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Meaning of Prayer Before Eating and Its Recitation, Also Learn About Eating Etiquette

Meaning of Prayer Before Eating and Its Recitation, Also Learn About Eating Etiquette Illustration (Credit: Unsplash) - Prayer is important for Muslims. By praying, you will always remember the power and love of Allah SWT in various occasions, including when eating. Therefore, understanding the pronunciation and meaning of prayer before eating is important to do.

In addition to the meaning of prayer before eating, you also need to understand the prayer after eating. Saying a prayer or hamdalah after eating is a form of gratitude for the sustenance given.

Now, if you want to learn more about the pronunciation, meaning of prayer before eating, as well as dining etiquette, please read the following information. This will be beneficial for you, considering that eating is one of the daily needs.





1. Recitation and Meaning of Prayer Before Eating

1. Prayer Before Eating

Not only the meaning of prayer before eating, but you also need to know the recitation of the prayer. By doing so, you can memorize or guide your child to learn to pray. Reading prayers is a good thing that needs to be practiced. Therefore, please pay attention to the recitation and meaning of the prayer before eating below.

"Allahumma baarik lanaa fiimaa rozaqtanaa wa qinaa 'adzaa bannar."

Meaning: "O Allah, bless us in the sustenance You have provided for us and protect us from the torment of Hellfire."

2. Prayer After Eating

After eating, it is recommended for someone to recite a prayer. Here is the recitation of the prayer after eating that you can learn. It is also accompanied by the meaning so that you understand the content of the prayer that you recite using this Arabic language.

"Alhamdulillahilladzi ath-amanaa wa saqoona wa ja'alanaa minal muslimiin."

Meaning: "All praise is due to Allah who has fed us and given us drink and made us among the Muslims."





2. Prayer Before Eating

There is a recommendation for Muslims to pray before eating. Therefore, you need to learn the pronunciation and meaning of the prayer before eating in order to make it a good habit. This recommendation comes from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a form of gratitude for the sustenance in the form of food given by Allah (SWT).

Reciting a prayer before eating can also be a source of rewards and make the consumed food more blessed for the body. This good habit can also keep you away from Satan. Regarding this matter, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) once said:

"Indeed, Satan partakes in the food that is not mentioned with the name of Allah." (HR. Muslim)

Not only that, the recommendation regarding this prayer before eating is also explained in the Quran, Surah Al-Baqarah verse 172:

"O you who have believed, eat from the good things which We have provided for you and be grateful to Allah if it is [indeed] Him that you worship."

Like other recommended practices in Islam, there must be a good function or purpose for humans. In accordance with the above recommendation, the prayer before eating is a form of human request to Allah so that the food consumed can bring blessings. So, if you still often forget to implement this, it is necessary to start getting used to it, KLovers!





3. Table Manners

In addition to knowing the pronunciation and meaning of prayers before eating, you also need to pay attention to table manners. Here are some table manners according to the practices of the Islamic role model, Prophet Muhammad SAW.

1. Reciting Prayers

Praying is one of the manners that must be observed while eating. The pronunciation and meaning of prayers before eating have been explained in the previous explanation.

2. Sitting While Eating

A person's position while eating is something that needs to be considered. A Muslim should not stand while eating or drinking. It is better for a person to sit while eating. This is explained in a hadith narrated by Anas bin Malik as follows:

"Prophet Muhammad SAW indeed forbade drinking while standing." (H.R.Muslim).

3. Eating with the Right Hand

When eating or drinking, Muslims should use their right hand. It is allowed to use the left hand in urgent situations. The manners regarding eating with the right hand can be seen in the explanation given by Amru bin Abi Salamah, the stepson of the Prophet, as follows:

"When I was still a child, when I was under the care of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, there was a time when my hand moved here and there [while taking food] on the tray. Then the Prophet Muhammad SAW said to me: 'O child, say bismillah and eat with your right hand, and take the food that is near you.'" (H.R.Bukhari and Muslim).

4. Not Criticizing the Served Food

A Muslim is not allowed to criticize the food consumed, especially if the food is served by someone else.
If you receive food or drink, no matter how simple it is, you should still be grateful for the blessings given.

5. Starting to Eat from the Edge First

The next dining etiquette is to start taking food from the edge before the center. This method aims to maintain politeness while eating.

6. Not Overeating and Overindulging

The amount of food consumed should be taken into consideration when eating. Anything excessive is prohibited in Islam, including the consumption of food or drink. The explanation regarding this matter can be seen in the following saying of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW):

"The descendants of Adam do not consider their stomachs as bad containers if they fill them with a few bites that can strengthen their bodies." Therefore, what he should do is one-third of his stomach for food, one-third for drink, and one-third for breathing," (HR Ahmad)

7. Reading Hamdalah After Eating

As previously explained, that eating needs to be started and ended with a prayer. Therefore, after eating, you should end it with hamdalah or a prayer to show gratitude to Allah SWT.

Well, KLovers, that is an explanation of the meaning of the prayer before eating that you can learn and practice in your daily life.






Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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