Kapanlagi.com - Ir. Lies Hartono, or known as Cak Lontong, is a popular comedian in Indonesia. He has a unique ability to make people laugh using logic or syllogism. Even though Cak Lontong is a comedian, he often includes wise words in his performances, KLovers. Of course, these wise words from Cak Lontong can still entertain the audience.
Yup! Cak Lontong often provides hilarious motivation that can entertain his audience. Of course, these wise words from Cak Lontong are always popular and frequently appear on social media. These words from Cak Lontong not only inspire, but also make people laugh with his logical jokes.
For those of you who want to know what inspiring words Cak Lontong has, here is a collection of Cak Lontong's words sourced from various references. Let's check it out, KLovers.
1. Cak Lontong's Words About Life

Cak Lontong (credit: © KapanLagi.com/Akbar Prabowo Triyuwono)
The first words from Cak Lontong are about life. Although Cak Lontong often says funny words, there are also motivational words about life. And here are some words from Cak Lontong about life.
- "The tip to make your life easier is to SURRENDER. I handed over my children and wife to my in-laws, and my life became lighter."
- "It's better to stay silent and appear foolish than to talk a lot and show how foolish you are."
- "Being poor is different from being simple, because being poor is a living condition while being simple is a lifestyle."
- "Be yourself, and you will have your own style. But first, equip yourself with adequate abilities so that you don't feel strange being yourself."
- "Don't easily get moved, but let your heart be easily touched and moved. A person gets moved when they see poverty for the first time, the first thing they take is a handkerchief, not their wallet. A person whose heart is moved, when they see poverty, the first thing they take is their wallet."
- "Life is a choice, you have to decide it now, or that choice will determine your life now, it will be very painful, like me.." later."
- "A good parent is someone who can set an example for their child. A wise parent is someone who can learn from their child."
- "Simplicity has nothing to do with being rich or poor, but simplicity is closely related to wisdom."
- "Be a simple person so that you can be wise."
- "Follow the theory of a thief, when they find a closed door, they will try to find an open door."
2. Cak Lontong's Words About Love

Cak Lontong (credit: © KapanLagi.com/Muhammad Akrom Sukarya)
Not only about life, there are also Cak Lontong's words about love. Although the delivery of these words is a bit funny, these words are very popular on social media. Let's check out Cak Lontong's words about love.
- "If you're afraid of feeling heartbroken when your girlfriend breaks up with you, it's better for you to break up first before starting a relationship."
- "Don't worry, fate is in God's hands. If he's not your destiny, then pray to God to erase the word 'not' from this world."
- "Love is sacrifice, but if it's only sacrifice, it's called suffering."
- "Educating a man is the same as educating a human being. But educating a woman is the same as educating a family."
- "Breaking up for a woman is destruction. But for a man, it's an experience."
- "True love will give wings to its partner. False love will give shackles to its partner."
- "A successful man is someone who can earn more money than his wife spends every month."
- "Actually, being single is not because you're not wanted, it's just that no one wants you."
- "If love cannot be possessed, what's the point of fighting for it? That's a completely wrong mindset, because even when you already have it, it doesn't mean the struggle is over."
- "According to my survey, it turns out that the culture of bribery is not only happening to officials."
It also happens to children who are fed by their mothers, as well as couples in love."
3. Cak Lontong's Words About Achieving Success

Cak Lontong (credit: © KapanLagi.com/Budy Santoso)
Then there are also words from Cak Lontong about achieving success. And here are some words from Cak Lontong about achieving success. Let's check it out KLovers.
- "Whether you fail or succeed, it doesn't matter. What matters is that you succeed."
- "Success is achieved through hard work. Hard work begins with strong determination. Strong determination is driven by high aspirations. High aspirations begin with dreams. Dreams happen when you sleep. So if you want to succeed, let's sleep."
- "Simplicity has nothing to do with being rich or poor. But simplicity is closely related to wisdom."
- "Be yourself, then you will have your own style. But first equip yourself with adequate abilities so that you don't feel strange being yourself."
- "A beggar is a humble person. Even though they have a lot of money, their clothing remains simple. It's better to ask than to take, compared to someone who has nice clothes but takes money from the people."
- "A country will not be destroyed by a thousand beggars in that country, but a country will be destroyed only by a few corruptors in that country."
- "Simplicity has nothing to do with being rich or poor. But simplicity is closely related to wisdom."
- "Being poor is a living condition, simplicity is a lifestyle."
- "There is no prohibition in becoming rich, being content, having everything we need and want. Our religion alone does not prohibit, let alone me. How could I prohibit you."
- "Stop pursuing knowledge because knowledge is innocent."
4. Funny Words from Cak Lontong

Cak Lontong (credit: © KapanLagi.com/Akbar Prabowo Triyuwono)
And the last words of Cak Lontong are funny words. And here are some funny words from Cak Lontong that can tickle your stomach. Check it out.
- "Human beings are prone to mistakes, not perfect. There is no ivory that is not cracked. Therefore, on behalf of the large elephant family, I apologize for not being able to provide uncracked ivory."
- "If you want to go to college, don't choose the wrong major. For example, if you want to study at UI, don't choose the Pulogadung major."
- "Don't sail the ocean, because a sack is more suitable for rice."
- "When you say let God repay, what you need to know is that what you are experiencing now is God's repayment."
- "If you are ugly, don't be afraid to love. Because the one who should be afraid is the one you love."
- "It's wrong if many people say that life is only once. The truth is, life is every day, and death only happens once."
- "Ripples in the water indicate someone is drowning."
- "Did you know street vendors have two feet?"
- "The most important thing in dating is not the age difference, but the gender difference."
Those are a collection of words from Cak Lontong that can motivate and entertain. Not only does Cak Lontong provide funny words, but he also gives words about life, career, and love, of course, with a touch of humor.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.