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Ethics is the Science of Human Behavior and Morality, Understand Its Function and Benefits

Ethics is the Science of Human Behavior and Morality, Understand Its Function and Benefits Illustration (credit: freepik) - Ethics is considered as one of the important things that everyone should have. Ethics is a term that is often associated with a person's behavior or character. A person is said to be ethical if they can behave politely as they should place themselves in certain conditions and situations. Ethics is something that is highly regarded in various aspects of life.

In the Indonesian Dictionary, ethics is seen as part of science. Based on the Indonesian Dictionary, ethics is the science of what is good and what is bad and about moral rights and obligations (morality). As a science, ethics places humans and their behavior as the object. In the end, society uses ethics as the basis for judging the goodness or badness of a person's behavior.

However, ethics is something important to learn and apply in everyday life. Summarized from, here is a more complete review of what ethics is.

1. Definition of Ethics

If viewed from its origin, ethics comes from the Greek word, "ethikos", which means habit. From there, the term ethics is associated with someone's behavior or conduct. Then, ethics is seen from the perspective of the philosophy of knowledge. As a branch of science, ethics is normative because it places human behavior as an object.

In addition to that view, several experts also have their own definitions of what ethics is. Some of their opinions are as follows.

1. Aristotle
According to Aristotle, ethics is divided into two parts, Terminius Technikus and Manner and Custom. Terminius Technikus is a part of ethics as a science that focuses on human actions. Meanwhile, Manner and Custom are discussions of ethics that are related to procedures and customs related to the judgment of good or bad behavior.

2. Drs.H.Burhanudin Salam
Drs.H.Burhanudin Salam has a different opinion about ethics. According to him, ethics is a branch of philosophy that discusses the values and norms that shape human behavior in their lives.

3. W.J.S.Poerwadarminto
W.J.S.Poerwadarminto believes that ethics is a science that discusses the principles of morality.

4. Prof.DR.Franz Magnis Suseno
Another opinion on ethics is presented by Prof.DR.Franz Magnis Suseno. According to him, ethics is a science that aims to find orientation or knowledge that provides guidance for human actions.

5.James J. Spillane SJ
According to James J.Spillane SJ, ethics is a science that pays attention to human behavior in making decisions, especially those related to morality. In addition, ethics also relates to the use of human reason as objectivity to determine right or wrong in one's behavior towards others.

2. Characteristics of Ethics

As a science that can be directly applied in daily life through behavior, ethics has identifiable characteristics. The following are some characteristics of ethics.

1. Ethics is closely related to human actions or behavior.

2. In addition to actions or behavior, ethics is also related to thoughts or perspectives from the inner side of humans.

3. Ethics is used as a standard for judging the goodness or badness of someone's behavior.

4. Ethical values will always apply, even if there are few or no people who believe in them.

5. Ethics is absolute or unconditional.

3. Functions of Ethics

Ethics is an important branch of knowledge in human life as social beings. Ethics will show how a person behaves in building relationships with others. In addition, ethics also has several functions. One of the functions of ethics is to provide a place to obtain critical orientation that may be confronted with confusing moral realities.

In addition, as a science, ethics also holds the function or role of intellectual skills, which is the skill to argue rationally and critically. Finally, the function of ethics is to show ethical orientation, which is needed to take a stance.

4. Benefits of Ethics

In addition to demonstrating certain functions, the existence of ethics also brings a number of benefits. The presence of ethics will make humans better understand their nature as social beings. As a result, humans are more motivated to help each other based on morality.

In addition, ethics is also useful as a guide in determining what should or should not be changed, especially in terms of attitude or behavior. Not only that, ethics can also be used to solve problems in the moral and confusing social realm. With ethics, humans will be able to think more critically and ethically in finding solutions.

Another benefit of ethics is that it can be used as a basis for thinking and working systematically and orderly. Finally, ethics can be used as a tool to investigate a problem to its roots.

Those are some of the reviews about ethics as the science of human behavior. Hopefully, it is useful and can increase knowledge.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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