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Meaning of Al Ghaffar in Asmaul Husna and How to Emulate It

Meaning of Al Ghaffar in Asmaul Husna and How to Emulate It Illustration (Credit: Unsplash) - Al Ghaffar is one of the good names of Allah in the 99 Asmaul Husna. The meaning of Al Ghaffar is to cover the sins committed by His servants.

The meaning of Al Ghaffar contains such a deep meaning that the love and grace of Allah are very vast. Therefore, Allah covers all the flaws of His people so that they become honorable and noble creatures in the eyes of others.

As a Muslim, you should know Asmaul Husna. That means you also need to know the meaning of Al Ghaffar and how to emulate it. Therefore, just listen to the explanation in the following information.

1. The Meaning of Al Ghaffar

In terms of terminology, the meaning of Al Ghaffar refers to The Most Forgiving. Forgiving can be interpreted as covering sins until they are no longer visible. In Asmaul Husna, the meaning of Al Ghaffar is Allah who is most forgiving and covers the sins of His servants as He wishes.

Linguistically, Al Ghaffar comes from the root word gha-fa-ra which means to cover. In Arabic, the root word can form various words.

For example, istighfar (seeking forgiveness), ghufran (forgiveness), maghfirah (forgiveness), ghafir (the forgiver), ghufrah (covering tool), ghafur (forgiving), ghafir (covering), and so on.

In the Quran, Al Ghaffar is mentioned five times. One of them is in Surah Nuh verse 10 as follows:

"So I said to them: 'Ask forgiveness from your Lord; indeed, He is ever a Perpetual Forgiver," (Quran 71:10).

Man will become a disgusting and lowly creature if all his sins are visible. However, Allah covers all these shortcomings even though humans make mistakes. Because of Allah's forgiveness, humans can appear honorable and noble in the eyes of others.

Therefore, humans need to seek Allah's forgiveness by always seeking forgiveness so that they can obtain forgiveness. By doing so, Allah will forgive and cover the sins of humans so that they can appear noble in front of others.

2. 99 Meanings of Asmaul Husna

Not only the meaning of Al Ghaffar, there are 99 other beautiful and good names of Allah that you need to know. The explanation about Asmaul Husna can be found in the following saying of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH):

"Indeed, Allah has ninety-nine names, one hundred minus one. Whoever memorizes them will enter Paradise." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim from Abu Hurairah).

Therefore, you should also pay attention to the following Asmaul Husna:

