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Meaning of Intuition and Its Signs, Know the Source and How to Sharpen It

Meaning of Intuition and Its Signs, Know the Source and How to Sharpen It Illustration (credit: - Hearing the word intuition is certainly not something new. However, do you know the meaning of intuition and the signs of having good intuition?

The true meaning of intuition is the ability to understand and know something unconsciously. In other words, the meaning of intuition is our thoughts that arise based on the movement of the heart or the whisper of the heart. This is a brief explanation of the meaning of intuition.

However, some figures also mention the meaning of intuition along with its signs. In addition, the emergence of intuition can come from what is seen, happened, and appeared.

That is why, intuition sometimes becomes one of the things used in making a decision even without clear reasons and facts. To know about the meaning of intuition, just read the discussion below that has been summarized by from various sources.


1. Meaning of Intuition in KBBI and Figures

The term intuition is already well known. The term intuition is often also referred to as the movement of the heart. Where intuition can suddenly arise involving the subconscious mind. So what is the true meaning of intuition?

To understand the true meaning of intuition, you can see it in the Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI). If referring to KBBI, the meaning of intuition is the power or ability to know or understand something without thinking or learning. In other words, the meaning of intuition can also mean the whisper of the heart. Some figures also define the meaning of intuition with their own opinions. As for the explanation of the meaning of intuition according to several figures, you can see them below.

1. The meaning of intuition according to Butler states that intuition is a set of physical processes that enable a person to survive. The emergence of intuition can occur without being aware by giving signals about events that will or have happened.

2. The meaning of intuition according to Day is mentioned that the meaning of intuition is a non-linear and non-empirical process in obtaining and interpreting information to answer questions.

3. The meaning of intuition according to David G. Myers is mentioned that intuitive thinking is like perception, fleeting and effortless.

4. The meaning of intuition according to Sigmund Freud states that knowledge can only be achieved through intellectual manipulation of genuine observation and rejecting the way of obtaining knowledge through intuition.

5. The meaning of intuition according to Carl Jung states that it is an irrational function and perception obtained through the unconscious.

It can be concluded that intuition is an idea, information, signal, knowledge, and others that suddenly emerge and without being consciously aware, even without clear reasons. So, you seem to be able to obtain something new related to the events that will happen next. That is the explanation of the meaning of intuition that you need to know. So, it will make it easier for you to understand the true meaning of intuition.


2. Meaning of Intuition and Its Signs

The meaning of intuition can be described as a sudden emergence of a heartfelt movement. Therefore, intuition often arises outside of our consciousness. In addition, intuition is sometimes used by someone to decide something or influence an action. According to modern psychologists, intuition also includes the ability to obtain valid solutions in decision-making. Decisions based on intuition need to be made by choosing appropriate and accurate solutions.

After knowing the meaning of intuition, you also need to understand the signs of someone having good intuition. There are several signs that you can recognize to know if someone has intuition. Here are the signs if you or someone has intuition.

- Often thinks deeply.

- Can assess the character of others well.

- Often gets ideas and awareness suddenly.

- Can recognize, capture, and understand the emotions of others well. Starting from expressions, body language, voice, and various other non-verbal things that are visible.

- Has a strong inner voice.


3. Differences Between Intuition and Instinct

After knowing the meaning of intuition, you might have felt confused about distinguishing between intuition and instinct. This is because there are differences between intuition and instinct that often make people difficult to differentiate. Here is an explanation about the differences between intuition and instinct that you need to know.

The meaning of intuition is something that arises unconsciously to know what is happening and will happen, and its influence in making a decision. Intuition can also mean the ability to understand something by involving the movement of the heart.

On the other hand, the meaning of instinct is a natural ability that arises within every person. For example, in dangerous situations, you tend to avoid it without having to think too much. In other words, the meaning of instinct can also mean an automatic natural response. Some sources mention that intuition and instinct have differences in thoughts and actions. Thoughts are the meaning of intuition, while actions are the result of instinct.


4. The Source of Intuition

Besides that, you might wonder where does intuition come from? There are various factors why intuition can suddenly arise. According to various sources, it is mentioned that the origin of intuition can come from an experience or intensive and extensive thinking.

According to Albert Einstein, as quoted from, he once mentioned that intuition can arise from intellectual experiences that have occurred and been felt before. This will form a recognition that occurs repeatedly. For example, when the weather is cloudy, you will think it will rain and decide to bring an umbrella or a coat.

However, intuition can also arise from thoughts and the voice of the heart. Besides that, the emergence of intuition is also very important to be balanced with logic. This can make it easier for you to make a decision and take action. In other words, intuition and instinct work together to influence the brain to think and act.


5. How to Sharpen Intuition Skills

There are various ways to sharpen intuition within oneself that can actually be trained. According to, there are several ways to train and sharpen intuition. Here is a review of how to sharpen intuition and make it sharper.

- First, try to believe in and trust the intuition that arises within you. Form a positive mindset towards the intuition that arises to train and sharpen intuition skills.

- Second, sharpen intuition with attention, such as writing a journal, observing the surrounding environment and nature, and discussing with others.

- Third, you can listen to body language, symbols, and signals that arise.

Those are some explanations about the meaning of intuition that you need to know. Hopefully, it can help you understand the true meaning of intuition.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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