Kapanlagi.com - Al Waqiah is one of the letters in the holy book of the Quran. Al Waqiah is the 56th letter in the 27th juz and belongs to the Makkiyah group. Al Waqiah means judgment day, as stated in its first verse. The content of Al Waqiah tells about how judgment day will happen, and also the rewards for believers and disbelievers.
In addition to telling about judgment day, Al Waqiah letter also explains about the creation of humans, fire, and all kinds of plants. Not only that, the Al Waqiah letter also explains about the power of Allah and the existence of the day of resurrection which is indeed true. By reading and studying this letter, you will be reminded of how life in this world and the creation of the entire universe.
And for that, according to various sources, this is the meaning of Al Waqiah that KLovers can know and understand. Along with the benefits of the letter. Just check it out KLovers.
1. Surat Al Waqiah

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
Surat Al Waqiah is the 56th surah in the 27th juz and belongs to the Makkiyah surah group. And here is the reading content of Surat Al Waqiah that KLovers can know and understand, along with its meaning:
1. "Izaa Waqa'atil Waaqi'ah"
Meaning: When the Day of Judgment occurs,
2. "Laisa Liwaq'atihaa Kaazibah"
Meaning: Its occurrence cannot be denied (refuted).
3. "Khafidatur Raafi'ah"
Meaning: (The event) humbles (one group) and elevates (another group).
4. "Izaa Rujjatil Ardu Rajjaa"
Meaning: When the earth is shaken with a mighty shaking,
5. "Wa Bussatil Jibaalu Bassaa"
Meaning: And the mountains are crushed to powder,
6. "Fakaanat Habaaa'am Mumbassaa"
Meaning: Then it becomes scattered dust,
7. "Wa Kuntum Azwaajan Salaasah"
Meaning: And you become three groups,
8. "Fa As Haabul Maimanati Maaa As Haabul Maimanah"
Meaning: Namely the companions of the right, how blessed are the companions of the right,
9. "Wa As Haabul Mash'amati Maaa As Haabul Mash'amah"
Meaning: And the companions of the left, how wretched are the companions of the left,
10. "Wassaabiquunas Saabiquun"
Meaning: And the foremost among the early believers, they are the foremost (in entering Paradise).
11. "Ulaaa'ikal Muqarrabuun"
Meaning: They are the ones brought near (to Allah),
12. "Fii Jannaatin Na'iim"
Meaning: In the Gardens of Pleasure,
13. "Sullatum Minal Awwaliin"
Meaning: A large group from the earlier generations,
14. "Wa Qaliilum Minal Aa Khiriin"
Meaning: And a few from the later generations.
15. "'Alaa Sururim Mawduunah"
Meaning: They are reclining on thrones lined up,
16. "Muttaki'iina 'Alaihaa Mutaqabiliin"
Meaning: Facing one another,
17. "Yatuufu 'Alaihim Wildaa Num Mukkhalladuun"
Meaning: Immortal youths will go around them,
18. "Bi Akwaabinw Wa Abaariiq, Wa Kaasim Mim Ma'iin"
Meaning: With cups, pitchers, and a glass from a flowing spring,
19. "Laa Yusadda'uuna 'Anhaa Wa Laa Yunzifuun"
Meaning: They will not be affected by headaches nor will they get exhausted,
20. "Wa Faakihatim Mimmaa Yatakhaiyaruun"
Meaning: And any fruit they choose,
21. "Wa lahmi tairim mimmaa yashtahuun"
Meaning: And the meat of birds that they desire.
22. "Wa huurun'iin"
Meaning: And beautiful fair maidens with wide, lovely eyes,
23. "Ka amsaalil lu'lu'il maknuun"
Meaning: Like pearls that are well-protected.
24. "Jazaaa'am bimaa kaanuu ya'maluun"
Meaning: A reward for what they used to do.
25. "Laa yasma'uuna fiihaa laghwanw wa laa taasiimaa"
Meaning: They will not hear any ill speech or sinful talk,
26. "Illaa qiilan salaaman salaamaa"
Meaning: Except the saying of peace and greetings.
27. "Wa as haabul yamiini maaa as haabul Yamiin"
Meaning: And the companions of the right, who are the companions of the right?
28. "Fii sidrim makhduud"
Meaning: Among thornless lote trees,
29. "Wa talhim manduud"
Meaning: And banana trees layered with fruit,
30. "Wa zillim mamduud"
Meaning: And shade extended,
31. "Wa maaa'im maskuub"
Meaning: And water poured out,
32. "Wa faakihatin kasiirah"
Meaning: And abundant fruits,
33. "Laa maqtuu'atinw wa laa mamnuu'ah"
Meaning: Neither limited nor forbidden,
34. "Wa furushim marfuu'ah"
Meaning: And raised couches.
2. Surat Al Waqiah

