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7 Types of Small Capital Businesses with Big Profits, Most Sought After!

7 Types of Small Capital Businesses with Big Profits, Most Sought After! (credit: pixabay) - Most people are afraid to try business because they don't have capital. However, capital is not the only factor for the success of the business you are running. In this rapidly developing era of communication technology, it is easy to start something with minimal capital as long as you are consistent. The most important thing is that you are not hesitant when running the business and create the right strategy so that the business you build can bring in huge profits.

Nowadays, there are many business opportunities that offer zero capital but still provide profits for the business owners. Especially with the influence of social media in marketing your business. So, for those of you who want to start a business or start a side business, these types of small capital businesses can be tried because they can generate multiplied profits. Curious about what businesses you can start? Let's directly see the following review.


1. Snack Food Business

The food business has become a popular trend and a promising business opportunity. This is because there are many food enthusiasts who constantly buy food. This habit is a major reason why the food business will continue to have opportunities in the hearts of its consumers.

To maximize these opportunities, you can start a business selling snacks. Snacks are one of the most sought-after food items to accompany various activities. You don't need to rely on expensive snacks, you can try selling snacks that you consider to be simple to make.


2. Typing Service Business

Typing services are one of the small capital business opportunities that you can try. You only need a computer or laptop that you own to earn money.

Usually, students who have a lot of assignments to write papers will need typing services. This is an opportunity for your business. It would be beneficial to also offer printing services to increase your income.


3. Home Catering Business

For those of you who have a passion for cooking, it's best to utilize it by opening a home catering business. Catering is also a type of small capital business that is very profitable. This business is easy to run, you don't need to rent a shop to produce food. Just use all the cooking equipment available at home.

You can offer food menus through social media or offer them to friends in your contact list. If the service and catering meet the consumers' satisfaction, without any promotion, your home catering business will also be known by itself.


4. Renting Equipment or Items Business

Another type of small capital business is renting equipment or items. However, this type of business can bring in a big profit. The capital for providing rental equipment varies, as it is adjusted to the type of items you previously purchased. Therefore, unused but still in good condition items can be rented out to people in need by charging a certain fee.

Examples of rental business include renting clothes, motorcycles, cars, or baby equipment that are still in good condition due to their relatively short usage period. Marketing rental businesses is also relatively easy. One way is to utilize digital technology through the internet, which has a wide reach.


5. Business Laundry Kilogram Business

Next, one small capital business that you can pursue is opening a kilogram laundry. Because most people prefer practical things due to the daily busyness that is hard to avoid. Therefore, many people choose to do a kilogram laundry business. The most important thing is that you have a well-planned marketing strategy, so that your business will run smoothly.


6. Pre Order Business

Pre-order business is buying a product and having to wait for some time to get the product. This business is the most popular because it does not require much capital or can be said to be without capital at all. The most important thing is that you also have to pay attention to the quality of the product because a customer is willing to wait for the purchased item. If you are interested in running this business, it is better to understand the product that you will sell well.


7. Motorcycle Washing Business

Motorcycle washing business may require a small capital, but don't be mistaken, it can be very promising. Especially during the rainy season, where most motorcycles will need cleaning. Moreover, this business can be pursued for the long term.

Those are some types of small capital businesses that can generate big profits. Don't be afraid to try and hopefully it will be beneficial.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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