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8 Benefits of Chili for Body Health, Not Only Stimulating Appetite

8 Benefits of Chili for Body Health, Not Only Stimulating Appetite Illustration (credit: Freepik) - Chili or also known as lombok is one type of plant whose fruit is classified as a vegetable or spice in a dish. Currently, spicy food is very popular, especially among the Indonesian people. It's not surprising, because chili can stimulate someone's appetite. And of course, chili has many benefits for body health.

Chili itself has many types, the most popular in Indonesia are, there are large red chili, curly red chili, large green chili, curly green chili, bird's eye chili, caplak chili, and white caplak chili. Of course, the level of spiciness for all these chilies is different, so the use of chili is different for processing or eating directly.

But what are the benefits of chili for body health? According to various sources, here are 8 benefits of chili for body health that you must know. Let's check it out KLovers.

1. Relieving Pain

The first benefit of chili for body health is that it can relieve pain in the body. If you often experience pain in your body after exercising or feeling cold air, then you can use the benefits of chili.

This is because chili contains capsaicin. And this content is able to relieve pain, so it is often included in ointments or creams for relieving muscle and joint pain. So it's no wonder that there are chili plasters, even creams that have a spicy sensation because they use chili.

2. Boosting Immune System

The next benefit of chili for body health is that it can boost the immune system in the body. For those of you who really like spicy food, you are less likely to be infected with diseases caused by viruses and bacteria, KLovers. That's because chili has the ability to boost your immune system.

This is because chili contains vitamin C which is beneficial for boosting body immunity. In addition, the vitamin C in chili is also known to be good for skin health. So your skin is healthier and free from free radicals.

3. Preventing Cancer

Not only does it provide health benefits and treat mild diseases, KLovers. Other benefits of chili peppers can also prevent cancer in your body. Cancer itself is one of the deadliest diseases worldwide. Usually, cancer occurs due to frequent exposure to free radicals or living an unhealthy lifestyle.

To overcome this and prevent cancer from occurring in your body, you can consume chili peppers. This is because the carotenoid content in chili peppers has antioxidant properties, so it can fight cancer-causing cells. However, further research is needed regarding the role of chili peppers in combating cancer cells.

4. Reducing the Risk of Heart Disease

Not only cancer, but the benefits of chili peppers can also reduce the risk of someone developing heart disease. Besides cancer, heart disease is also one of the highest deadliest diseases worldwide. Therefore, living a healthy lifestyle can also reduce the risk of this heart disease, one of which is by consuming chili peppers.

This is once again due to the capsaicin content in chili peppers. Although further research is still needed, the capsaicin content found in chili peppers is believed to be able to lower cholesterol levels and prevent blockage of blood vessels that cause heart disease. Thus, reducing the risk of someone developing coronary heart disease.

5. Burning Body Fat

Usually, someone who consumes spicy food will sweat excessively. And it turns out that chili peppers are indeed able to burn fat in the body, KLovers. With maximum fat burning, it will make someone lose weight.

This is because the capsaicin content found in chili peppers can increase calorie and fat burning in the body. The spicy sensation produced by capsaicin can stimulate fat, thus promoting body metabolism.

Increased metabolism can result in optimal fat burning. This benefit can help naturally reduce weight. However, it doesn't mean that you can lose weight just by consuming excessive amounts of chili peppers, KLovers, because that is not good.

6. Improving Cognitive Function

Cognitive function is a mental process of selecting, storing, processing, and developing information received from external stimulation. When cognitive function is impaired, symptoms such as difficulty with memory, perception, and learning may occur. Therefore, maintaining cognitive function with healthy activities and food is indeed mandatory.

Your body needs the right amount of oxygen and iron to achieve and maintain good cognitive performance. Adding chili to your food every day can reduce the likelihood of cognitive disorders such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease when you are older.

7. Relieving Flu Symptoms

Another benefit of chili is its ability to relieve flu symptoms. Who here feels better when consuming spicy food during flu? In fact, this is not just a feeling, KLovers, chili is indeed a good remedy for someone who is experiencing flu symptoms. Of course, this is once again due to the presence of capsaicin in chili.

Capsaicin not only reduces body pain, but also relieves nasal congestion caused by the flu. The heat from chili stimulates secretion and helps clear mucus from the blocked nose. Capsaicin has anti-bacterial properties that fight chronic sinus infections, thus inducing vasoconstriction in the nasal cavity blood vessels.

8. Maintaining Eye Health

And the last benefit of chili for body health is that it can maintain eye health. The eyes are indeed one of the body's organs that are very important to be maintained, because the eyes are very sensitive to damage. In addition to consuming carrots, you can also consume chili to maintain eye health.

Consuming chili while eating, about one tablespoon every day, can improve your vision. Chili can also prevent night blindness and macular degeneration due to its high content of vitamin A.

Those are the 8 benefits of chili for body health that you must know. Not only capable of improving appetite, it turns out chili can also provide extraordinary health for the body when consumed properly.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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