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Fables Are Fictional Stories with Animal Characters, Know the Characteristics and Types

Fables Are Fictional Stories with Animal Characters, Know the Characteristics and Types Illustration (credit: flickr) - Listening to or reading stories is a fun activity. Moreover, there are many types of stories that can be read. For children, fable stories can be one of their favorites. As we know, fables are fictional stories with animal characters that behave like humans.

Fables present simple and entertaining stories, making them suitable for children to read. In addition, these stories also contain moral messages that can be used for learning. It is not surprising that fables are often referred to as moral stories, such as the story of 'Si Kancil'. This fable has an interesting story, with funny character descriptions, and also contains moral messages.

Well, to better understand that fables are suitable fairy tales for children, you can read the summary compiled from various sources below.


1. Definition of Fable

As mentioned earlier, a fable is a story with animal characters that can behave like humans. Each animal character in a fable has the ability to act like a human, such as talking, thinking, and even working. These animal characters live their lives like humans.

In addition to behavior, animal characters in fables also have traits similar to humans, such as kindness, greed, and so on. Through the portrayal of these traits, fables can provide moral lessons to readers.


2. Purpose of Fables

The purpose of fables is to provide moral lessons to readers, especially children. These moral lessons are conveyed through the depiction of good and bad through the traits and behavior of each animal character in the story. Therefore, animal characters are chosen as the main characters, as children are more interested in animal characters than human characters. 


3. Characteristics of Fables

As a story specifically designed for children, fables are certainly different from stories in general. Fables have several distinctive characteristics. These characteristics are evident in the following characteristics of fables.

1. The main characters in the story are animals.

2. The animals that become the main characters can behave like humans (speak and think).

3. Fables depict the moral and character conditions of humans in real life.

4. Because they are intended for children, the plot of the story is short and simple.

5. The characters' traits are described in detail.

6. Uses a storytelling style in spoken language.

7. The message or theme is often conveyed directly and clearly in the story.

8. Uses simple and easily understood words.

9. Criticizes human nature, discrimination against the weak, and societal conditions.


4. Fable Structure

In addition to its characteristics, the characteristics of a fable can also be seen from its structure. This is because fables have a unique structure that is different from most texts or stories. The following is the structure of a fable:

1. Orientation

The first part of the fable structure is the orientation. This part is the beginning of the fable. In this part, there is an introduction of characters, story, setting, and time.

2. Complication

The second part of the structure is the complication or climax of the story. In this part, the main character will begin to face the peak of the problem. This part can be said to be the essence of the fable.

3. Resolution

The third structure is the resolution. The resolution part of the fable contains the process of problem-solving by the main character. Usually, the problems in the fable will be solved by the main character in a creative and unique way.

4. Coda

Lastly, the coda is the ending part of the fable. This part usually explains the changes in each character. In addition, this part will also convey a clear moral message or lesson.


5. Types of Fables

Fables are indeed one of the popular types of stories. However, it seems that many people do not know that fables can actually be divided into two categories. What are they? Here is a discussion of the two types of fables.

1. Classic Fables
The first category is classic fables. The fables that fall into this category are stories that have existed since ancient times. Classic fables are generally spread or passed down from generation to generation orally. Therefore, it is very difficult to determine the exact time when these fables were created. Examples of classic fables include the story of the Deer and the Crocodile, the Crow and the Eagle, the Buffalo and the Bird, and others.

Characteristics of Classic Fables:

1) Classic fables generally have short, concise, and clear stories.

2) Classic fables address simple themes.

3) Classic fables are rich in moral messages.

4) Characters in classic fables still exhibit animal-like traits.

2. Modern Fables
As the name suggests, modern fables are stories with animal characters that have emerged more recently. Therefore, it is easier to trace their time and author.

Characteristics of Modern Fables:

a) Modern fables can have short or long storylines.

b) Modern fables have story themes that tend to be more complex.

c) Modern fables sometimes take the form of epics or sagas, with prose that tells the story of heroes.

d) Characters in modern fables are made more unique and complex.

Those are some reviews about fables being stories with animal characters. So, what are your favorite fables?



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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