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3 Easy and Fast Ways to Check the Active Period of XL Card, Also Learn How to Extend It

3 Easy and Fast Ways to Check the Active Period of XL Card, Also Learn How to Extend It Illustration (credit: unsplash) - Checking the active period of XL cards regularly is a must. Unfortunately, many XL card users are reluctant to do so. Because, if the active period and grace period are exceeded, the XL card can no longer be used. If that happens, of course, XL card users will feel disadvantaged.

However, checking the active period of XL cards can be done very easily. The time needed to check the active period of XL cards is also very fast, less than five minutes. However, it cannot be denied, for new XL card users, checking the active period of the card may still feel unfamiliar and even difficult to do.

There are several ways to check the active period of XL cards. To find out, let's take a look at the following explanation.

1. How to Check XL Card Active Period via UMB Code

Checking the active period of XL card is actually the same as checking the remaining credit. XL users can access both pieces of information through dialing the UMB code *123#. The steps are very easy, for more clarity, you can follow the following steps.

- First, open the call menu on your phone.

- Then, type the code *123#.

- Press call.

- Wait for a few seconds, a pop-up notification will appear containing information about the remaining credit balance and the active period.

2. How to Check XL Card Active Period via SMS

Besides using dial-up calls, XL card users can also check the active period of their card via SMS. Checking the active period of XL card via SMS is just as easy as using dial-up calls. Users only need to send an SMS according to the specified format. Here are the steps to check the active period of XL card via SMS.

- First, open the message or SMS menu on your phone.

- Then, select the option to create a new message.

- Type the SMS with the format CEK.

- After that, send the SMS to the number 123.

- Wait for a few seconds, you will receive a reply message containing information about the remaining credit balance and the active period of your XL card.

3. How to Check XL Card Active Period via MyXL Application

Just like other provider cards, XL also releases a special application to facilitate its users' transactions. The application called MyXL can be used by users to perform various transactions, including checking remaining credit and card active period. The method is equally easy, for more details you can follow the steps to check XL card active period through the MyXL application below.

- First, if you don't have the MyXL application yet, please download and install the application on your mobile phone.

- If you already have it, please login with your XL number.

- After successfully logging into the MyXL application, you will immediately be able to see information regarding the remaining main credit balance and its active period. Furthermore, you can directly check the card active period by simply reopening this application.

4. How to Extend Active Period

After knowing how to check the active period of an XL card, of course, it is equally important to know how to extend it. Yes, because as mentioned earlier, if the XL card is not extended, it will enter the grace period and then become inactive and cannot be used anymore. There are several ways that can be done to extend the active period of an XL card.

First, the active period of an XL card can be extended by purchasing credit. Second, the active period of an XL card can also be extended by purchasing data packages. Both of these purchase transactions can be done directly through credit and data package sellers, top-up through vouchers, or purchases through the MyXL application.

5. How to Extend Without Buying Credit or Data Packages

In addition to buying credit or data packages, it turns out there are other ways to extend the active period of an XL card. In fact, this other way can be done easily and practically without having to spend money to buy credit or data packages. So, this method can be a solution when the active period is running out but the remaining credit balance is sufficient.

However, it should be noted that this method cannot be done for free. Because there are two options to extend the active period of the card through this method, namely paying Rp 3,500 for 3 days and Rp 110,000 for a 360-day active period. Payment will be made by deducting the remaining credit balance on your card.

Here are the steps to extend the active period of an XL card without buying credit or data packages, which you can try.

- Open the call menu on your phone.

- Then type the code *123*7#.

- Then press Call.

- Wait a few moments until a pop-up notification appears. Pay attention to the notification and find the option to Extend XL Active Period.

- Then, by typing the number 1, and send it as a reply.

- Wait a few moments, if successful, you will receive the latest notification that your active period has been extended.

Those are some ways to check the active period of an XL card and ways to extend it. Hopefully, it is useful and good luck!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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