Kapanlagi.com - In Islam, we are familiar with the term asmaul husna to refer to the obligatory attributes of Allah. Every Muslim must know the obligatory attributes of Allah. Because by doing so, we can always be motivated to continue to believe and be pious to Allah. Among the many names of Allah, Ar Rahim is one of them. So, what is the meaning of Ar Rahim?
As one of the names of Allah, Ar Rahim certainly has a very noble meaning. Even in the holy book of the Quran, the word Ar Rahim is mentioned repeatedly. In addition, the attribute of Ar Rahim also appears in the recitation of Basmallah which Muslims recite as a prayer when starting something. Therefore, it is very important to know the meaning of Ar Rahim and its significance.
Summarized from various sources, here is a discussion of the meaning of Ar Rahim that Muslims need to know.
1. Meaning of Ar Rahim

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The general meaning of Ar Rahim in the Indonesian language is the Most Merciful. With this attribute, Allah SWT shows love to all His servants, especially those who believe in Him. This is shown through the abundance of blessings, sustenance, grace, and guidance that Allah SWT bestows upon His surrendered servants.
As one of Allah SWT's attributes, Ar Rahim is often paired with Ar Rahman, as in the recitation of Basmallah. Both have high and noble meanings. Although they sound similar, there are differences in the meanings of Ar Rahim and Ar Rahman.
This is based on the meaning of Ar Rahman itself, which is Allah SWT as the Most Giving. So, if interpreted literally, Allah SWT becomes the Lord who provides all sustenance to every creature. However, specifically, Allah SWT will give special mercy to the believing Muslims in the hereafter.
2. Verses of the Quran that Explain Allah SWT's Attribute of Ar Rahim

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The attribute of Allah SWT as a God who possesses the attribute of Ar Rahim or the Most Merciful is beyond doubt. And as mentioned earlier, the attribute of Allah SWT as the Most Merciful has been mentioned and explained repeatedly in the Quran. Here are some verses of the Quran that explain the meaning of Ar Rahim that Allah SWT possesses.
1) Surah Al-A'raaf verse 151, which means:
"He (Moses) prayed, 'O my Lord, forgive me and my brother and admit us into Your mercy, for You are the Most Merciful of all those who show mercy.'" (Quran, Al-A'raaf:15)
2) Surah Yusuf verse 64, which means:
He (Jacob) said, 'How can I trust you with him (Benjamin), when I have already entrusted his brother (Joseph) to you before?' But Allah is the best guardian, and He is the Most Merciful of all those who show mercy."
3) Surah Mu'minun verse 109, which means:
"Indeed, there is a group of My servants who pray, 'O our Lord, we have believed, so forgive us and have mercy on us, for You are the best of those who show mercy.'"
4) Surah Al Kahf verse 58, which means:
"And your Lord is the Forgiving, full of mercy. If He were to impose blame upon them for what they earned, He would have hastened for them the punishment."
3. Other Asmaul Husna and Their Meanings

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Besides Ar Rahim, Allah SWT still has 98 other noble attributes that are included in the asmaul husna. Now, besides the meaning of Ar Rahim, it is important for every Muslim to know the meaning of the other 98 asmaul husna. Here is a list and the meaning of the asmaul husna.
Ar Rahman: The Most Compassionate
Ar Rahiim: The Most Merciful
Al Malik: The Supreme
Al Quddus: The Most Holy
As Salaam: The Giver of Peace
Al Mu'min: The Giver of Security
Al Muhaimin: The Guardian
Al Aziz: The Almighty
Al Jabbar: The Compeller
Al Mutakabbir: The Majestic
Al Khaliq: The Creator
Al Baari: The Evolver
Al Mushawwir: The Fashioner
Al Ghaffaar: The Forgiver
Al Qahhaar: The Subduer
Al Wahhaab: The Bestower of Gifts
Ar Razzaaq: The Provider
Al Fattaah: The Opener of Doors
Al 'Aliim: The All-Knowing
Al Qaabidh: The Constrictor
Al Baasith: The Expander
Al Khaafidh: The Abaser
Ar Raafi: The Exalter
Al Mu'izz: The Honorer
Al Mudzil: The Humiliator
Al Samii: The All-Hearing
Al Bashiir: The All-Seeing
Al Hakam: The Judge
Al 'Adl: The Just
Al Lathiif: The Subtle
Al Khabiir: The Aware
Al Haliim: The Forbearing
Al 'Azhiim: The Mighty
Al Ghafuur: The Forgiving
As Syakuur: The Appreciative
Al 'Aliy: The Most High
Al Kabiir: The Great
Al Hafizh: The Preserver
Al Muqiit: The Sustainer
Al Hasiib: The Reckoner
Al Jaliil: The Sublime
Al Kariim: The Generous
Ar Raqiib: The Watchful
Al Mujiib: The Responsive
Al Waasi: The All-Encompassing
Al Hakiim: The Wise
Al Waduud: The Loving
Al Majiid: The Glorious
Al Baa'its: The Resurrector
As Syahiid: The Witness
Al Haqq: The Truth
Al Wakiil: The Trustee
Al Qawiyyu: The Powerful
Al Matiin: The Firm
Al Waliyy: The Protector
Al Hamiid: The Praiseworthy
Al Muhshii: The Accounter
Al Mubdi: The Originator
Al Mu'id: The Restorer of Life
Al Muhyii: The Giver of Life
Al Mumiitu: The Causer of Death
Al Hayyu: The Living
Al Qayyuum: The Self-Existing
Al Waajid: The Finder
Al Maajid: The Glorious
Al Wahid: The One
Al Ahad: The Unique
As Shamad: The All-Sufficient
Al Qaadir: The Able
Al Muqtadir: The All-Powerful
Al Muqaddim: The Expediter
Al Mu'akkhir: The Delayer
Al Awwal: The First
Al Aakhir: The Last
Az Zhaahir: The Manifest
Al Baathin: The Hidden
Al Waali: The Governor
Al Muta'alii: The Most Exalted
Al Barru: The Generous
At Tawwaab: The Acceptor of Repentance
Al Muntaqim: The Avenger
Al Afuww: The Pardoner
Ar Ra'uuf: The Kind
Malikul Mulk: The Owner of Sovereignty
Dzul Jalaali Wal Ikraam: The Possessor of Majesty and Honor
Al Muqsith: The Equitable
Al Jamii': The Gatherer
Al Ghaniyy: The Self-Sufficient
Al Mughnii: The Enricher
Al Maani: The Preventer
Ad Dhaar: The Distressor
An Nafii: The Benefactor
An Nuur: The Light
Al Haadii: The Guide
Al Badii': The Incomparable
Al Baaqii: The Everlasting
Al Waarits: The Inheritor
Ar Rasyiid: The Wise
As Shabuur: The Patient
Those are among the explanations of the meaning of Ar Rahim as one of the attributes of Allah SWT. May it be beneficial and increase your faith as a Muslim. Ameen.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.