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How to Borrow AXIS Credit Without Complications and Fast, Know the Requirements

How to Borrow AXIS Credit Without Complications and Fast, Know the Requirements Illustration (credit: - The feature and service of borrowing credit is widely known. Especially this feature is provided by all mobile providers, one of which is AXIS users. Borrowing AXIS credit is very practical and not complicated. However, users need to know the requirements for borrowing AXIS credit.

Borrowing credit for mobile cards is also known as borrowing credit. Borrowing credit is usually chosen when you want to use emergency credit. Moreover, borrowing credit is quite easy and not complicated. One of them is for AXIS card users, borrowing AXIS credit can be done via SMS or using USSD codes.

Borrowing AXIS credit can be chosen if you want to use emergency credit. However, users also need to know what the requirements for borrowing AXIS credit are. Not all AXIS card numbers can successfully use this feature.

That's why here is a review of how to borrow AXIS credit without complications and fast. The review of how to borrow AXIS credit can be seen through the following review, which has been summarized by from various sources.

1. Terms of AXIS Credit Debt

To use the AXIS credit debt service and feature or borrow AXIS credit, you need to know the requirements first. Because there are requirements for AXIS credit debt that need to be known in order for the credit debt process to be successful. The requirements for AXIS credit debt can be seen through the following reviews.

- AXIS credit debt and its nominal are determined by the operator according to user numbers, such as card active period or other requirements.

- The service fee is 20 percent when using the AXIS credit debt feature. So, it will be deducted directly during the return process, 20 percent of the credit debt nominal.

- Users are required to return the AXIS credit debt.

- The return of AXIS credit debt will be automatically deducted during the credit top-up.

- If the balance of the credit top-up is less than the borrowed nominal, a partial deduction will be made with the remaining amount of Rp 2,000. Meanwhile, the next credit debt balance will be deducted during the next top-up.

- Applicable for AXIS Prepaid card users.

- Minimum active period of the card number is 360 days.

- Minimum top-up of Rp 5,000 three times in the last 90 days.

- Minimum top-up once a month.

2. How to Borrow AXIS Credit Via SMS

Borrowing credit or borrowing mobile credit is certainly not a new thing. Moreover, every provider now provides services and features for borrowing credit. One of them is provided by AXIS, which also has a credit borrowing feature. Moreover, the way to borrow AXIS credit is very easy without complicated even fast. Among the ways to borrow AXIS credit, one of them is by using SMS. The steps to borrow AXIS credit via SMS can be seen through the following review.

- First, open the message menu on your mobile phone.

- Next, create a new SMS with the format DARURAT or ISTIMEWA.

- Send the SMS to the number 911.

- Once done, wait for a reply from the operator regarding the AXIS credit borrowing you have chosen.

- Follow the instructions in the SMS.

- If successful, then your AXIS credit borrowing is successful.

3. How to Borrow AXIS Credit with USSD Code

Next, the way to borrow AXIS credit is by using the Unstructured Supplementary Service Data code or known as USSD. Borrowing AXIS credit with USSD code is also not complicated and fast. The steps for borrowing AXIS credit with USSD code can be the right choice if you want to borrow credit without going through SMS. The way to borrow AXIS credit with USSD code can be seen through the review below.

- First, open the call menu on your phone.

- Next, press *911# and click Call.

- After that, wait until a pop-up related to borrowing AXIS credit appears for you to choose.

- Enter the number 1 to use the AXIS credit borrowing feature.

- Next, follow the instructions that appear on the screen.

- After finishing, wait for the process of requesting AXIS credit borrowing to be confirmed by the operator.

That's how to borrow AXIS credit using the USSD code that is not complicated and fast. So it can make it easier for you to enjoy the services and features of borrowing AXIS credit.

4. How to Check AXIS Borrowed Credit Status

After successfully borrowing AXIS credit, also learn how to check AXIS borrowed credit. So by knowing how to check AXIS borrowed credit, it will make it easier for you to repay the borrowed credit. The ways to check AXIS borrowed credit can be seen in the following review.

1. How to Check AXIS Borrowed Credit via SMS

- First, open the message menu on your phone.

- Next, create a new SMS with the format STATUS.

- Send the SMS to the number 911.

- Wait until you receive a reply from the operator regarding your AXIS credit debt status.

2. How to Check AXIS Borrowed Credit via USSD Code

- First, open the call menu on your phone.

- Press *911# or *123*9110#

- Click Call

- Then, a pop-up information about your AXIS credit debt status will appear.

That's how to check the AXIS credit debt status that you can try to make it easier when returning the borrowed amount of credit.

5. How to Return AXIS Credit Debt

However, when you have used the credit debt feature and service, it needs to be returned. The way to return AXIS credit debt is actually very easy. Users can return AXIS credit debt according to the borrowed amount.

For example, when borrowing credit of Rp 5,000,-, you can return it with Rp 6,000,-. The return amount already includes the operator service fee of Rp 1,000. Meanwhile, the larger the borrowed credit debt, the different service fee, which is 20 percent.

As for the way to return AXIS credit debt, it can be done by simply topping up the credit. Yes, when users top up AXIS credit, the credit will be automatically deducted to return or pay off the credit debt. That's how easy it is to return AXIS credit debt. So you can top up more than the borrowed credit debt so that the return process can be successful in one transaction.

That's the easy and hassle-free way of AXIS credit debt. Hopefully, the above review can help you use the AXIS credit debt service and feature more easily.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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