Kapanlagi.com - According to Javanese primbon, some types of animals are believed to have their own mystical value. There are animals that are believed to bring luck, but there are also those that can bring misfortune. Doves are one of the animals that, according to Javanese primbon, can bring luck or fortune. In Javanese primbon, it is also explained how to choose a dove according to weton.
However, not all types of doves are believed to bring luck to their owners. Only certain types of doves called katuranggan doves are believed to bring luck. Taking care of and treating katuranggan doves well will bring their owners a lot of luck and even safety.
So, what are the characteristics of katuranggan doves and why should you choose a dove according to Javanese primbon? To find out, just read the following explanation.
1. Choosing a Dove According to Weton

Choosing a Dove According to Weton (credit: unsplash)
Choosing a dove according to Weton is a common practice among bird enthusiasts or dove lovers. This is because there is a belief that choosing a dove according to Weton is like choosing a soulmate. It means that if the owner and the dove have the same Weton, they are considered compatible or destined for each other.
In daily life, choosing a dove based on Weton is also associated with success in dove contests. Many dove enthusiasts believe that a dove with a Katuranggan that matches their Weton will be easier to train and achieve success in dove contests. Therefore, they will look for doves with Katuranggan that matches their Weton to be used as competition doves.
Choosing a dove according to Weton is actually not complicated. The most important thing is for prospective owners to know their own Weton. Later on, they can determine the Weton of the dove they want to buy or keep by directly asking the seller or previous owner when the dove hatched.
As known in Javanese tradition, Weton is divided into five pasaran, namely Pon, Wage, Kliwon, Legi, and Pahing.
Each market is believed to have different characteristics and qualities. The weton market is also believed to be able to influence a person's personality and destiny. Therefore, when choosing a turtledove, turtledove enthusiasts will look for a bird with a suitable katuranggan according to their weton count in order to match in terms of character and destiny.
2. Types of Katuranggan Doves

Types of Katuranggan Doves (credit: unsplash)
1. Turtledove Katuranggan 'Songgo Ratu'
One type of Katuranggan Turtledove is Katuranggan 'Songgo Ratu' which is characterized by its striking white dominant feathers. Katuranggan 'Songgo Ratu' is believed to bring luck and success to its owner.
2. Turtledove Katuranggan 'Banyu Mili'
The second Katuranggan Turtledove is 'Banyu Mili' which has a unique characteristic with a chirping sound similar to the sound of flowing water. 'Banyu Mili' is believed to bring luck and help its owner to obtain abundant sustenance.
3. Turtledove Katuranggan 'Kol Buntet'
Turtledove Katuranggan 'Kol Buntet' has a distinctive loud and high-pitched sound. This bird is also known to have strong positive energy and is believed to support its owner in achieving success.
4. Turtledove Katuranggan 'Guruku Jati Giri'
Meanwhile, there is also Turtledove Katuranggan 'Guruku Jati Giri' which has white feathers and a melodious chirping sound. This type of Katuranggan dove is believed to bring happiness, prosperity, and luck to its owner.
5.Katuranggan 'Lurah' Dove
The 'Lurah' Katuranggan dove is known for its bright white feathers. This bird is believed to bring luck in career and position.
6.Katuranggan 'Rajek Wesi' Dove
The 'Rajek Wesi' Katuranggan dove is also included in the special type of dove. It has white and black feathers like iron and has a melodious and loud voice. 'Rajek Wesi' is believed to be a symbol of power and prosperity.
3. Tips for Choosing a Physically Healthy Katuranggan Dove

Tips for Choosing a Healthy Katuranggan Dove (credit: unsplash)
1.Attractive Color Patterns and Body Shape
Katuranggan doves with attractive color patterns and proportional body shape tend to be healthier and stronger. Having attractive color patterns makes the experience of raising Katuranggan doves more interesting.
2.Agile and Active Movements
Healthy Katuranggan doves will move smoothly and explore the environment with enthusiasm. Slow movements can be a sign of health problems in Katuranggan doves.
3.Clear and Unobstructed Head
A clear head indicates that Katuranggan doves are free from diseases or health problems. A protruding or blurred head can be a sign of health problems in Katuranggan doves.
4. Good Appetite
Healthy turtledoves will receive food enthusiastically. A good appetite makes it easier to take care of the turtledoves and ensures sufficient nutrition intake.
Those are some of the reviews related to turtledoves according to Javanese astrology. However, it should be noted that the myth related to turtledoves bringing luck to their owners is not something that can be proven. Nevertheless, it has become part of the community's belief and should be respected.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.