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Kispray and DMI Spread Fragrance in 1000 Mosques Welcoming Ramadan

Kispray and DMI Spread Fragrance in 1000 Mosques Welcoming Ramadan Kispray spreads fragrance in 1000 mosques (Photo credit: KapanLagi/Sahal Fadhli) - In this holy month of Ramadan, Enesis Group through the Kispray brand collaborates with the Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI) and the National Zakat Agency (Baznas) in a program titled Welcoming the Holy Month, Spreading Fragrance in 1000 Mosques. This program aims to create a clean, fragrant, and comfortable worship environment in 1000 mosques across various regions of Java Island, including Jabodetabek, West Java, Central Java, and East Java.

The program was officially launched at a ceremony held at the DMI Central Office on Friday (7/3/2025). The event was attended by the Chairman of DMI Central, H. M. Jusuf Kalla, the Chairman of Baznas RI, Prof. Dr. KH. Noor Achmad, MA, and the Chief of Marketing of Enesis Group, Jo Selahap Semidang.

Jusuf Kalla, in his speech, highlighted the importance of cleanliness in worship, especially during Ramadan when mosques become centers of religious activities for Muslims.

"A clean and fragrant mosque not only provides comfort for worshippers but also reflects the sanctity of the place of worship. The Prophet Muhammad SAW himself paid great attention to cleanliness and fragrance during worship," said Jusuf Kalla.

He added that maintaining the cleanliness of mosques is a tangible manifestation of Islamic teachings that prioritize cleanliness as part of faith. According to him, a clean and fragrant worship environment can make worshippers more focused and comfortable in their worship.

1. Provide Comfort While Worshipping

The Chairman of Baznas RI, Prof. Dr. KH. Noor Achmad, MA, also expressed appreciation for this program. He believes that this step provides additional comfort for congregants who utilize the mosque as a place of worship during Ramadan.

"This collaboration is very beneficial, as a comfortable mosque will allow congregants to focus more on their worship. I hope this also serves as an inspiration for the community to continue sharing through zakat, infak, and charity," he said.

2. Contains a Distinct Aroma

Meanwhile, RM Ardiantara, Head of Public Relations Enesis Group, explained that this program aims to make a real contribution to creating a more comfortable worship atmosphere. The Kasturi Suci spray used in this program contains a calming musk aroma, anti-germ, anti-bacterial formula, and odor control.

"With this product, we hope that congregants can worship more solemnly and comfortably. We also invite Muslims to pay more attention to the cleanliness of worship equipment such as prayer rugs, carpets, and prayer garments," said Ardiantara.

3. Distributed to 1000 Mosques

The Kispray product in the form of bottles and refills will be distributed to 1000 mosques that have been selected by DMI Central. The distribution is carried out through Baznas central and regional, with the mechanism of collection by representatives of the selected mosques.

In addition to product distribution, this program also includes socialization on the importance of maintaining the cleanliness of mosques. The goal is to raise public awareness so that the cleanliness of mosques is maintained not only during Ramadan but also afterwards.

With a clean and fragrant mosque environment, it is hoped that worship becomes more comfortable and solemn, and the spirit of maintaining the cleanliness of places of worship continues to be instilled in the hearts of the community. This program is expected to be a starting point for greater collaboration in the future.

4. Real Contribution from Enesis Group

RM Ardiantara, Head of Public Relations Enesis Group, explained that this program aims to make a real contribution in creating a more comfortable worship atmosphere. Kispray Kasturi Suci, used in this program, has a calming musk aroma.

5. Germ-Free Formula for Congregation Comfort

This product is also equipped with a germ-free formula, anti-bacterial properties, and odor control. 'We hope the congregation can worship more solemnly and comfortably,' said Ardiantara.

6. Distribution of Products to 1000 Mosques

Kispray products in bottle and refill form will be distributed to 1000 mosques selected by DMI Central. The distribution process will be carried out through Baznas at both central and regional levels, with representatives from the selected mosques who will collect them.

7. Socialization of the Importance of Mosque Cleanliness

This program not only includes the distribution of products but also the socialization of the importance of maintaining mosque cleanliness. The community is expected to raise awareness so that the cleanliness of the mosque is maintained not only during Ramadan but also thereafter.

8. Hope for the Future

With a clean and fragrant mosque environment, it is hoped that worship will become more comfortable and focused. The spirit of maintaining cleanliness in places of worship is expected to continue to be instilled in the hearts of the community. This program is hoped to be a starting point for a larger collaboration in the future.

It is important to note that DMI does not only refer to the Indonesian Mosque Council. This abbreviation can also mean Digital Management Inc. or Design Management Institute. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the context to avoid confusion.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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