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Fresh Graduate Meaning in Indonesian, Also Know Its Advantages and Disadvantages

Fresh Graduate Meaning in Indonesian, Also Know Its Advantages and Disadvantages Illustration (credit: unsplash) - The term fresh graduate may not be unfamiliar to most people, especially those in the productive age group. We often encounter the term fresh graduate in daily conversations and it is often a topic of discussion on social media. However, the fact is that many people still do not understand the meaning of fresh graduate in Indonesian.

Yes, the term fresh graduate does come from a foreign language, namely English. So it is understandable that many people do not understand the meaning of fresh graduate in Indonesian. Because it has become a popular word and often a topic of discussion, it is important to know the true meaning of fresh graduate.

Well, to know and understand the meaning of fresh graduate in Indonesian, just read the following review that has been compiled from various sources.

1. Fresh Graduate Meaning in Indonesian Language and General Definition

As mentioned earlier, the term fresh graduate comes from a combination of two words in English. In this term, there are two words, namely fresh which means 'fresh' or 'new' and graduate which means 'graduate'. So, if translated literally, fresh graduate means a new graduate.

In everyday conversation, the term fresh graduate is often used to refer to someone who has just graduated from college and is currently looking for a job. Therefore, the meaning of fresh graduate is also often interpreted as someone who is looking for their first job after graduating from college.

However, it turns out that the meaning of fresh graduate is not limited to that. Not all graduates who are looking for their first job can be called fresh graduates. There is a time limit to refer to a graduate from a certain batch as a fresh graduate. The term fresh graduate is used for those who graduate between 1 to 2 years after graduation. So if it's more than 2 years, it can no longer be considered as a fresh graduate.

2. Advantages of Fresh Graduates

It is not uncommon in job advertisements for companies to provide positions specifically for fresh graduates or experienced individuals. There is a reason why companies create such specific vacancies. In the world of work, fresh graduates are often sought after for certain positions. Furthermore, it turns out that fresh graduates also have several advantages.

Here are some advantages of fresh graduates that are often not realized.

1. High Learning Enthusiasm

Because they have just graduated from university, fresh graduates tend to have enthusiasm for learning. This enthusiasm will be useful when entering the workforce. Fresh graduates will be enthusiastic about learning about their field of work. Therefore, they will quickly master their responsibilities.

2. More Innovative and Competitive

Fresh graduates are also considered more innovative and competitive. Critical thinking will encourage fresh graduates to innovate in their work. The competitive spirit of fresh graduates will also motivate them to achieve the best results.

3. More Responsive to Instructions

Because they are new to their field of work, fresh graduates tend to listen and follow instructions. Therefore, they are easier to collaborate with.

4. More Updated and Following Trends

At a relatively young age, fresh graduates are also considered more updated and follow trends. However, it's not just about trends, updates in this matter also include skills and thinking.


3. Weaknesses of Fresh Graduates

However, the fact is that fresh graduates not only have advantages. In fresh graduates, there are also several weaknesses that ultimately become considerations for companies to create special job vacancies for experienced job seekers. Here are some weaknesses of fresh graduates.

1. Lack of Experience

It is clear that most fresh graduates do not have experience in their field of work. This is often considered a weakness of fresh graduates, as companies have to teach them from scratch.

2. Doubtful Abilities

Becoming a fresh graduate often raises doubts about their abilities. This is related to the lack of work experience. However, in reality, there are still fresh graduates who have experience relevant to their new job. This experience is usually gained through extracurricular activities.

3. Special Time Needed for Adaptation

Fresh graduates certainly need special time to adapt to their new job. As we know, the world of academia and the world of work are very different. Therefore, it is not surprising that many companies implement a probationary period for their new employees, especially those who are fresh graduates.


4. Tips for Fresh Graduates in Finding a Job

In the working world, being a fresh graduate has its own advantages and disadvantages. Based on the pros and cons above, being a fresh graduate when searching for a job is not always easy but also not necessarily difficult. Therefore, here are some useful tips for fresh graduates.

1. Don't Give Up Easily

Finding a job for fresh graduates is not an easy task. However, believe and have faith that one day as a fresh graduate, you will still find your dream job.

2. Continuously Improve Your Skills

During the job search process, fresh graduates should continue to improve their skills. Because regardless, skills are someone's selling point in finding a job, especially for fresh graduates who have no experience yet.

3. Accept Every Opportunity

Fresh graduates should also accept every opportunity that comes their way. Even if the opportunity is not their dream job. Because it's possible that from that opportunity, you can develop your skills and expand your network which will be useful for your future steps.

4. Work Hard

After getting a job, fresh graduates should also work hard and show their best abilities. This will be a good step for fresh graduates to pursue their career path.

Those are some explanations of the meaning of fresh graduates in Indonesian language and the general understanding. Hopefully, it's beneficial.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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