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8 Causes of Vomiting Blood and Beware of the Risks, Don't Underestimate!

8 Causes of Vomiting Blood and Beware of the Risks, Don't Underestimate! Causes of vomiting blood (credit: - Vomiting blood is a condition in which a person vomits along with the discharge of blood. The cause of vomiting blood can come from various triggering factors but is closely related to digestive problems. When experiencing vomiting blood, most people become worried about their health condition, which can also be a sign of a disturbance in the body.

Vomiting is one of the symptoms of certain health disorders that are usually triggered by body digestive conditions. But what if something is vomited from the stomach along with the discharge of blood. Surely this condition often worries many people because it is a sign of high-risk diseases.

However, this assumption may not necessarily be true without further examination and knowing the cause of vomiting blood. The blood that comes out is usually bright or dark in color. This can be recognized by understanding the various causes of vomiting blood.

In addition, the amount of blood that comes out of the body along with vomiting can determine the method of treatment. For example, with blood transfusion or even surgery to stop bleeding. Similarly, the cause of vomiting blood can determine the right treatment.

The causes of vomiting blood to be aware of the level of risk can be found in the reviews below. The following are the causes of vomiting blood summarized by from various sources.


1. Nosebleed

The first cause of vomiting blood can occur due to nosebleeds. As known, nosebleeds are a condition experienced when blood comes out of the nose. This condition can be triggered by several causes ranging from injuries to certain medical conditions.

In this case, nosebleeds are also a possible cause of vomiting blood. Because when nosebleeds occur, blood is swallowed and enters the respiratory tract. This is what can cause symptoms of vomiting to be mixed with blood.


2. GERD Disease

The next cause of vomiting blood can occur due to experiencing gastroesophageal reflux disease. This disease can trigger the rise of stomach acid towards the esophagus. According to, when someone has severe GERD, it can cause inflammation. This inflammation occurs due to acid that can irritate the esophageal lining and cause bleeding. When symptoms of nausea and vomiting occur, the vomit that is expelled can be mixed with blood.


3. Injury to the Esophagus

Another cause of vomiting blood is due to injury to the esophagus. In this case, it is associated with continuous vomiting that causes injury. Continuous vomiting can cause tears in the esophageal lining, leading to bleeding. As a result, when symptoms of vomiting occur again, the vomit will come out along with blood.


4. Esophageal Varices

The esophagus is part of the throat that functions to carry food from the mouth to the stomach. Various problems can also occur in the esophagus, including experiencing varices. According to, esophageal varices occur when blood vessels enlarge in the esophagus.

This condition usually does not cause pain but can experience bleeding. This is what causes vomiting blood to occur. In addition, esophageal varices can be caused by liver disease. Further examination is needed to get appropriate treatment.


5. Stomach Pain

Stomach pain is one of the common types of diseases that occur in everyone. This condition is usually caused by several factors such as unhealthy lifestyle, stress, improper food consumption, or even GERD. When a stomach ulcer occurs, the lining of the stomach ulcer becomes open wounds that cause pain. According to, this condition can also cause bleeding to occur due to damage to the arteries in the stomach ulcer. So when symptoms of vomiting occur, it is possible that the vomit can come out with blood.


6. Excessive Alcohol Consumption

The cause of vomiting blood can also be triggered by excessive alcohol consumption. As is known, the negative effects of excessive alcohol consumption can affect the body's health condition. For example, liver disease, digestive problems, and decreased brain function.

In this case, excessive alcohol consumption can trigger a number of problems that potentially cause bleeding in the body. For example, experiencing scar tissue in the liver that causes problems and leads to blood vessel rupture. This condition can trigger vomiting blood.


7. Side Effects of Certain Drugs

Vomiting blood can also be triggered by the consumption of certain drugs. According to, certain types of drugs can cause vomiting blood. These types of drugs include aspirin, NSAIDs, and blood thinners. Therefore, consultation and examination with a doctor should be considered if symptoms and effects of vomiting blood occur in order to receive appropriate treatment.


8. Small Intestine Inflammation

Inflammation in the small intestine can also trigger vomiting blood. This inflammation is known as duodenitis in medical terms. Where the inflammation occurs in the duodenum, which is located below the stomach.

When experiencing this inflammation, several symptoms may arise such as vomiting, nausea, stomach pain, or cramps. Even in severe conditions, bleeding may occur in the duodenum. This is what can trigger vomiting blood.


9. Symptoms of Vomiting Blood

Some symptoms that sufferers may experience can be recognized as follows. These are symptoms of vomiting blood that occur simultaneously with vomiting as reported by

- Nausea.

- Abdominal pain.

- Dizziness.

- Blurred vision.

- Rapid heartbeat.

- Changes in breathing.

- Cold and clammy skin.

- Vomiting blood after an injury.

Those are 8 causes of vomiting blood and be aware of the risks, don't underestimate them. Consultation and further examination with a doctor can be done to prevent other risks.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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