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Discover the Reasons Behind Your Drowsiness in the Morning and Afternoon, and Quickly Tackle It with Effective Methods!

Discover the Reasons Behind Your Drowsiness in the Morning and Afternoon, and Quickly Tackle It with Effective Methods! Illustration of Drowsiness at Work - Who has never experienced uncontrollable drowsiness during the day? Excessive drowsiness is not just a minor disturbance; it can disrupt daily activities and ruin our productivity. Additional symptoms that often accompany this condition include difficulty concentrating, forgetfulness, and even sleeping at inappropriate times.

So, what exactly causes this excessive drowsiness? It turns out that lifestyle factors such as long working hours, night shift changes, and poor sleeping habits can be the main triggers.

However, it's not just that; certain health conditions such as diabetes, sleep disorders (like sleep apnea), and mental health issues also contribute to creating excessive drowsiness. In some cases, the causes may be more complicated and require medical examination to determine the root of the problem.

Understanding the causes of excessive drowsiness is very important so that we can take the right steps to address it and improve our quality of life. Let's take a look at a complete explanation of this issue summarized by from various sources on Friday, February 7, 2025. Don't let drowsiness control your life!

1. Lifestyle Factors

The lifestyle we lead can be a major cause of why we often feel sleepy.

For example, long working hours or exhausting night shift routines.

However, don't worry! That feeling of sleepiness usually decreases over time as our bodies adapt to the new patterns we are following.

2. Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)

Restless Legs Syndrome, or more commonly known as RLS, is a condition that makes your legs feel as if they have a mind of their own, with disturbing sensations that urge you to keep moving.

Imagine, in the midst of a quiet night, your legs suddenly spring into action, moving incessantly every 20 to 30 seconds, disrupting what should be a restful sleep and leaving a tiring sense of drowsiness by morning.

Often, RLS can also spread to other parts of the body, making it frequently misinterpreted as insomnia, adding to the complexity of this already distressing experience.

3. Mental Condition

Mental and emotional conditions such as depression, excessive stress, or disruptive anxiety can lead to uncontrollable drowsiness.

Not only that, boredom can also trigger sleepiness, making someone feel tired and lose motivation.

When facing various pressures, it is not uncommon for us to get trapped in feelings of apathy that make our eyes heavier and our spirits fade.

4. Medical Conditions

Various medical conditions can cause excessive drowsiness, ranging from diabetes and chronic pain to metabolic disorders such as hypothyroidism and hyponatremia, which occurs when sodium levels in the blood drop drastically.

Additionally, infections like mononucleosis and chronic fatigue syndrome also contribute to disruptive sleepiness.

Moreover, some medications, particularly antihistamines, sedatives, and sleeping pills, can add to this list of causes of sleepiness as unwanted side effects.

5. Sleep Disorders

Sleep disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea, narcolepsy, and Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome (DSPS) can be the main causes of unbearable drowsiness.

Obstructive sleep apnea, for example, occurs due to a blockage in the upper airway that causes snoring and even stops breathing during sleep, creating a night full of challenges.

Meanwhile, narcolepsy presents unexpected sleep attacks during the day, making sufferers feel trapped in a dream world when they should be active.

6. How to Overcome Easy Sleepiness

Overcoming drowsiness can start at home by improving lifestyle, such as ensuring sufficient and quality sleep, as well as managing stress and anxiety.

If these efforts are not effective, consult a doctor to identify the causes of drowsiness through an exploration of symptoms and sleep habits.

The doctor may ask for a sleep pattern record and refer to a counselor if there are psychological issues. If drowsiness is caused by medication, dose adjustments may be necessary.

In more complex cases, tests to detect sleep disorders may be required.

7. Why do I often feel sleepy in the morning even though I have had enough sleep?

Even after enjoying enough sleep, many people still feel sleepy in the morning. This could be caused by inadequate sleep quality, sleep disorders like sleep apnea, or irregular sleep patterns. So, if you often wake up feeling sluggish, it might be time to evaluate your sleeping habits!

8. What are the main causes of daytime sleepiness?

Daytime often becomes a moment when drowsiness strikes, and there are several underlying causes for this. Lack of sleep at night, chaotic sleep patterns, sleep disorders, and lurking stress, combined with unhealthy eating habits, all contribute to the overwhelming sleepiness when the sun is shining bright.

9. Does diet affect daytime sleepiness?

Of course, diet plays an important role in our daily lives. When we consume foods high in sugar or simple carbohydrates, our bodies can experience sharp fluctuations in blood sugar, which often leads to disruptive drowsiness. So, be wise in choosing your food to keep your energy stable and your spirit high!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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