Kapanlagi.com - Fever is indeed one of the dangerous diseases for a baby. That's why many mothers panic when their child is stricken with fever, even though there are several first aid tips when babies are stricken with fever.
These tips are safe and effective when a baby suddenly gets a fever. What are the first aid measures that should be taken when a baby is stricken with fever? According to various sources, let's find out the tips. Check them out.
1. Symptoms of Fever in Infants

Illustration (credit: Freepik)
When a baby has a fever, not all mothers necessarily know the symptoms when their baby experiences it. That is why knowing the symptoms that occur in babies with fever is an important thing that you should do.
These symptoms include having a high body temperature between 36-37 degrees Celsius. You can measure your child's temperature in the morning, afternoon, and evening to monitor its development.
You can also observe changes in the baby's behavior, such as becoming lethargic, not actively playing, and refusing to eat and drink. The child will also feel restless due to the heat they feel. And when feeling restless, the child will have difficulty sleeping and take longer to fall asleep.
In addition, the child will cry frequently. This is due to discomfort and headache caused by fever. The child may also experience shivering, lethargy, loss of appetite, and so on. If it reaches this point, mothers should not panic and immediately provide first aid to the baby.
2. Compress

Illustration (credit: Freepik)
The first thing you can do is to compress the baby's head. This method is the initial way to deal with sudden fever in infants. Compress the baby using warm water on the forehead, neck, armpits, and chest.
Avoid compressing the baby with cold water, KLovers, because it can actually make the baby shiver more. And adjust the water temperature so that it is not too hot or too cold.
3. Provide Fluid Intake

Illustration (credit: Freepik)
Then you must provide fluid intake for the baby, KLovers. This is because the heat in the body can cause dehydration in infants. You can give them water or breast milk in sufficient amounts.
If the child refuses and lacks appetite, you can provide other water intake. You can give them orange juice or warm broth regularly.
4. Wear Comfortable Clothes

Illustration (credit: Freepik)
Then you can dress your baby in comfortable clothes when they have a fever. Wear thin and sweat-absorbing clothes. And if the baby feels chilly, give them a blanket to warm their body.
In addition to clothes, you also need to ensure the room temperature where the baby is, KLovers. The room temperature must be normal, because ensuring the room temperature when the baby is having a fever is essential for the baby to feel comfortable.
5. Try to Sleep

Illustration (credit: Freepik)
When a child has a fever, it can be difficult to make them sleep, but this must be attempted, KLovers. According to health data published by Calpol, sleep has many benefits for the body when experiencing a fever. And this includes allowing the body to recover the energy spent by the immune system in fighting infection.
In addition, during sleep, the body replenishes lost cells, including white blood cells that have a vital function in fighting bacteria and viruses in the body. That's why you should make the baby feel comfortable and sleep soundly as much as possible.
6. Consultation with a Doctor

Illustration (credit: Freepik)
And the final step in dealing with a fever in babies is to consult with a doctor. If the baby's fever does not subside within 2 days, it is advisable to consult with a doctor, KLovers.
Do not consume medication indiscriminately, you must consult with a doctor. Although fever is a common condition, you must remain vigilant and consult with a doctor. Because even a common fever can become a serious illness in children.
Those are the first aid tips for sudden fever in babies. Don't panic, and immediately take the above steps so that you can monitor the progress of the fever experienced by the child.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.