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Australian Artist Jake James Introduces Rhino Paintings in Joglo Village, Banten, Tells about the Situation in Indonesia

Australian Artist Jake James Introduces Rhino Paintings in Joglo Village, Banten, Tells about the Situation in Indonesia Australian Artist Jake James Introduces Rhino Paintings in Joglo Village, Banten / Photo Credit: Personal Documentation - Several abstract paintings on the walls of Joglo Village are beautifully displayed in Tanjung Lesung, Banten. The Joglo Village belongs to a designer named Migi Rihasalay and her husband named Andrew James.

On the walls of Joglo Village, abstract paintings created by an Australian artist named Jake James are displayed. One of Jake James' abstract paintings is themed with a picture of a One-Horned Rhino, which is endemic to the Ujung Kulon area in Banten.

Jake, who painted the One-Horned Rhino in an abstract manner, revealed that his artwork has a certain meaning. He expressed that the body of the rhino, painted with various colors, represents the diversity of Indonesian society. Amazing, isn't it, KLovers?


1. Jake James Lukis Badak Bercula 1

Jake James, who is also the son of Andrew James, revealed his reason for painting Rhino with a horn. "This is a Rhino. I made it because this is the habitat of rhinos. If I were in Australia, maybe I would draw a kangaroo," said Jake James in Kampung Joglo, Tanjung Lesung, Banten.

"As for the horn, I interpret it as knowledge. From there, we can gain a lot of knowledge," he explained the meaning of the rhino's horn in his painting.


2. Exhibition of Paintings in Various Countries

Jake recounted that he has exhibited his paintings in various exhibitions in several countries. He has showcased his paintings in Singapore, New York, Canada, and several other countries.

"In December, I will hold an exhibition in Tasmania. I am currently preparing for it," said Jake James.


3. Hold an Event

Painting a One-Horned Rhinoceros, Jake James' painting deliberately depicts the current situation in Indonesia. This is in line with the event that took place in Kampung Joglo, namely Waz Wave last Saturday (24/9/23). The event not only showcased Jake James' paintings, but also featured several famous DJs from Australia.

"So tonight's event is the Waz Wave festival. We also invited artists from Australia, namely Jake James, Keine, Mina, and DJs from Australia. Our plan is to unite Indonesian and Australian cultures. This is part of the plan in Kampung Joglo," said Migi Rihasalay.

According to Migi, the performance held in Kampung Joglo is one way to introduce the newly built place.

"This is indeed the initial stage of the trial to make it even more exciting. We will hold it every month and every year for big events," said Migi.


4. Want to Create 'Bridge' between Indonesia and Australia

Andrew added that this event originated from his desire to combine Indonesian and Australian cultures. Andrew stated that he wants to create a cultural bridge between these two countries through art and music.

"I have a dream to introduce Australian and Indonesian cultures more deeply. I want to create a 'bridge' between them," explained Andrew.

He also admitted that the journey to combine these two cultures is not easy. However, he is committed to continue doing it. Through the Waz Wave festival and the culture in Kampung Joglo, Andrew hopes that this will be a good starting point to understand and appreciate Indonesia and Australia.

Andrew also highlighted the efforts of Indonesian culture to be more recognized in Australia. One example is the lack of Indonesian restaurants in Australia.

"In the future, this festival is expected to help introduce Indonesian food to more people in Australia, thus creating a better understanding of Indonesian culture," concluded Andrew.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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