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How to Check the Active Period of 3 Card Easily and Practically with the Official BimaTri Application

How to Check the Active Period of 3 Card Easily and Practically with the Official BimaTri Application Illustration (credit: Pexels) - Tri is one of the major telephone and internet providers in Indonesia with a significant number of users, especially for those of you who are looking for large internet quotas at cheap prices. For those of you who want to know the active period of your 3 card, it can be done in various ways. Yes, checking the active period of a 3 card can be done easily and practically.

Currently, the active period is important to know. This is because if they forget to make transactions on the card, the card number will become invalid and cannot be used anymore. That's why it's important to know your active period so that you can make transactions there to extend the active period. There are many ways to extend the active period, one of which is by topping up credit or quota.

Now, for KLovers who want to know how to easily and practically check the active period of a 3 card, here are various ways to do it, whether by using dial codes or using the official BimaTri application. Let's check it out right away, KLovers.

1. Check 3 Card Active Period Via Dial Code

The first way to check the active period of the 3 card is by using a dial code. Yup! For those of you who don't have internet quota, you can use the dial code. In addition, the dial code has been a way to check the active period of the 3 card since long time ago. Well, here's how to check the active period of the 3 card using the dial code:

1. The first way is to open the phone application on your mobile phone.

2. After that, you can enter the code *111# and press the Call button.

3. Once done, several numbers will appear. You can choose number 1 for Quota and Regular Data.

4. Next, several options will appear again, choose number 1 to Check Quota.

5. Then choose number 2 for Data Quota.

6. The last step is to choose number 4 to check your Quota and see your active period.

7. Done, a notification bar will appear.

2. Check 3 Card Active Period Via SMS

Then the next way to check the active period of the 3 card is by using SMS. Yes, this method requires credit to do it. For those of you who want to know how to check the active period of the 3 card, you can use SMS. Here's how to check the active period of the 3 card with SMS:

1. The first way is, you can access the SMS feature on your phone.

2. Then you can create a new message and type info (space) data.

3. After that, send an SMS to 234.

4. Once done, there will be a reply SMS from 3 Tri about credit info, quota, and active period.

3. Check 3 Card Active Period Via Bima+ Application

As time goes by, it becomes easier for someone to check their active period. Yes, one of the ways to check the active period of the 3 card is by using the Bima+ application. This method only requires an application and quota, KLovers. Here are several ways to check the active period of the 3 card using the Bima+ application:

1. First, you can open the Bima+ application. If you don't have it yet, you can download the Bima+ application from the Play Store.

2. Then you can log in with your 3 card number.

3. Open the profile menu, in that tab you will know how much remaining quota, remaining credit, and the active period of the 3 card.

4. Check 3 Card Active Period via BimaTri Website

And the last way to check the active period of 3 card is through the BimaTri website. Yes, just like using the application, through this website you only need a quota to find out your active period. Here's how to check the active period of 3 card via BimaTri website:

1. First, open the url address in your browser.

2. Then, you can click on the Login box.

3. Enter the active 3 card number.

4. Wait until you receive the verification code, then you can enter the verification code received via SMS to the BimaTri website.

5. Wait for a moment until the homepage of the BimaTri website appears.

6. You can see detailed information including the card number, remaining credit, and your 3 card's active period.

Those are some easy and practical ways to check the active period of 3 card. You can do it through dial codes or using the Bima+ application, good luck KLovers.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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