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90 Meaningful Prayers and Hopes, Source of Strength to Endure Difficult Situations

90 Meaningful Prayers and Hopes, Source of Strength to Endure Difficult Situations Illustration (credit: freepik) - Prayers and hopes often become a source of strength for someone to endure in difficult situations. Through prayers, someone can convey hopes and seek help from God. Prayers accompanied by efforts become a way to achieve hopes. Prayer words and hopes can be a source of strength when one must continue to strive and fight.

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Hopes and prayers are two important things for someone in living this life. With both, no matter how difficult the obstacles we face, we will still have the belief to endure and win. However, hopes and prayers alone are certainly not enough. Efforts are needed to be able to achieve what has been hoped for all this time.

Words about prayers and hopes can ignite someone's spirit in fighting. Gathered from various sources, here are prayer words and hopes that are meaningful and can be a source of strength.



1. Wise Prayers and Hopes

Praying is a reflection of wisdom. Because, when someone prays, they have humbled their hearts. They realize that there is no power that can save them except God. Here are some prayers and hopes that contain wise messages.

1. "Effort and hope will always be present in someone who prays and struggles without giving up."

2. "There is no success without hard work. There is no achievement without togetherness. There is no ease without prayer." - Ridwan Kamil

3. "If we pray, and only 50% of it comes true, it doesn't mean that our prayer is only half answered. It may be that God is testing our contentment. Are we content with what we have." - Tere Liye

4. "Do not be discouraged if the answer to your prayer does not come immediately. Study, reflect, and continue to pray, have sincere faith, and follow His commands." - Joseph B.Wirthlin

5. "When you think you cannot solve a problem, remember that sincere and sincere prayer can overcome it."

6. "The fastest answered prayer is a secret prayer offered for others." - Ibn Taymiyyah

7. "Effort and prayer depend on aspirations: humans do not obtain anything except what they have strived for." - Jalaluddin Rumi

8. "No matter how bad life is, there is always something you can do and succeed. Where there is life, there is hope." - Stephen Hawking

9. "Prayer not only changes something - it changes us. If we diligently seek God, slowly but surely, we become better people." - Joyce Meyer

10. "Something you hope for, never stop praying for it. Believe that God will surely grant it."

11. "There is no medicine as powerful as hope, no motivator as strong as hope, and no tonic as strong as expecting something to happen tomorrow."

12. "I pray to start my day and end my day with prayer." - Tim Tebow

13. "There is nothing wrong with prayer, but when you decide to stop praying, that's where the mistake is, to stop pleading to Him for every request that your mind cannot even explain. Just believe, what is impossible for you, is very easy for Him."

14. "Hope will always be present for those who believe in change."

15. "Hope will turn into an answer when accompanied by effort."

16. "Nothing is impossible. Every hope will come true when accompanied by effort and prayer."

17. "Everyone has the same right to hope for a better life."

18. "There is nothing wrong with having a hope. Round off your determination to achieve your dreams."

19. "Behind your failures, remember the hopes you had in your first step."

20. "Hope will become a reality for those who work hard."


2. Meaningful Prayers and Hopes

Words about prayer and hope always contain deep meaning. Because when praying, things that want to be conveyed are directly to God. Therefore, the sentences in someone's prayer are always meaningful. Here are some meaningful words of prayer and hope.

21. "We must accept limited disappointment, but never lose unlimited hope." - Martin Luther King

22. "We always hold on to hope, belief, with the belief that there is a better life, a better world, beyond the horizon." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

23. "We may be disappointed with what has happened, but never lose hope for a better future." - Bambang Pamungkas

24. "Prayer is the key to morning and evening." - Mahatma Gandhi

25. "Nurture dreams and hopes along with prayers and efforts."

26. "Prayer is the greatest strength of man!" - W. Clement Stone

27. "To make someone happy, fill their hands with work, their hearts with love, their minds with goals, their memories with useful knowledge, and their future with hope." - Frederick E. Crane

28. "Prayer becomes more meaningful when we unite with God in all our actions, when we sincerely express gratitude, and when we pray for others." - David A. Bednar

29. "Prayer is simply a two-way conversation between you and God." - Billy Graham

30. "Prayer is a remedy for a soul that is empty, a mind that is troubled, and a heart that is wounded."

31. "The best gift you can give and receive is prayer."

32. "The answer to the prayers of every member of your family is passed through you, not because you are great, but because they pray and pray for you." - Mario Teguh

33. "Prayer is the thoughts, beliefs, and feelings that arise in the mind of the one who prays." - Ernest Holmes

34. "I am walking proof of the power of prayer." - Fabrice Muamba

35. "In prayer, it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart." - John Bunyan

36. "If prayer is not a request, at least it is an acknowledgment of human weakness before the Lord." - Pidi Baiq

37. "Prayer is not the idle pastime of an old woman." Understood and applied correctly, prayer is the most powerful instrument of action." - Mahatma Gandhi

38. "Prayer is the great admission of ignorance." - Victor Hugo

40. "Prayer is nothing but friendship with God." - Saint Teresa of Avila

41. "If someone's hope is lowered to zero, they will truly appreciate everything they have now." - Stephen Hawking

42. "Prayer is a natural expression of faith just as breathing is life." - Jonathan Edwards

43. "Of all duties, prayer is certainly the sweetest and easiest." - Laurence Sterne

44. "Be persistent when your hope is small, be even more persistent when you may lose, and be even more persistent when you cannot win. That is faith." - Mario Teguh

45. "Where there is no hope, there is no hard work." - Samuel Johnson


3. Prayers and Hopes Give Strength

As mentioned earlier, prayer becomes one source of human strength. Through prayer, someone can seek strength and resilience from God. Thus, becoming stronger in facing various obstacles in life. Here are some words of prayer and hope as a source of strength.