1. Al Rahman: The Most Compassionate

2. Ar Rahiim: The Most Merciful

3. Al Malik: The Sovereign

4. Al Quddus: The Holy

5. As Salaam: The Giver of Peace

6. Al Mu'min: The Bestower of Security

7. Al Muhaimin: The Guardian

8. Al Aziiz: The Mighty

9. Al Jabbar: The Compeller

10. Al Mutakabbir: The Majestic

11. Al Khaliq: The Creator

12. Al Baari: The Evolver, The Fashioner, The Balancer

13. Al Qaadir: The All-Powerful, The Equilibrium

70.Al Muqtadir: The Omnipotent

71.Al Muqaddim: The Expediter

72.Al Mu'akkhir: The Delayer

73.Al Awwal: The First

74.Al Aakhir: The Last

75.Az Zhaahir: The Manifest

76. Al Baathin: The Hidden

77.Al Waali: The Governor

78.Al Mut'aalii: The Most High

79.Al Barri: The Generous

80.At Tawwaab: The Acceptor of Repentance

81.Al Muntaqim: The Avenger

82.Al Afuww: The Pardoner

83. Ar Ra'uf: The Most Merciful

84. Malikul Mulk: The Owner of All Sovereignty

85. Dhu Al-Jalali Wal-Ikram: The Possessor of Majesty and Honor

86. Al-Muqsit: The Just One

87. Al-Jami': The Gatherer

88. Al-Ghani: The Self-Sufficient

89. Al-Mughni: The Enricher

90. Al-Mani: The Preventer

91. Ad-Dhar: The Afflicter

92. An-Nafi': The Benefactor

93. An-Nur: The Light

94. Al-Hadi: The Guide

95. Al-Badi: The Originator

96. Al-Baqi: The Everlasting

97. Al-Warith: The Inheritor

98. Ar-Rashid: The Wise

99. As-Sabur: The Patient

Al Mushawwir: The Shaper of Beauty

14. Al Ghaffar: The Forgiving

15. Al Qahhaar: The Subduer

16. Al Wahhaab: The Bestower

17. Ar Razzaaq: The Provider

18. Al Fattaah: The Opener of All Doors of Mercy

19. Al 'Aliim: The All-Knowing

20. Al Qaabidh: The Restrainer

21. Al Baasith: The Expander

22. Al Khaafidh: The Abaser

23. Ar Raafi: The Exalter

24. Al Mu'izz: The Honorer

25. Al Mudzil: The Dishonorer

26. Al Samii': The All-Hearing

27. Al Bashiir: The All-Seeing

28.Al Hakam: The Supreme Judge

29.Al Adl: The Just

30.Al Lathiif: The Gentle

31.Al Khabiir: The Knower of All Secrets

32.Al Haliim: The Clement

33.Al 'Azhiim: The Great

34. Al Ghafuur: The Forgiving

35.As Syakuur: The Grateful

36.Al Aliy: The Most High

37.Al Kabiir: The Great

38.Al Hafizh: The Protector

39.Al Muqiit: The Sustainer

40.Al Hasiib: The Reckoner

41. Al Jaliil: The Majestic

42.Al Kariim: The Generous

43.Ar Raqiib: The Watchful

44.Al Mujiib: The Responsive

45.Al Waasi: The All-Encompassing

46.Al Hakiim: The Wise

47.Al Waduud: The Loving

48. Al Majiid: The Glorious

49.Al Baa'its: The Resurrector

50.As Syahiid: The Witness

51.Al Haqq: The Truth

52.Al Wakiil: The Trustee

53.Al Qawiyyu: The Mighty

54.Al Matiin: The Strong

55. Al Waliyy: The Protector

56.Al Hamiid: The Praiseworthy

57.Al Mushii: The Calculator

58.Al Mubdi: The Originator

59.Al Mu'id: The Restorer of Life

60.Al Muhyii: The Giver of Life

61.Al Mumiitu: The Bringer of Death

62. Al Hayyu: The Living

63.Al Qayyuum: The Self-Existing

64.Al Waajid: The Finder

65.Al Maajid: The Noble

66.Al Wahiid: The One and Only

67.Al Ahad: The One

68.As Samad: The Satisfier of Needs, The Self-Sufficient


3. Emulating the Nature of Al Ghaffar

As explained above, the meaning of Al-Ghaffar is that Allah covers sins so that people do not see the disgrace of others. Here is an explanation of the sins of humans that are covered by Allah.

1. The inner body of humans with their beautiful outward appearance.

2. The whispers and evil intentions of the human heart.

3. The sins and mistakes of humans that should be known by the general public.

To emulate the meaning of Al-Ghaffar above, there are several ways that humans can take.

1. Forgiving Others' Mistakes

Forgiving or being generous towards the mistakes of others is one of the teachings of Islam. Forgiving is one form of servant's piety towards Allah SWT. A person who forgives others is a person who is pious or submissive to Allah SWT.

"And your forgiveness is closer to piety" (Quran, Al-Baqarah: 237)

In a hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said:

"Show kindness and forgive, and Allah SWT will forgive you." (Hadith, Ibn Majah)

2. Not Revealing the Faults of Others

This is a characteristic that should exist in Muslims, which is to cover up the flaws or mistakes of others by not telling them to anyone. Allah will cover your faults if you also try to cover the faults of others. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) conveyed this in the following saying:

"Whoever covers (the faults of) a Muslim, Allah will cover his faults in this world and the Hereafter." (Hadith, Ibn Majah)

3. Showing the Excellences of Others

Another way to practice Al Ghaffar is by showing the goodness or excellences of others. This can be considered as a form of love for fellow human beings.

KLovers, that is an explanation of the meaning of Al Ghaffar and other Asmaul Husna. You can also practice these qualities as a form of piety towards Allah SWT.


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