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Crying While Fasting, Does It Break the Fast? Find Out the Islamic Law Here!

Crying While Fasting, Does It Break the Fast? Find Out the Islamic Law Here! Sad | copyright/Pixabay - Crying while fasting often becomes a debate among Muslims regarding whether this action breaks the fast. According to scholars, crying does not break the fast because tears are not considered substances that enter the body through open cavities.

In the book Rawdah at-Thalibin and Hasyiyah al-Bajuri, it is explained that what breaks the fast is if something enters the body's cavity. However, excessive crying or accompanied by other actions that can break the fast, such as swallowing tears, can reduce the rewards of fasting.

Crying in Islam is not forbidden; rather, it can be a sign of a soft heart and piety towards Allah. Therefore, it is important to control emotions and express feelings within reasonable limits while fasting. Check out the complete review cited by from various sources, Wednesday (5/3/2025).

1. Crying out of Fear of Allah

In Islam, crying out of fear of Allah or reminiscing about our sins is an action that is highly encouraged and even considered noble.

The Prophet Muhammad once said, "Two eyes that will not be touched by the fire of Hell: the eye that cries out of fear of Allah and the eye that stays awake in His path." (HR. Tirmidhi, no. 1639; classified as authentic by Al-Albani).

Thus, the tears that flow from a sincere heart are not only permissible but also a practice that brings great rewards and can enrich the value of our fasting.

2. Crying due to Calamity or Sorrow

Crying as an expression of sorrow or calamity is completely natural in Islam.

In fact, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) shed tears when he lost his son, Ibrahim, and he reminded us with his saying, "Indeed, these eyes shed tears, and this heart is saddened, but we will not say except what is pleasing to our Lord." (HR. Bukhari, no. 1303; Muslim, no. 2315).

Interestingly, the tears that flow during this moment of grief do not invalidate the fast, as crying is not included in the things that break the fasting worship, such as eating or drinking.

3. Excessive Crying that Disrupts Fasting

Crying while fasting is indeed a human expression and can be a beautiful way to cleanse the soul.

However, if the crying is accompanied by screams, wails, or shows impatience towards Allah's decree, then it is prohibited in Islam.

The Prophet Muhammad once reminded, "He is not one of us who slaps his cheeks, tears his clothes, and wails like the wailing of ignorance." (HR. Bukhari, no. 1294; Muslim, no. 103).

Although crying does not invalidate the fast, such actions can diminish our rewards because they contradict the attitude of patience and reliance on Allah.

The month of Ramadan is the perfect moment to reflect on the mistakes and sins we have committed, and tears of regret can be a sign of our sincerity in seeking forgiveness.

By managing our emotions well, we can turn every tear into an additional value of worship, strengthening our relationship with the Creator.

May this explanation be beneficial and enhance our understanding as Muslims.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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