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Meaning of Fathonah, Sidiq, Amanah, and Tabligh, the Must-have Qualities of the Prophet

Meaning of Fathonah, Sidiq, Amanah, and Tabligh, the Must-have Qualities of the Prophet Illustration (Credit: Unsplash) - The Prophet is the chosen one who has been tasked by Allah SWT to guide and improve all of humanity. As the chosen human, the Prophet has must-have praiseworthy qualities. As Muslims, you certainly need to know the meaning of sidiq, amanah, tabligh, and fathonah as his must-have qualities.

By knowing the meaning of sidiq and other must-have qualities of the Prophet, it is hoped that you can imitate or emulate them. Moreover, the task of the Prophet is so noble, namely as a guide, bearer of good news, and warning to humanity.

In addition to knowing the meaning of sidiq and other must-have qualities, there is also information about the impossible qualities of the Prophet that you also need to know. Well, to understand it more clearly, please read the information about the Prophet's qualities below.



1. Meaning of Sidiq, Amanah, Tabligh, and Fathonah

1. Meaning of Sidiq

The meaning of Sidiq is honesty. As-sidiq, as a mandatory trait of the Prophet, means always being truthful. The Prophet could never lie to Allah or to anyone else.

As a Prophet, even the honesty of Prophet Muhammad SAW was not only famous among his companions, but also among his enemies. This is according to a hadith narrated by Ali RA that Abu Jahal once said to Prophet Muhammad SAW:

"We do not consider you a liar, but we consider the teachings you bring to be false."

This honesty was also exemplified by Prophet Ibrahim AS to his father who worshipped idols. Prophet Ibrahim tried to persuade his father to leave the idols. The Quran records the incident:

"And relate to them the story of Ibrahim in the Book (Quran). Verily, he was a man of truth, a Prophet." (QS Maryam: 41).



2. Meaning of Amanah, Tabligh, and Fathonah

In addition to the meaning of Siddiq, you also need to know the meaning of other obligatory prophetic traits. You can find the explanation in the following information.

2. Amanah

The meaning of amanah is trustworthy. This trait must be possessed by the prophet, because without it, his very difficult tasks cannot be accomplished.

For example, when the people of the Prophet Nuh (Noah) denied Allah, Allah confirmed that Nuh was a trustworthy person through QS.Asy-Syu'ara verse 106-107:

"When their brother Nuh said to them, 'Will you not fear Allah? Indeed, I am to you a trustworthy messenger."

3. Tabligh

The meaning of Tabligh is conveying. The Prophet must convey the commands and prohibitions of Allah SWT. There is nothing hidden from Prophet Muhammad SAW, everything is conveyed to the people. There is a narration told by Ali bin Abi Talib when asked about revelation that is not in the Quran. Ali affirmed the following verse in the Quran:

"O Messenger, announce that which has been revealed to you from your Lord, and if you do not, then you have not conveyed His message. And Allah will protect you from the people." (QS. Al-Maidah: 67)

Ali also confirmed by saying:

"By the One who splits the seed and creates life, there is nothing hidden except for one's understanding of the Quran."

4. Fathonah

The meaning of fathonah is intelligence. The Prophet is a chosen human who has high intelligence. This intelligence is needed to carry out the tasks of Allah SWT. He conveyed thousands of verses from the Quran, explained tens of thousands of hadiths, explained the words of Allah, and was required to have the ability to debate with unbelievers in the best possible way. Therefore, it is reasonable if the Prophet has many roles during his life. He played a role as an Islamic figure, leader, businessman, military commander, and politician.



He played roles as an Islamic figure, leader, businessman, warrior, and politician.



3. Benefits of the Trait of Fathonah

The meaning of Fathonah is intelligence. Of course, it is not without reason that among the many traits, intelligence is one of the mandatory traits for the Prophet and Messenger. As previously mentioned, the Prophet and Messenger need the trait of fathonah to memorize the revelations given by Allah SWT.

Not only that, with the intelligence they possessed, the Prophet and Messenger were also able to find the right way to convey their message to their people. In addition, it turns out that the trait of fathonah also has other benefits. Even not only for the time of the Prophet and Messenger, the trait of fathonah can also be used for modern-day life.