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
35. "Innaaa anshaanaahunna inshaaa'
Meaning: We created them (the houris) directly,
36. "Faja'alnaahunna abkaaraa"
Meaning: Then We made them virgins,
37. "'Uruban atraabaa"
Meaning: Who are full of love and the same age,
38. "Li as haabil yamiin"
Meaning: For the right-hand group,
39. "Sullatum minal awwa liin"
Meaning: A large group from the early generations,
40. "Wa sullatum minal aakhiriin"
Meaning: And a large group from the later generations.
41. "Wa as haabush shimaali maaa as haabush shimaal"
Meaning: And the left group, how miserable the left group is.
42. "Fii samuuminw wa hamiim"
Meaning: "(They will be) in scorching wind and boiling water,"
43. "Wa zillim miny yahmuum"
Meaning: And a shadow of black smoke,
44. "Laa baaridinw wa laa kariim"
Meaning: Neither cool nor pleasant.
45. "Innaahum kaanuu qabla zaalika mutrafiin"
Meaning: Indeed, they used to live in luxury before that,
46. "Wa kaanuu yusirruuna 'alal hinsil 'aziim"
Meaning: And they used to persist in committing great sins,
47. "Wa kaanuu yaquuluuna a'izaa mitnaa wa kunnaa turaabanw wa izaaman'ainnaa lamab'uusuun"
Meaning: And they would say, "When we die and become dust and bones, will we indeed be resurrected?
48. "Awa aabaaa'unal awwaluun"
Meaning: Are our forefathers [also] to be resurrected?"
49. "Qul innal awwaliina wal aakhiriin"
Meaning: Say, "Indeed, the former and the later [generations]
50. "Lamajmuu'una ilaa miiqooti yawmim ma'luun"
Meaning: Will be gathered together for the appointed time of a known Day."
51. "Summa innakum ayyuhad daaalluunal mukazzibuun"
Meaning: Then indeed you, O those astray [who are] deniers,
52. "La aakiluuna min shaja rim min zaqquum"
Meaning: Will surely eat from the tree of zaqqum,
53. "Famaali'uuna minhal butuun"
Meaning: Filling your bellies with it.
54. "Fashaaribuuna 'alaihi minal hamiim"
Meaning: Then you will drink on top of it from scalding water.
55. "Fashaaribuuna shurbal hiim"
Meaning: So you will drink as the drinking of thirsty camels.
56. "Haazaa nuzuluhum yawmad diin"
Meaning: This is their hospitality on the Day of Recompense."
57. "Nahnu khalaqnaakum falaw laa tusaddiquun"
Meaning: We have created you, so why do you not believe?
58. "Afara'aytum maa tumnuun"
Meaning: Then have you seen that which you emit?
59. "A-antum takhluquu nahuuu am nahnul khaaliquun"
Meaning: Are you the ones who create it, or are We the Creator?
60. "Nahnu qaddarnaa baina kumul mawta wa maa nahnu bimasbuuqiin"
Meaning: We have decreed death among you, and We are not to be outdone,
61. "'Alaaa an nubaddila amsaalakum wa nunshi'akum fii maa laa ta'lamuun"
Meaning: To change your likenesses and produce you in that [form] which you do not know."
3. Surat Al Waqiah

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
62. "And indeed, you have known the first creation, so why do you not take heed?"
Meaning: "And indeed, you have known the first creation, so why do you not take heed?"
63. "Have you seen what you sow?"
Meaning: Have you ever noticed the seeds that you plant?
64. "Are you the ones who make it grow, or are We the ones who make it grow?"
Meaning: Are you the ones who make it grow, or are We the ones who make it grow?
65. "If We willed, We could have made it debris, and you would remain amazed."
Meaning: If We willed, We could have made it debris, and you would remain amazed.
66. "Indeed, we are losers."
Meaning: Indeed, we are losers.
67. "Rather, we have been deprived."
Meaning: Rather, we have not gained anything.
68. "Have you seen the water that you drink?"
Meaning: Have you ever noticed the water that you drink?
69. "Are you the ones who sent it down from the clouds, or are We the ones who send it down?"
Meaning: Are you the ones who sent it down from the clouds, or are We the ones who send it down?
70. "If We willed, We could have made it salty, so why do you not give thanks?"
Meaning: If We willed, We could have made it salty, so why do you not give thanks?
71. "Have you seen the fire that you ignite?"
Meaning: Have you ever noticed the fire that you ignite with wood?
72. "Are you the ones who produced its tree, or are We the ones who produce?"
Meaning: Are you the ones who produced its tree, or are We the ones who produce?
73. "Indeed, We have made it a reminder and provision for the travelers."
Meaning: Indeed, We have made it a reminder and provision for the travelers.
74. "So exalt the name of your Lord, the Most Great."
Meaning: So exalt the name of your Lord, the Most Great.
75. "But I swear by the setting of the stars."
Meaning: But I swear by the setting of the stars.
76. "And indeed, it is a great oath, if you only knew."
Meaning: And indeed, it is a great oath, if you only knew.
77. "Indeed, it is a noble Qur'an."
Meaning: Indeed, it is a noble Qur'an.
78. "In a Register well-protected."
Meaning: In a well-protected Book (Preserved Tablet).
79. "None touch it except the purified."
Meaning: None touch it except the purified.
80. "[It is] a revelation from the Lord of the worlds."
Meaning: [It is] a revelation from the Lord of the worlds.
4. Surat Al Waqiah

