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Equivalent Words Are Synonyms, Understand the Meaning, Function, and Examples in Indonesian

Equivalent Words Are Synonyms, Understand the Meaning, Function, and Examples in Indonesian Illustration (credit: unsplash) - Every word in the Indonesian language has its own meaning. However, there are several words that have similar or even identical meanings. The similarity in meaning of these words is then referred to as equivalent words. In general, another name for equivalent words is synonyms.

Not only in Indonesian, synonyms or equivalent words can also be found in the vocabulary of other languages. In Indonesian itself, there are many synonymous words. Therefore, in a conversation or writing, someone can express one meaning or intention in different words. That is one of the reasons why it is important to learn about equivalent words along with examples of synonymous words.

Mastering synonymous vocabulary will enhance someone's communication skills. Someone who understands and masters synonymous words will be able to communicate in a more varied and interesting language. Summarized from various sources, the following is a review of equivalent words, which are synonymous or similar words, along with examples.


1. Understanding the Meaning of Synonyms

Before knowing what words are synonymous in Indonesian, it is important to understand the definition and concept of synonyms. In the Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), synonyms are defined as forms of language that have similar or the same meanings as other forms of language.

Meanwhile, in the Linguistic Dictionary, Kridalaksana states that a word equivalent is a condition in which a word can be substituted (replaced) with another word in the same context and the meaning of the context does not change. In other words, both words can be said to be synonymous. Another similar opinion is expressed by Soedjito. According to him, synonyms are the same meaning or sense, two or more words that have the same meaning.


2. The Function of Word Equivalents

Word equivalents are important and interesting to learn. This is because word equivalents have their own functions in a language. As mentioned earlier, in Indonesian, synonyms or word equivalents provide the freedom for someone to use varied words. Therefore, language in communication can be more interesting and not monotonous.

In Indonesian, there are many synonymous words. However, it should be understood that there are also words that do not have word equivalents, for example: beras (rice), salju (snow), batu (stone), hijau (green), and so on. In addition, there are words that do not have synonyms in their basic forms, but have synonyms in derived forms. For example, the word "jemur" (sun-dry) does not have a synonym, but the word "menjemur" (to dry) has a synonym, which is "mengeringkan" (to dry).

Furthermore, there are also words that in their true meaning do not have synonyms, but have synonyms in figurative meaning. For example, the word "hitam" (black) does not have a synonym in its literal meaning, but has a synonym "gelap" (dark) in a figurative sense.

This shows that the freedom presented by synonymous words also gives individuals the freedom to choose words that are appropriate to the situation and conditions. Thus, indirectly, this also helps the effectiveness and efficiency in communication according to its function.


3. Types of Word Equivalents

Word equivalent is a true synonym consisting of several types. For more details, here are the types of synonyms or word equivalents, especially in Indonesian language.

1) Absolute Synonyms

Absolute synonym is a form of word equivalent that has semantic similarity between one word and another. A pair of words can be said to be absolute synonyms if they have exactly the same meaning in all contexts.

For example:

- Surat kabar : koran

- Wanita : perempuan

2) Harmonious Synonyms

Word equivalent is a harmonious synonym if several synonymous words have the same component of meaning, but one of them has a slightly broader component of meaning (related to the breadth and narrowness of meaning). However, sometimes one word becomes the superordinate, while two or more words are the hyponyms in a group of synonymous words with a group of elements.

For example:

- Alat tulis dan pensil


The word 'alat tulis' has a broader reference than the word 'pensil'. The meaning of 'senjata' (weapon) is broader and includes the meaning of 'pensil' or 'bolpoin' (ballpoint pen), or in other words, 'senjata' (weapon) is not only limited to the two mentioned objects. Conversely, 'pensil' (pencil) is certainly included in the category of 'alat tulis' (stationery) and the same goes for 'bolpoin' (ballpoint pen).

3) Cognitive Synonyms

Word equivalent refers to cognitive synonyms, which are pairs of words that have the same syntactic function, such as nouns or verbs. In this case, the similarity of meaning occurs not only in one sentence context, but can also occur in different contexts.

For example:

- Meninggal dan mati


In the sentences 'Nenekku meninggal kemarin' (My grandmother died yesterday) and 'Nenekku mati kemarin' (My grandmother passed away yesterday), there is a cognitive synonym. The words "mati" and "meninggal" actually have the same meaning, but there are differences in their conditions. The word "meninggal" is more polite than the word "mati".


4. Example of Word Equivalents in Indonesian

To further understand the meaning of synonymous words, here are the types and examples of synonymous words in Indonesian language commonly used in daily life.

1) Ahli = Expert

2) Akselerasi = Acceleration

3) Akurat = Accurate

4) Ambigu = Ambiguous

5) Bhineka = Different

6) Bisa = Can

7) Boga = Delicious food

8) Citra = Image

9) Copyright = Copyright

10) Dampak = Impact

11) Daur = Cycle

12) Deduksi = Conclusion

13) Dehidrasi = Dehydration

14) Dekade = Decade

15) Eksklusif = Exclusive

16) Ekspansi = Expansion

17) Eksploitasi = Exploitation

18) Ekspresi = Self-actualization

19) Ekstensi = Extension

20) Frustasi = Frustration

21) Fundamental = Fundamental

22) Fungi = Fungus

23) Futuristis = Towards the future

24) Gemar = Enthusiastic

25) Generik = Generic

26) Genre = Genre

27) Harmonis = Harmonious

28) Hayati = Living

29) Hedonisme = Hedonism

30) Injeksi = Injection

31) Inovasi = Innovation

32) Insentif = Incentive

33) Insomnia = Insomnia

34) Jajak = Study

35) Jargon = Slogan

36) Jeda = Interval

37) Kaldera = Caldera

38) Kampiun = Champion

39) Kapital = Capital

40) Karakteristik = Characteristic

41) Kuliner = Culinary

42) Kuno = Antique

43) Legal = Legal

44) Liga = League

45) Mediator = Mediator

46) Mekar = Blossom

47) Mengecoh = Deceive

48) Militan = Aggressive

49) Misteri = Mystery

50) Mistik = Mystical

Those are some explanations about synonymous words, along with examples. Hopefully, they are useful and can broaden your knowledge!



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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