences will entertain many people at once. Here are silly and cool words that are suitable for social media statuses.

33. "In this world, there are three things that people hate the most, which are empty minds, empty talks, and empty wallets."

34. "Love should be like a chemistry lesson, not just theory, but also practice."

35. "Money may not guarantee happiness, but having no money guarantees even less."

36. "Dream as much as you want about what you desire, because it's just a dream."

37. "Love is sacrifice, but if it's always about sacrifice, it's called suffering."

38. "Don't think about what people say. They speak without thinking."

39. "Learn from armpit hair. Even though it's trapped, it still stays strong and keeps growing."

40. "Still hoping and keep hoping, eventually I become the champion of hope."

41. "Work hard until your neighbors think your fortune is the result of black magic."

42. "If studying often makes you forget about time, forget about time when it's time to study."

43. "If you can't convince and impress people with your intelligence, confuse them with your stupidity."

44. "If God hasn't answered your prayers, be patient, and remember that you're not the only one praying."

45. "When someone tries to distance themselves from you, don't let them before they repay their debts."

46. "Rowing once, the fatigue won't disappear for two or three days."

47. "Laughter can be the best medicine. But if you laugh without a clear reason, maybe you need medicine."

48. "A good friend will lend their shoulder for you to cry on. But a great friend will lend a shovel to hit the person who made you cry."


4. Funny and Satirical Words

Funny words are not only funny and entertaining. You can use these words to convey messages in the form of satire. Because, besides being funny, some funny words also contain hidden messages or meanings. Here are funny words that are also satirical.

49. "His status is spiritual, his behavior is devilish."

50. "You must be tired, every morning you have to put on makeup for two faces at once."

51. "Don't like to deceive yourself because that becomes someone else's task."

52. "Girls like to look in the mirror to fix their appearance, but not to fix their mistakes."

53. "True love is in the heart, not in the Instagram story."

54. "You're sensitive, right? That's why when you chat, use your fingers, not your heart."

55. "If you want to be comfortable all the time, just date a sofa."

56. "Friendship is like a 'cocoon', sometimes nosy and sometimes troublesome."

57. "I'm not insulting you, I'm describing you honestly."

58. "Meeting on Twitter, dating on Facebook, in a relationship on WhatsApp, breaking up on Instagram, sorry, is that dating or an online shop?"

59. "Your life is like a banana tree, it has a heart but no soul."

60. "Now, if you want to confide in a friend, you have to use No Drop, so that your confessions don't leak everywhere."

Those are 60 funny words that are funny and can make you laugh. Hopefully useful and entertaining!



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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