Because with fathonah or intelligence, a person can find the most effective solution for every problem faced in all aspects. Starting from personal, social, work-related problems, and so on.



4. Characteristics of Fathonah Muslims

Every Muslim is obliged to emulate the qualities of fathonah and the obligatory qualities of other Prophets and Messengers. In addition to the example set by the Prophet and Messenger, we can also learn the meaning of fathonah through the people around us.

Yes, because there may be Muslim brothers and sisters who have already emulated the qualities of fathonah of the Prophet and Messenger. Therefore, besides understanding the meaning of fathonah, it is also important to know the characteristics of Muslims who have fathonah qualities. The following are the characteristics of Muslims who have fathonah qualities.

1. A person who is skilled in giving good advice. Not only that, a Muslim who has fathonah is also skilled in communication so as not to offend the feelings of others.

2. A Muslim who has fathonah is also able to filter which news or information is appropriate to convey.

3. A Muslim who has fathonah tends to be intelligent in speaking and communicating. Usually, this ability will be used to promote goodness by enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong.

4. The meaning of fathonah is intelligence, which means that a Muslim must be intelligent in conveying the message given.

5. Fathonah or intelligence in the context of Muslims also includes being skilled in worship. This means that a Muslim must prioritize the most important worship or deed.

6. A Muslim who has fathonah must also be intelligent in socializing. He or she can filter what is appropriate to convey and what is not.

3. A Muslim who has fathonah tends to be intelligent in speaking and communicating. Usually, this ability will be used to promote goodness by enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong.

4. The meaning of fathonah is intelligence, which means that a Muslim must be intelligent in conveying the message given.

5. Fathonah or intelligence in the context of Muslims also includes being skilled in worship. This means that a Muslim must prioritize the most important worship or deed.

6. A Muslim who has fathonah must also be intelligent in socializing. This is because the daily life of a Muslim cannot be separated from maintaining relationships. Therefore, every problem that arises in the community or family environment must be resolved intelligently.



5. How to Develop Fathonah Character

In addition to the meaning of fathonah, every Muslim also needs to know how to cultivate the fathonah trait. As previously explained, fathonah is a mandatory trait of the Prophet and Messenger that is useful in today's life.

The meaning of fathonah is intelligence, so the way to cultivate the mandatory trait of the Prophet and Messenger is by increasing knowledge. Because, as the saying goes, the more someone knows, the more they feel ignorant. Thus, a Muslim will be more motivated to increase knowledge.

Because, as we know in Islam, seeking knowledge is an obligation. This is as contained in the hadith which reads:

"Seeking knowledge is mandatory for every Muslim" (HR.Ibnu Majah no. 224)

However, it must be understood that intelligence or fathonah is not only about knowledge gained from learning. Intelligence in the fathonah trait also includes intelligence in socializing and drawing lessons from every event. This is as contained in the Quran in Surah Al-Baqarah: 269, which reads:

"Allah grants al-hikmah (deep understanding of the Quran and Sunnah) to whom He wills. Whoever is granted al-hikmah, he has indeed been given an abundant gift. Only those who have understanding (ulul albab) can derive lessons from the word of Allah." (Q.S.Al-Baqarah: 269)

By cultivating the fathonah trait, a Muslim will also become more steadfast in their faith.



6. Benefits of Shiddiq Character

Ash-Shidq or having the meaning of truthfulness is an attitude that shows its truth, whether in words, attitudes, or actions. In language, another term for Shiddiq means honesty. In a hadith of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, he said,

"Let all of you be truthful, for truthfulness leads to righteousness and righteousness leads to Paradise." (HR. Bukhari)

Having a Shiddiq attitude is also good for oneself. One of them is a peaceful soul. When a person can be true or honest in his life, he will certainly obtain the peace of mind he desires. This was revealed in a hadith, the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said,

"Sin is something that troubles your soul and you do not like it when it is known to others." (HR. Ahmad)

In addition, another virtue of the meaning of Shiddiq is also a source of salvation. Yes, one of the efforts we make to obtain salvation in this life is to be honest, in another hadith, the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said,

"You must speak the truth, for it is indeed with righteousness and both are in Paradise." (HR. Ahmad, Bukhari, and Ibn Majah)

