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How to Change FB Password Easily and Quickly Along with Tips for Creating a New Password

How to Change FB Password Easily and Quickly Along with Tips for Creating a New Password Illustration (Credit: Unsplash) - Like other social media, FB passwords also have the potential to be forgotten by users. Therefore, you also need to know how to change FB passwords, especially if you realize that the old password is difficult to remember.

In addition, changing the password of FB will also be very helpful if you feel that your account is not secure. Whether because you forgot to log out when opening it on a public device or someone else happens to know your password. Social media accounts always have the potential to be misused, so make sure only you know the password.

Well, as a solution to all your concerns, here are several ways to easily and quickly change FB passwords. There are also tips for creating a new password that is stronger so that your security is not easily compromised by others. Without further ado, check out the complete information below.

1. How to Change FB Password with Phone Number

You can change your FB password using the phone number associated with your account. To make it clearer, follow the steps below.

- Please access the official Facebook login page and click "Forgot Account". A new page will open with password recovery options.

- Next, you will receive an SMS containing a password reset code. Search for the account by entering the phone number in the text box and click "Search".

- Please select the option to send the reset code. In this case, it will be sent through SMS to your mobile phone. Click "Continue".

- Open the messaging app to access the sent code. Enter the code into the box and click "Continue".

- Enter your new password in the displayed box.

- Done! Your new password has been set, and you are ready to surf on FB again.

2. How to Change FB Password Through the App

How to change your FB password can be done through the Facebook application that is already installed on your mobile phone. The steps are quite easy and you can follow the explanation below.

- Open the Facebook application that is already installed on your smartphone, KLovers.

- Next, you can enter the email address or telephone number and password of your Facebook account to log in.

- After you have logged into your Facebook account, tap on the icon shaped like three lines located in the top right corner of your smartphone screen.

- Then click on "account settings".

- Next, click on "Security and Login" to enter the security settings of your Facebook account.

- Then select Change password.

- In the "Current" column, enter your old FB password. As for the "New and Retype New" column, enter your new FB password.

- Once you have done that, you can click on "Save Changes".

- If you see this display, select "Stay Signed In" and then select "Continue".

- Done, your account password will be changed automatically.

3. How to Change FB Password with Email

You can try changing the password of another FB account through the email associated with the account. To find out how, please read the following explanation.

- First, open the Facebook login page.

- Try logging in with the last password you remember using. If incorrect, Google will send a recovery code to the email address associated with your account.

- Use it to log in to your account.

If you can no longer access the email address you used to create your FB account, you can use a backup email account or phone number.

- Open the Facebook login page.

- Click on "Forgot account?"

- Choose a method to reset your password: Google account, backup email address, or phone number.

- Click Continue and follow the instructions to reset your password.

4. How to Change FB Password via Google

Not only through the application, you can also change your FB password through the browser, including Google, as follows.

- The first way you can open the Google application on your mobile phone or PC KLovers.

- After that, you can directly click on the three-dot menu icon located in the upper right corner of the browser.

- Next, you can log in to your account as usual.

- Once logged in, you can click on the inverted triangle symbol, then select the option "Settings".

- After that, you can select "Security and Login Info".

- Next, select Change password.

- In the "Valid" column, enter your old FB password. As for the "New and Retype the new" column, enter your new FB password.

- Once done, you can click "Save Changes".

- If you see this display, select "Stay Logged In" then select "Continue".

- Finished, your account password will be automatically changed.

5. Tips for Creating a Strong FB Password

After knowing some ways to change the FB password, of course, you also need to get tips for creating a stronger new password. Here is information about those tips that you can follow.

- Use a password with a minimum of 8 letters and include numbers in it.

- You can combine letters and numbers, making it very difficult for hackers to try to log in to our account.

- However, you can still use words or characters that are easy to remember.

- Use a combination of lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and numbers.

- Avoid using names, birthdates, home addresses, pet names, or other easily guessed words.

- Avoid using real names, birthdates, parents' names, or anything closely related to us so that others can't easily guess.

- Make it a habit to change your FB password once a month when you have time.

- Avoid leaving your phone or laptop with an active Facebook account unattended to prevent it from being easily hacked.

KLovers, those are some ways to change the FB password along with tips for creating a stronger new password.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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