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The Meaning of Prayers Before and After Eating and the Manners of Eating Taught by the Prophet

The Meaning of Prayers Before and After Eating and the Manners of Eating Taught by the Prophet Illustration (credit: pixabay) - Eating is one of the activities carried out by humans and is a part of life. In Islam itself, there are many prayers that are required to be done, one of which is a prayer when eating. Yes, the meaning of this meal prayer is indeed a form of human gratitude to Allah SW.

You can find out the meaning of the prayer before and after meals that can be applied. Not only the meaning of the prayer, KLovers can also learn about the manners of eating taught by the Prophet Muhammad SAW. This is done so that humans can bring benefits and blessings from the food. And not making mistakes that may worsen the body.

READ ALSO: Reading Prayer After Eating Arabic Latin And Its Translation

And here are the meanings of the meal prayer before and after along with good eating manners in Islam taught by the Prophet Muhammad SAW as reported from various sources.




1. Prayer Before Eating

Yes, perhaps as a Muslim, we are no stranger to prayers before eating. And here is the meaning of the prayer before eating that KLovers can understand:

"Allahumma baarik lanaa fiimaa rozaqtanaa wa qinaa 'adzaa bannaar"

Meaning: O Allah, bless what You have given us and protect us from the punishment of the hellfire.



2. Prayer After Eating

Then there is also the meaning of prayers after eating. Yes, in Islam, not only are there prayers before eating, but there are also prayers after eating. And here is the meaning of the prayer after eating that KLovers can understand:

"Alhamdulillahilladzi ath-amanaa wa saqoonaa wa ja'alanaa minal muslimiin"

Meaning: All praise is due to Allah who has given us food and drink and made us Muslims.



3. Hadith Prayer during Eating

After KLovers know the meaning of the prayer for eating, KLovers can also know the hadith prayer during eating. Yes, in fact there are several hadiths that explain how Muslims should pray before and after eating. Like the prayer before and after eating mentioned in Surah Al Baqarah verse 172,

"O you who have believed, eat from the good things which We have provided for you and be grateful to Allah if it is [indeed] Him that you worship." (QS. Al Baqarah: 172).

The Prophet Muhammad also once said that food that is not mentioned with the name of Allah is the portion of the devil. "Indeed, Satan finds food for himself in the morsels not mentioned with the name of Allah." (HR. Muslim).

Not only that, it was narrated by Aisha ra. The Prophet Muhammad once said: "When you want to eat, say 'bismillah', if you forget to say basmalah at the beginning, say 'bismillahi fi awwaluhu wa akhiruhu". (HR. Ahmad and Tirmidzi).

In the hadith it is also mentioned that the Prophet Muhammad once said that Allah loves people who pray after eating that sounds like, "Indeed, Allah loves His servants who say tahmid after eating and drinking." (HR. Muslim).



4. Eating Etiquette in Islam

In Islam, there is something called adab when eating. Yes, this eating etiquette can be done for our own good. Not only getting rewards but also getting benefits for the body. And here are some eating etiquette in Islam taught by the Prophet Muhammad SAW:

1. Consuming Halal

Allah SWT strongly prohibits Muslims from consuming something that is haram, because there will be a lot of harm that will be obtained. This obligation is stated in the Quran, Al-Maidah verse 88 which contains,

"And eat of what Allah has provided for you, which is lawful and good. And fear Allah, in whom you are believers."

2. Washing Both Hands

The importance of washing hands to avoid disease. This was exemplified by Prophet Muhammad SAW, as explained by Aisha radiallahu'anha:

"When the Prophet wanted to sleep in a state of janabah, he would perform ablution first. And when he wanted to eat or drink, he would wash his hands first, then he would eat or drink." (HR.Abu Daud no.222, An Nasa'i no.257, authenticated by Al Albani in Shahih An Nasa'i)

3. Praying Before Eating

Before eating, pray as a form of gratitude for the blessings and favors, in the form of food given by Allah SWT. And ask for forgiveness, facilitated new sustenance, and to avoid the punishment of sin.

"When one of you eats, let him say 'Bismillah' (in the name of Allah). If he forgets to say it before starting, let him say 'Bismillaahi fii awwalihi wa aakhirihi." (HR.At-Tirmidzi).

4. Eating Using the Right Hand

Prophet Muhammad SAW recommended eating with the right hand (for those who are able). This is to avoid imitating the devil who often uses the left hand.

"When one of you eats, let him eat with his right hand, and when he drinks, let him drink with his right hand, because Satan eats and drinks with his left hand." (HR.Muslim).

5. Not Disparaging Food

As exemplified by the Prophet SAW. When in a place and served food by someone, even if the food or drink served is not liked, it is highly recommended not to disparage it. Convey a good reason and do not offend.

"Prophet Muhammad SAW never disparaged food at all. If he liked it, he ate it. And if he didn't like it, he left it." (HR.Muslim)

6. Eat and Drink One Third

Prophet Muhammad SAW reminded that the stomach is not a container ready to be filled with anything according to desire or lust. Do not exceed the limit and make yourself sick. He taught to leave one third, as in the following hadith:

"The son of Adam is not considered to have made his stomach a bad container if he fills it with a few bites that can straighten his body. Therefore, what he must do is one third of his stomach for food, one third for drink, and one third for breath," (HR Ahmad).

7. End Eating and Drinking with Prayer

In addition to opening with prayer, let us also close our eating process with prayer. As a form of gratitude for the food consumed. In a hadith, it is mentioned that the Prophet Muhammad SAW once said that Allah SWT loves people who pray after eating.

"Indeed, Allah Ta'ala loves His servant who says tahmid after eating and drinking." (HR.Muslim)

That is the meaning of the meal prayer that KLovers can know and understand. Not only the meaning of the prayer before and after eating, but also the hadith that discusses prayers for eating and the etiquette of eating in Islam taught by Allah SWT.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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