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
81. "Do you consider this news insignificant?"
Meaning: Do you consider this news (the Quran) insignificant?
82. "And you make your provision that you receive (from Allah) as a means of denying (Him)."
Meaning: And you make the provision that you receive (from Allah) as a means of denying (Him).
83. "Then why, when the soul reaches the throat, do you not prevent it?"
Meaning: Then why, when the soul reaches the throat, do you not prevent it?
84. "And you at that time are looking on."
Meaning: And you at that time are looking on.
85. "And We are nearer to him than you, but you do not see."
Meaning: And We are nearer to him than you, but you do not see.
86. "Then why, if you are not held in check by Allah,"
Meaning: Then why, if you are not held in check by Allah,
87. "Do you not send it back, if you should be truthful?"
Meaning: Do you not send it back, if you should be truthful?
88. "So if he is of those brought near [to Allah],"
Meaning: So if he is of those brought near [to Allah],
89. "Then [for him is] rest and bounty and a garden of pleasure."
Meaning: Then [for him is] rest and bounty and a garden of pleasure.
90. "And if he is of the companions of the right,"
Meaning: And if he is of the companions of the right,
91. "Then [the angels will say], 'Peace for you; [you are] from the companions of the right.'"
Meaning: Then [the angels will say], 'Peace for you; [you are] from the companions of the right.'
92. "But if he is of the deniers [who are] astray,"
Meaning: But if he is of the deniers [who are] astray,
93. "Then for him is accommodation of scalding water."
Meaning: Then for him is accommodation of scalding water.
94. "And burning in Hellfire."
Meaning: And burning in Hellfire.
95. "Indeed, this is the true certainty."
Meaning: Indeed, this is the true certainty.
96. "So exalt the name of your Lord, the Most Great."
Meaning: So exalt the name of your Lord, the Most Great.
5. Benefits of Surah Al Waqiah

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
Not only knowing the meaning of Surah Al Waqiah about the Day of Judgment, but there are also benefits of Surah Al Waqiah that KLovers can know. Just like Surah Al Kahfi, it turns out that the benefits of Surah Al Waqiah are also extraordinary when read every day.
Of course, this is also included in one of the Sunnah worship that receives extraordinary rewards from Allah SWT. And here are some extraordinary benefits of Surah Al Waqiah that KLovers can know:
1. Obtain Abundant Sustenance
The first benefit of Surah Al Waqiah is obtaining abundant sustenance. Yes, if you read Surah Al Waqiah 14 times after Asr prayer, you will get abundant wealth that will never run out.
This is as explained in a hadith that says, "Teach Surah Al Waqiah to your wives. Because indeed it is the Surah of Wealth." (Hadith narrated by Ibn Ady)
2. Fulfilling Needs Related to Sustenance
The next benefit of reciting Surah Al Waqiah is fulfilling needs related to sustenance. If someone reads this Al Waqiah letter 41 times in one gathering or in other words, once sitting, then God willing, all the requested needs will be fulfilled, especially those related to sustenance.
3. Will Not Be Afflicted by Poverty
Furthermore, the benefits of the Al Waqiah letter will also keep someone away from poverty. Abdullah bin Mas'ud once said that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
"Whoever reads the Al Waqiah letter, he will never be afflicted by poverty." (Tafsir Nur Ats-Tsaqalayn 5/203).
4. Provides Peace of Mind and Body
All worship to Allah SWT that is done sincerely will bring peace to the soul and body of the person who performs it. And this also applies to those who regularly read the Al Waqiah letter. And it is one of the extraordinary benefits of the Al Waqiah letter.
Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir (sa) said: "Whoever reads the Al-Waqiah letter before sleeping, he will meet Allah with his face shining like the full moon." (Tsawabul A'mal, page 117).
5. It is a Letter of Wealth
In essence, the Al Waqiah letter is a letter of wealth. Reading Surah Al-Waqiah every day, God willing, can make it easier for us to obtain halal sustenance and the blessings of Allah SWT that continue to flow. Imam Ja'far Ash-Shadiq (sa) said:
"Whoever recites Surah Al-Waqiah on Friday night will be loved by Allah SWT, loved by people, will not see suffering, poverty, needs, and worldly diseases; this Surah is part of the companions of Amirul Mukminin (sa) which for him has a privilege that cannot be matched by others." (Tafsir Nur Ats-Tsaqalayn 5/203).
There is also from Ibn Mardawaih from Anas: Kasyf al-Khafa, that the Prophet (saw) said, "Surah Al-Waqiah is a surah of wealth. You should recite it and teach it to your children."
6. Facilitating the Agony of Death
And the benefit of reciting Surah Al-Waqiah lastly is that it can facilitate the agony of death. If a person who is in the agony of death is recited Surah Al-Waqiah, then his soul will be eased out of his body, so that he will not feel the agony of death for too long.
That is an explanation of the meaning of Surah Al-Waqiah that KLovers can know and understand. Not only knowing the meaning of Surah Al-Waqiah, but also the benefits that KLovers can experience.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.