Then, being truthful or honest will make us avoid hypocrisy and be kept away from the group of hypocrites. This is one of the characteristics of hypocritical people who lie. The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said,

"The signs of a hypocrite are three: when he speaks, he lies; when he makes a promise, he breaks it; and when he is entrusted with something, he betrays it." (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)




In addition, another virtue of the meaning of Shiddiq is also a source of salvation. Yes, one of the efforts we make to obtain salvation in this life is to be honest. In another hadith, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said,

"You must speak the truth, for indeed it is with righteousness and both are in Paradise." (HR.Ahmad, Bukhari, and Ibn Majah)

Then, being truthful or honest will keep us away from hypocrisy and away from the group of hypocrites. This is one of the characteristics of hypocrites, which is lying. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said,

"The signs of a hypocrite are three: when he speaks, he lies; when he makes a promise, he breaks it; and when he is trusted, he betrays the trust." (HR.Bukhari and Muslim)



7. Types of Siddiq in Islam

It turns out that the Shiddiq character also has its types, KLovers. Yes, this is also important for KLovers to know. Not only knowing the meaning of Shiddiq, but also its types. And here are the types of Shiddiq in Islam:

1. Shiddiq in words, which means upholding the tongue above words like the upright grain on its stem.

2. Shiddiq in deeds, which means upholding deeds in accordance with commands and following the Sunnah, like the head held high above the body.

3. Shiddiq in state, which means upholding sincere deeds of the heart and limbs. This is in line with the words of Allah SWT, "That Allah may reward the truthful for their truth and punish the hypocrites if He wills or accept their repentance. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful." (QS. Al-Ahzab:24).



8. Characteristics of a Siddiq Muslim

And finally, the characteristics of the Siddiq nature. Yes, Muslims who have a Siddiq attitude have their own characteristics. And here are the characteristics of Muslims who have a Siddiq attitude:

1. Following the footsteps of the virtues of the Prophets which includes actions.

2. Having a strong commitment to Islam.

3. Having faith in Allah and the Prophet Muhammad, establishing prayer, keeping promises, and paying zakat.

4. Not hesitating to strive with wealth and life.

5. Consistency between words and actions.

6. Consistency between information and reality.

7. Firmness and stability of heart.

8. Something good that is not mixed with falsehood.



9. Impossible Characteristics of the Prophet

After knowing the meaning of Shiddiq and other obligatory attributes of the Prophet, you also need to pay attention to the explanation of impossible attributes or attributes that cannot be possessed by the Prophet as follows:

1. Kidzib

The meaning of Kidzib is lying or falsehood. The Prophet would not commit falsehood because he had to convey the truth, both in words and deeds. This is stated in the Quran as follows:

"Your companion (Muhammad) has not strayed, nor has he erred; Nor does he speak from [his own] inclination. It is not but a revelation revealed [to him]." (QS.An-Najm: 2-4)

2. Betrayal

The meaning of betrayal is to go against or break a promise. A prophet could not possess such qualities, he could not betray the command of Allah SWT. This is also stated in the following verse of Allah:

"Your friend (Muhammad) has not gone astray, nor has he erred; And he does not speak of his own desire. It is nothing but revelation that is revealed (to him)." (QS.An-Najm: 2-4).

3. Al Kitman

The meaning of Al kitman is to hide secrets. As a person who conveys good teachings, the Prophet could not hide the truth of his teachings. In addition, the Prophet was truly protected by Allah SWT from such qualities. This is also explained in the Quran which says:

"Say (O Muhammad), I do not tell you that the treasures of Allah are with me, nor do I know the unseen, nor do I tell you that I am an angel. I only follow what is revealed to me. Say, is the blind equal to the seeing? Do you not think?" (QS Al-A'am: 50).

4. Al Baladah

The meaning of Al Baladah is foolish. This is contrary to the mandatory quality of fathonah. Although chosen by Allah, the Prophet could not read or write, but he was a person who was given the ability to convey revelation. He was also a fair and wise person so that he could carry out his duties in preaching well.

KLovers, that is the explanation of the meaning of Shiddiq and other mandatory qualities of the Prophet that are full of exemplary qualities. Complete with an explanation of the impossible nature that a prophet cannot possess.




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