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Meaning of Speechless and Its Usage in Sentences, Also Learn Some Synonyms

Meaning of Speechless and Its Usage in Sentences, Also Learn Some Synonyms Illustration (credit: unsplash) - There are many popular words and terms in English that are used in daily life. Speechless is one of them. This word has been used in everyday conversations by various groups, from celebrities to ordinary people. Compared to written form, the word speechless is more often used in spoken language. So, what is the true meaning of speechless?

The word speechless is commonly used to describe someone who suddenly becomes speechless or doesn't know what to say. In general, the meaning of speechless is 'losing words'. However, further explanation is needed to fully understand the meaning of speechless. This way, we can understand how to use it in sentences.

Therefore, compiled from various sources, here is an explanation of the meaning of speechless and examples of its usage in sentences.

1. Meaning of Speechless

As mentioned earlier, the term speechless comes from the English language. The origin of the word speechless is formed from the word speech which means 'to speak' with the suffix -less which means unable. Therefore, in general, the meaning of speechless can be interpreted as an expression of 'unable to speak'. However, to make sure, we need to check the meaning of speechless in the English dictionary.

According to the online dictionary, speechless is classified as an adjective. Furthermore, in that dictionary, the meaning of speechless is 'not able to speak, especially because you are extremely angry or surprised', which roughly translates to 'unable to speak, because of extreme anger or astonishment' in Indonesian.

2. Synonyms of Speechless

Based on the explanation of the meaning of speechless above, we know that speechless is a word or term commonly used as an expression. As one of the expressive words, speechless actually has several synonymous words or terms. The following are some synonyms of speechless.

1. amazed: terkagum-kagum

2. shocked: terkejut

3. cool: terkagum

4. agast: terperanjat

5. dumbstruck: tercengang

6. dumbfounded: tercengang

In addition to being an expression, the word speechless is also often used for other purposes. The term speechless is used to describe a situation when someone cannot speak, say words, or make a sound. In relation to this meaning of speechless, the word speechless also has several synonyms. Here are some of them.

1. voiceless: tak bersuara

2. silent: diam

3. dumb: terdiam

4. wordless: tanpa kata-kata

5. mute: bisu

6. not saying: tidak berbicara

7. tight-lipped: bibir tertutup rapat

8. uncommunicative: tidak komunikatif

3. Example of Using the Word Speechless in Sentences

To understand the meaning of speechless, the explanation above may still feel insufficient. To better understand the meaning of speechless, you can see some examples of using the word speechless in sentences. Here are some examples.

1. She slammed the door, and left us speechless.

2. Her words made us speechless.

3. Your story left me speechless.

4. His remark about education left me speechless.

5. It was the only time in four years I saw the students speechless.

6. I remember telling people when I moved here that I didn't own a car and they were just like, horrified, speechless, aghast.

4. Quotes about Speechless

So far, the term speechless may have been widely used in spoken language. However, it turns out that there are some writers who also use the term or word speechless in their works. In these quotes, the meaning of speechless becomes so deep and meaningful. Here are some quotes about speechless.

1. "Being silent never makes me speechless; it releases words through my fingers as I write." (Silence never makes me speechless; it releases words through my fingers as I write) - Munia Khan, Attainable

2. "I imagined I was God for a millisecond, And became speechless for a long time." (I imagined I was God for a millisecond, And became speechless for a long time) - Dejan Stojanovic

3. "Sometimes being overwhelmed by emotions can leave you speechless but even then it is important to identify the correct emotion." (Sometimes being overwhelmed by emotions can leave you speechless but even then it is important to identify the correct emotion) - Sam Owen

4. "Fear makes people speechless" (Fear makes people speechless) - Sunday Adelaja

5. "Trying to decode the language of your hands, They say it can render a woman speechless." (Trying to decode the language of your hands, They say it can render a woman speechless) - Nitya Prakash

Those are some explanations about the meaning of speechless along with synonyms and examples of its use in sentences. Hopefully, it is useful and can increase your knowledge!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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