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Meaning of Convert in Islam, Also Understand the Privileges, Requirements, and Procedures

Meaning of Convert in Islam, Also Understand the Privileges, Requirements, and Procedures Illustration (credit: unsplash) - Convert may have become a word or term that is not unfamiliar, especially for Muslims. The meaning of convert must be understood by every person who practices Islam. This is because the understanding of convert is closely related to Islamic law. In addition, the word convert often appears in daily conversations, so it is important to understand it to avoid misunderstandings.

In general, the term convert is often interpreted as a term for someone who has recently embraced Islam. Therefore, news or discussions about someone who becomes a convert often become happy news. However, of course, understanding the meaning of convert is not enough with just that brief understanding. The meaning of convert must be understood deeply.

Summarized from various sources, here is a review of the meaning of convert in Islam.

1. Meaning of Mualaf

Based on its origin, the word 'mualaf' is actually a word from the Arabic language. When translated into Indonesian, the meaning of 'mualaf' is approximately a person whose heart has been softened. More specifically, this refers to someone who has converted to Islam after experiencing inner turmoil.

However, the word 'mualaf' has also been absorbed into the Indonesian language. Thus, the meaning of 'mualaf' has been registered in the Great Indonesian Dictionary or KBBI. In KBBI, the meaning of 'mualaf' is a person who has newly embraced Islam; a person whose faith is not yet strong because they have just embraced Islam.

In Islam, the meaning of 'mualaf' is not limited to someone who has just embraced Islam. A 'mualaf' is considered someone who still lacks knowledge of their religion. Therefore, they need support from fellow Muslims. This support can be in various forms, from moral support to social support through the distribution of zakat.

The provision of social support in the form of zakat to 'mualaf' is mentioned in the words of Allah SWT in Surah At-Taubah verse 60, which roughly translates as:

"Indeed, the zakat payments are only for the poor, the needy, the zakat administrators, those whose hearts are to be reconciled [to the truth of Islam]..." (Quran 9:60).


2. The Privilege of Converts

As explained in the review above about the meaning of converts, someone who has just entered the Islamic religion may indeed be considered lacking in religious knowledge. However, a Muslim should not look down on a convert. Because, behind the lack of religious knowledge, a convert actually has an extraordinary privilege.

A convert has actually been purified by Allah SWT from the sins he committed before embracing Islam. Not only that, major sins such as disbelief and polytheism are also forgiven by Allah when someone becomes a convert. This is as stated in Surah Az Zumar verse 39, which means:

"Say, 'O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful.'" (Quran, Az-Zumar 39: 53).


3. Conditions for Conversion

The general meaning of a convert is a person who has recently embraced the Islamic religion. As we know, matters related to religion and beliefs are significant. Therefore, to become a convert, there are several conditions that must be fulfilled. Here are some requirements to become a convert.

1. For Men, Circumcision is Mandatory

Circumcision is one of the traditions in the Islamic religion. In fact, the obligation of circumcision has been conveyed by the Prophet Muhammad through a hadith that says:

"There are five things that are part of the natural disposition: circumcision, shaving the pubic hair, trimming the nails, plucking the underarm hair, and trimming the mustache." (H.R Muslim 257).

2. Reciting the Two Testimonies of Faith

One of the obligatory requirements for a person to become a convert is to recite the two testimonies of faith. This is because the testimony of faith is a declaration of a person in the name of Allah SWT and Prophet Muhammad SAW.

3. Performing a Major Ritual Bath

A person who becomes a convert is also required to perform a major ritual bath. As we know, taking a big shower is a way to purify oneself from hadas and najis. It is recommended to take a big shower after someone recites the shahada and converts to Islam. This is as stated in the hadith:

"I came to the Prophet shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam to embrace Islam. Then he ordered me to take a shower with water and leaves of the jujube tree." (HR. Abu Daud 355)

4. Ready to Perform the Pillars of Islam

After converting to Islam, someone officially becomes a Muslim. That means, they must commit to performing every pillar of Islam, namely: the shahada, prayer, fasting, zakat, and Hajj.

4. Procedure to Become a Convert

After knowing the meaning of mualaf, a Muslim also needs to know the procedure for becoming one. Yes, because becoming a Muslim is not just about reciting the two phrases of the shahada. Here is the procedure for becoming a mualaf.

1. Reciting the Shahada

Reciting the two phrases of the shahada is one of the obligatory requirements that must not be missed. The shahada must be recited with full conviction that Allah SWT is the only God and Muhammad is His messenger. Here is the recitation of the shahada:

"Asyhadu an la ilaha illallah. Wa asyhadu anna muhammadar rasulullah"


"I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah."

2. Big Bath

After reciting the shahada, a convert is recommended to take a big bath as prescribed by Prophet Muhammad in his hadith.

3.Start Fulfilling Obligations

After officially becoming a Muslim, a convert is obligated to fulfill all obligations in Islam, such as prayer, fasting, and so on.

4.Reciting Prayers

The last step of becoming a convert is to recite prayers. One of the prayers that can be recited when becoming a convert is:

"Allahummaghfirli, warhamni, wahdini, wa 'afini, warzuqni"


"My Lord, forgive my sins, have mercy on me, guide me, save me, and grant me Your blessings."

Those are some explanations about the meaning of a convert in Islam, along with its conditions and procedures. Hopefully, it is beneficial and can increase our faith as Muslims. Amiin.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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