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What is the Meaning of Curse in KBBI and According to Islam? Understand the Meaning and Its Evidence

What is the Meaning of Curse in KBBI and According to Islam? Understand the Meaning and Its Evidence Illustration (credit: - What does the curse actually mean has a quite harsh meaning. As we know, the word curse is often used in the context of expressing annoyance, anger, and even disappointment. So what does the curse actually mean?

The word curse is certainly very familiar to hear. Have you ever heard it but do you know what the curse means? The word curse means to curse and damn. That's why, this word should be spoken carefully because it can bring harm as it contains insults, hatred, anger, and full of emotions.

Meanwhile, according to Islam, it only comes from Allah SWT. This is already stated in a number of Quranic verses that explain the meaning of the curse.

In those verses, it is also explained about the characteristics of people who are cursed by Allah SWT. To know further explanations, here is the review that you need to know.

1. What is the Meaning of 'Laknat' in KBBI?

Unveiling the meaning of 'laknat' can be found in the Great Dictionary of the Indonesian Language (KBBI). The meaning of 'laknat' is translated into several points. According to the online version of KBBI, the meaning of 'laknat' is curse or cursed person.

In addition, there is also an explanation of the other meaning of 'laknat' derived from the word 'melaknat'. The meaning of 'melaknat' in KBBI is to bring curse or to descend curse. There is also the meaning of 'melaknati' which means to say curse to, to curse, or to bring curse.

However, it turns out that the word 'laknat' is also included in slang language. It's just that the spelling is twisted into 'locknut'. Unlike the meaning of 'laknat' in KBBI which is considered quite harsh, but the use of the word 'locknut' in slang language is often used for a more familiar situation. For example, as a joke or mere banter. So, by writing the word 'laknat' as 'locknut', it gives a more relaxed impression. That is the meaning of 'laknat' in KBBI that you need to know.



2. What is the Meaning of Curse According to Islam

After knowing the meaning of curse in KBBI (Indonesian Dictionary), according to Islamic views, there is also an explanation regarding the meaning of the word. Especially if the word curse is used to pray, insult, criticize, others with hatred and evil, then this attitude needs to be avoided.

According to the meaning of curse in Islam, it means to distance oneself from the mercy of Allah and His rewards. It means that the word curse is often used for situations or actions that are considered to have exceeded the forbidden and even bring great sins and the wrath of Allah SWT.

Meanwhile, the meaning of curse according to Islam that comes from Allah SWT is all forms of punishment or torment in the afterlife. As for in this world, Allah SWT cuts off all forms of His mercy. Additionally, in Islam, a Muslim should avoid cursing anyone, especially if it contains harsh words, insults, criticisms, or even abuses. That is the meaning of curse that you need to know.



3. Evidence About Curse

Understanding the meaning of curse according to Islam is also found in a number of verses of the Quran and hadiths. Yes, because there are a number of actions that are cursed by Allah SWT and the Prophet Muhammad. The evidence for this curse from Allah SWT is shown for all actions that bring great sins and even disbelief. Among them are shown for Satan, unbelievers, oppressors, and so on. Among the evidence for this curse that you can observe are as follows.

"The unbelievers from the children of Israel were cursed by the tongue of David and Jesus, the son of Mary. This is because they were disobedient and always exceeded the limits. They never forbade each other from the evil actions they committed. Indeed, what they always do is very bad." (QS.Al-Maaidah: 78-79)

There are also other evidence that explains the curse against oppressors,

"And who is more unjust than one who invents lies about Allah? They will be brought before their Lord, and the witnesses will say: "These are the ones who lied against their Lord." Remember, the curse of Allah is upon the oppressors." (QS.Huud: 18)

Meanwhile, the evidence of the curse against those who harm Allah and His Messenger is found in the Quran Al-Ahzaab verse 57,

"Indeed, those who harm Allah and His Messenger, Allah will curse them in this world and the Hereafter, and prepare for them a humiliating punishment." (QS.Al-Ahzaab: 57)

Similarly, those who cause corruption on earth are also included in the actions that are cursed by Allah SWT,

"So what if you have authority, will you cause corruption on earth and sever your ties of kinship? They are the ones whom Allah has cursed and deafened their ears and blinded their vision." (QS. Muhammad: 22-23)

Those are some evidence about curse that mentioned in the Quran. However, the above evidence is only a small part of the many evidence regarding Allah's curse on all sinful and disbelieving actions.



4. Characteristics of People Cursed in Islam

In addition, in Islam there are also several characteristics of people who are cursed. Therefore, after understanding the meaning of curse, also know what are the characteristics of people who are cursed in religion as follows.

- Protecting the perpetrators of sin and innovation.

- Insulting both parents.

- Slaughtering in the name of other than Allah SWT.

- Changing the boundaries of land.

- All actions that are prohibited by Allah SWT.

- People who cause damage on earth and sever ties of kinship.

- Disbelievers and oppressors.

- Men who resemble women and vice versa.

- Denying the decrees of Allah SWT.

- Abandoning the Sunnah of the Prophet and denying it.

- A leader and ruler who abuses their power, arrogant in their authority.

Those are some explanations about the meaning of curse and other complete reviews. So, by knowing what the meaning of curse is, it will make it easier for you to understand the meaning behind the word curse.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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