46. "Nothing is impossible in this world, what you want can definitely be achieved, as long as you are patient, make an effort, and sincerely pray."

47. "No matter how hard you try, the result is still up to God. Don't worry and feel defeated if you have done your best."

48. "A great person is not someone who can see the mistakes of others, but someone who can see their own mistakes before blaming others."

49. "There is no progress without change. A person who cannot change their way of thinking will not be able to change anything."

50. "Sometimes we will be tested on the plans we make. Tested for sincerity, patience, and mental strength."

51. "Never be sad about what happens today. Because we don't know what will happen tomorrow."

52. "Don't give up if your dreams haven't come true. With spirit, belief, and accompanied by prayer, everything that seems impossible can become possible."

53. "I found hope in the darkest days, and focused on the brightest days. I don't blame the universe."

54. "Prayer is the intermediary of miracles; in whatever way suitable for you, pray now." - Marianne Williamson

55. "The power of prayer will turn the impossible into the possible."

56. "I truly believe in the power of prayer." - Geraldine Ferraro

57. "Living without hope means stopping living."

58. "As long as you are sincere, God will never waste your efforts and prayers."

59. "To make someone happy, fill their hands with work, their hearts with love, their minds with purpose, their memories with useful knowledge, and their future with hope."

60. "Prayer gives strength to the weak, makes unbelievers believe, and gives courage to the fearful." - Aristotle

61. "Life must be fought for and is inseparable from perfecting your efforts. Then wait for perfect results with patience."

62. "The power of prayer will be much more effective when accompanied by self-determination to improve one's attitude towards life." - Abdullah Gymnastiar

63. "You are never given a hope without being given the strength to make it come true at the same time. However, you must make an effort." - Richard Bach

64. "Intend, strive, and pray. Whatever the result, remain sincere because that is the best given by God. Believe it."

65. "If done sincerely and with focused effort, surely the prayers offered will be answered."


4. Islamic Prayers and Hopes

In Islam, prayer is one of the highly recommended acts of worship. Through prayer, the relationship between humans and Allah SWT can be established. The more diligent a Muslim is in prayer, the closer and stronger their bond with Allah SWT will be. Here are some Islamic prayers and hopes.

66. "Allah has time to listen, so pray at all times to receive His mercy."

67. "Prayer is better than sleep." - Ibn Majah

68. "And when you have completed the prayer, remember Allah standing, sitting, or lying on your sides. But when you feel secure, re-establish prayer. Indeed, prayer has been decreed upon the believers a decree of specified times." (Quran 4:103)

69. "When you stand up for your prayer, pray as if you are bidding farewell. Do not say anything that you have to apologize for and let go of the desire to acquire what others possess." - Abu Ayyub

70. "Seek refuge in Allah from Satan and all types of evil by remembering Him at all times in your prayers." Let positivity and good vibes enter your life."

71. "As long as you remember Allah, you are praying, even if you are in the market."

72. "The most honored is none other than Allah the Almighty and there is no one else. The greatest and most powerful is only Allah SWT. So pray only to Him and not to others."

73. "And seek help through patience and prayer, and indeed, it is difficult except for those who are humble."

74. "Guard what is between you and Allah, and He will guard what is between you and the people."

75. "Prayers made during tahajud are like arrows that never miss their target." - Imam Shafie

76. "No matter how small the hope is, it always exists. Hope is now present in Hand. Effort and prayer are a must. Before surrendering to Allah the Almighty."

77. "Pray for as many people as possible with the best prayers, then God willing, all those prayers will come back to us." - Aa Gym

78. "Prayer is not to remind Allah of the problems you are facing, but Prayer is to remind you of who Allah is."

79. "Pray, strive to do your best, then leave the rest to Allah."

80. "Even when everything is not going well, never give up. Keep praying and have faith in Allah."

81. "Believe that Allah holds all prayers and will release them one by one at the right time."

82. "If Allah wills, it will happen. Keep praying and don't let yourself be stressed." - Dr.Bilal Philips

83. "One of the beauties of Islam is that you pray for your fellow Muslim brothers and sisters without knowing them, and in return, the angels also pray for you." - Dr.Bilal Philips

86. "Whatever you consider difficult, Allah is able to make it easy for you. So pray!"

85. "Prayer is an extraordinary exchange. You entrust your worries to Allah and Allah entrusts His blessings to you."

87. "Never underestimate the power of prayer, because it is a special gift from Allah."

88. "Never give up on praying to Allah. Your prayer may not be answered now or next month, but it will definitely happen when Allah knows the right time for you."

89. "Prayer can open the most difficult and impossible paths in life. For Allah, everything is possible."

90. "For me, it is important to have inner peace and the tranquility of prayer to listen to the silence of Allah, who speaks to us, in our personal lives and the history of our time, about the power of love."

Those are among the 90 meaningful words of prayer and hope that can be a source of strength. Hopefully useful and can inspire!



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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