Kapanlagi.com - Almost everyone has dreamed while sleeping. The dreams that occur often attract attention and sometimes make us curious. This is because some dreams are believed to have hidden meanings. One of the dreams that invites curiosity is the doomsday dream. Many Muslims are curious about the meaning of doomsday dreams according to Islamic views.
According to Islamic views, dreams are believed to be one of the ways Allah communicates with His servants. Through dreams that appear during sleep, Allah can send messages, guidance, or even warnings to His servants. Therefore, many Muslims are curious about the dreams they experience, including dreams of seeing the doomsday.
Curious about the explanation of the meaning of doomsday dreams according to Islamic views? To find out, just read the following review.
1. Reminder about the Day of Judgment

Meaning of Dreams of the Day of Judgment in Islam Reminder about the Day of Judgment (credit: unsplash)
The meaning of dreams about the Day of Judgment in Islam is often interpreted as a sign of the coming of the Day of Judgment. In this dream, a person can see events that are signs of the major signs of the Day of Judgment such as earthquakes, floods, and the splitting of the sky.
This can be considered as a warning from God to get closer to Him and perform good deeds. After all, the Day of Judgment can happen at any time without anyone knowing.
2. Sign of Forgiveness
In Islamic view, dreams about the Day of Judgment can also be interpreted as a sign of forgiveness. In that dream, a person may experience fear and anxiety because they feel guilty for their bad deeds. This can be seen as a call to repentance and self-improvement so that those sins can be forgiven by Allah.
Furthermore, dreams about the Day of Judgment can also be seen as a reminder of the true afterlife. In that dream, a person may feel restlessness and worry about life after death, as well as the accountability for all their actions in this world. This dream can be a call for self-improvement.
3. Warning about the Day of Retribution

Meaning of Dreaming about the Apocalypse According to Islam Warning about the Day of Retribution (credit: unsplash)
Thirdly, the meaning of dreaming about the apocalypse according to Islam can also be a warning about the existence of the day of retribution. In this dream, someone may see a view of hell, angels writing down human deeds, and the process of hisab or the calculation of deeds in the presence of Allah SWT.
According to this interpretation, the dream of the apocalypse can remind us of the importance of doing good and staying away from sinful acts. Dreams about the apocalypse can also serve as a reminder of Allah's justice and regret for the bad deeds committed. This dream encourages individuals to engage in deep introspection, repent, and strive to become better individuals in the eyes of Allah SWT.
4. Symbol of Spiritual Transformation
Dreams about the apocalypse in Islam can also have a meaning as a symbol of spiritual transformation. In this dream, someone may see themselves in the midst of the chaos that occurs during the apocalypse. This can be interpreted as a call to increase self-awareness, increase faith, and achieve higher spiritual growth.
In this process of spiritual transformation, dreams about the apocalypse can also serve as a reminder of the importance of getting closer to Allah SWT. One way is by performing worship more perfectly and improving relationships with fellow human beings.
5. Warning to Prepare for the Hereafter

Meaning of Dream of Judgement Day in Islam Warning to Prepare for the Hereafter (credit: unsplash)
Furthermore, dreams about the apocalypse can also serve as a warning for a Muslim to always prepare themselves for the afterlife. In this dream, someone may see a crowd of people rushing to prepare for the apocalypse. This can be interpreted as a call to always perform righteous deeds, obey Allah's commands, and avoid His prohibitions.
In addition, dreams about the apocalypse can also serve as a reminder to live with full awareness of the importance of maintaining good relationships with fellow human beings, as well as preserving the environment and the universe that Allah has created.
6. Signs of the Coming of Miracles
The meaning of dreaming about judgement day in Islam can also be interpreted as a sign of the coming of miracles. In this dream, someone may see extraordinary phenomena such as unimaginable natural disasters, the appearance of supernatural beings, or surprising events. This can be considered as a warning that the miracles of God can happen at any time.
7. Call for Repentance

Meaning of the Apocalypse Dream According to Islam - Call to Repentance (credit: unsplash)
Lastly, the meaning of dreaming about judgement day can also be a call for reflection and repentance. In this dream, someone may feel deep panic and fear because they realize the destruction that will occur during judgement day. This can be interpreted as a call to improve oneself, repent for sins committed, and change one's life towards a better path.
Dreaming about judgement day can also serve as a reminder of the importance of increasing faith and improving one's relationship with Allah SWT. This dream can motivate someone to focus more on worship, pray sincerely, and consistently perform good deeds in order to attain blessings in this life and the hereafter.
Those are some explanations of the meaning of dreaming about judgement day in Islam. This dream can be a call to draw closer to Allah, enhance spirituality, prepare for the hereafter, and repent for sins. It is important to reflect upon and understand the meaning of this dream, and apply it in daily life.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.