Kapanlagi.com - AFK is a term that often appears in slang language on social media and in the gaming world. However, many people still do not know the meaning of AFK and how to use it.
Understanding the meaning and usage of slang language on social media is quite important. Moreover, there are several slang terms that come from English abbreviations. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the meaning of the explanation of the AFK meaning in slang language along with its usage.
For that reason, below is a review of the popular meaning of AFK in slang language on social media. Check out what AFK means, which apparently indicates a situation when someone is taking a temporary break in online or offline gaming due to certain reasons.
1. Meaning of AFK in Slang Language

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There are various slang languages ​​that emerge from abbreviations of English or Indonesian. One of them is the meaning of AFK which is a slang language from English abbreviations. This slang language is quite popular on social media. However, many social media users still do not know the meaning of AFK in slang language. So what is the actual meaning of AFK in slang language?
The meaning of AFK in slang language comes from the English abbreviation Away From Keyword. If translated into Indonesian, the meaning of AFK is away from the keyboard. In other words, the meaning of AFK refers to someone who is online while playing games but cannot respond.
The meaning of AFK is that the player is away from the keyboard even though they are online. Therefore, they cannot do many activities with the keyboard, both to play game characters, reply to chats, and so on. That is the explanation of the meaning of AFK in slang language that you need to know.
2. The Meaning of AFK in the Gaming World

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As mentioned in the previous review, the meaning of AFK is closely related to the gaming world. Well, the gaming world referred to here refers to online or mobile games such as PUBG or PC-based MMORPG games.
For example, there is a player who is AFK in an online MMORPG game, which means they cannot control the game character. This happens when the player is busy with other activities and away from the keyboard or cannot use the keyboard.
Meanwhile, in the online game PUBG, the meaning of AFK can occur due to several causes such as unstable internet connection. Meanwhile, the explanation of the meaning of AFK is that the player suddenly becomes inactive when the game is in progress or online. This is what then creates the term AFK in the gaming world.
3. The Meaning of AFK and Its Use

(credit: unsplash.com)
After knowing the explanation of the meaning of AFK, also understand the use of this slang language in the world of games or chat language. Because the meaning of AFK is away from keyboard, it means that when someone is unable to reply to messages or interact with others using a PC or mobile phone.
Meanwhile, the use of the meaning of AFK in the gaming world usually refers to situations when gamers are inactive. For example, a player is taking a break while the game is ongoing, so they are away from the keyboard. Or they are doing other work that keeps them away from the keyboard. So, in other words, the meaning of AFK can be called taking a short break from online gaming activities.
When someone says they are AFK, it can be said that they are temporarily inactive, so they cannot reply to messages that are sent. Someone who is AFK can last for a certain duration until they can become active again to reply to messages.
4. Slang Terms on Social Media

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In addition to the AFK slang, there are several popular slang terms on social media. Among some of the popular slang terms on social media are:
Slang Terms in the World of Games
1. Noob: The meaning of Noob in the world of games is defined as a new or newbie player. Therefore, as a beginner, they sometimes are not too skilled at playing it. The meaning of noob can also be called bad because they often lose.
2. Pro: It means skilled or at a high level.
3. Auto: It means direct or guaranteed and certain.
4. GG: It means good game or a cool game.
5. Ulti: It means eliminated.
6. By One: It means one on one or draw.
7. Safe Zone: It means a sheltered or safe zone.
8. OTG: It means on the game or back into the game.
Slang terms on social media:
1. Halu: It means hallucination.
2. Gercep: It means moving fast.
3. FYI: It means for your information or new information.
4. Santuy: It means relaxed.
5. Ngab: It means bro.
6. Baper: It means emotional.
7. Healing: It means the process of healing from emotional wounds.
8. Clingy: It means childish or like a parasite that always sticks.
9. Insecure: It means feeling inferior or lacking in something.
10. Salty: It means offended, angry, or criticized.
Those are some explanations about the meaning of AFK in slang language and the gaming world. Hopefully, it can make it easier for you to understand the meaning of the popular and trending AFK slang on social media.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.