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Amazing Concert Ready to Color Your Day, Enlivened by the Funniest Comedians & Famous Musicians

Amazing Concert Ready to Color Your Day, Enlivened by the Funniest Comedians & Famous Musicians Amazing Concert (Credit: - Television programs always have endless innovation. This time, GTV presents Amazing Concert. This program will be very different and exciting because it is enlivened by famous comedians and musicians.

What's interesting is that this program is specially held once every month! Look forward to a series of classy musicians every month who will accompany you and provide the best entertainment.


1. Comedians and Musicians

Several beloved comedian names were present there. There are Sule, Opie Kumis, and Dede Sunandar. As comedians, Sule always brings the most entertaining jokes while Opie Kumis and Dede never fail to bring joy.

Can you imagine how hilarious their combination on stage will be? What's even more legitimate is that this program is also enlivened by several musicians. Danang, Wika Salim, Denny Caknan, and Ghea Youbi are ready to make this Amazing Concert stage.


2. Featuring Denny Cagur and Vega Darwanti

Not to be missed, Ferdians, a professional hypnotist who is ready to present a unique and memorable performance. Guided by two lively and funny hosts, Denny Cagur and Vega Darwanti, your Sunday night will surely be enjoyable.

So, watch the Amazing Concert Comedy Concert on Sunday, June 20 at 21.00 WIB on GTV. The Amazing Concert program can also be watched on the RCTI+ application or at



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