Kapanlagi.com - Drama is one of the literary genres. However, unlike poetry and prose which are generally in written form, drama is a literary work in the form of performing arts. As a performing art, drama is quite popular. Not only watched, many people are interested in learning the ins and outs of drama. For those who are interested in learning, there are many technical terms related to drama that need to be known.
Yes, drama is a complex performing art. Drama involves many parties, not only as actors but also technical personnel. In addition, in drama there are technical things that need to be done to support the smooth running of the drama performance. Well, there are many technical terms related to drama that need to be known, because they are related to these technical things.
Curious about the important terms in drama that you need to know? To find out, just read the following review.
1. Technical Terms Related to Types of Drama

(credit: pexels)
As we know, there are many types of drama. In fact, the use of the term drama can vary depending on the type of story presented on stage. Here are some terms related to the types of drama.
1. Monologue: a drama in which only one character speaks throughout the play.
2. Comedy: a drama that aims to entertain by combining humor elements in the story.
3. Melodrama: a drama that portrays events containing sadness, both tragic and happy.
4. Tragedy: a drama that focuses on serious conflicts and ends with a sad or tragic ending.
5. Musical: a drama accompanied by music, with scenes or dialogues interspersed with song singing.
6. Sendratari: a performing art that combines drama with dance.
7. Tableau: a drama that prioritizes movement. The players do not speak dialogues but only perform movements, so that the story can be understood through the movements.
8. Tonil: a form of art involving social interaction between actors and audiences.
2. Terms in Drama Related to Involved People

(credit: pexels)
As mentioned earlier, a drama performance involves many people or parties. Each party has its own role to support the continuity of the drama performance. Here are some drama terms related to people or parties involved.
1. Character: an individual in a drama who has his own characteristics, motivations, and conflicts.
2. Actor: a term for a male player or person who plays drama.
3. Actress: a term for a female player or person who plays drama.
4. Main character: the central character or hero in a drama who is the main focus of the story.
5. Supporting character: an actor who plays small or supporting roles in drama.
6. Antagonist: a character who opposes the plot, so his appearance plays a role in creating conflict.
7. Protagonist: the main character in a drama who has the main goal and conflict.
8. Tirtagonist: a supporting character in a drama who acts as a mediator between the protagonist and antagonist characters.
9. Director: a person responsible for leading the performance and ensuring that everything runs smoothly.
3. Terms in Drama Related to Story

credit: pexels)
In general, drama is a performing art that showcases a story through scenes. Before becoming a drama, there are several terms related to the story. Here are some terms in drama related to the story.
1. Scenario: a script containing the drama that will be performed by the actors.
2. Plot: the story line or series of events that occur in the drama.
3. Climax: the peak of tension or intensity in the drama, where the conflict reaches its highest point.
4. Plot twist: an unexpected change in the plot or story line that changes the audience's perception.
5. Prologue: the introductory part of the drama.
6. Epilogue: the closing part that ends the performance. Usually in the form of a conclusion or explanation of the drama's message.
7. Dialogue: conversation between the actors or characters in the drama.
8. Lakon: the complete story or script of the drama.
9. Manuscript: the written text of the drama that contains dialogue, instructions, and stage descriptions.
10. Replicas: the speech or dialogue of a character in the drama.
4. Technical Terms in Drama

(credit: pexels)
There are many technical aspects in drama performances. Not only those seen on stage, but these technical aspects also occur behind the scenes. Although not visible on stage, these technical aspects still play an important role in supporting the continuity of the drama. Here are some terms in drama related to technical aspects.
1. Acting: the movements and speech performed by the actors as a form of role-playing.
2. Scene: a part of the drama that shows a change in events or incidents.
3. Blocking: rules for moving from one place to another so that the actors' performance does not become boring.
4. Mimic: facial expressions to show the emotions experienced by the actors.
5. Pantomime: a combination of facial expressions and body movements to show the emotions experienced by the actors.
6. Improvisation: movements or balancing speeches to enliven the role.
7. Stage: the place where actors perform the drama.
8. Costume: clothing and accessories worn by actors on stage to deepen the character they play.
9. Stage setting: the layout, properties, and other visual elements used to create the atmosphere and setting in the drama.
10. Background music setting: music used in the drama to enhance the atmosphere, express emotions, or convey a particular message.
11. Lighting setting: stage lighting that creates an atmosphere, directs the audience's attention, and influences the atmosphere in the drama.
Those are some of the important terms in drama that are important to know. Hopefully, it can be useful and increase knowledge!
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.