Kapanlagi.com - Man Jadda Wajada has become one of the most popular proverbs among Muslims. The meaning of Man Jadda Wajada itself is a positive advice for life and to achieve success. Man Jadda Wajada can be used not only in worship, but also in daily life.
However, the application of Man Jadda Wajada must be positive and still be a good activity. Not for negative things and bringing sin and being hated by Allah SWT, KLovers. Allah SWT loves the servants who always think negatively about HIM. So by continuing to strive and fight, we become humans who are always grateful and not easily give up in any situation.
Because the meaning of Man Jadda Wajada itself is, whoever strives will succeed. Whatever is done with sincerity and consistency will yield results. Because effort never betrays the results. In addition to the meaning of Man Jadda Wajada, you can also find out the understanding of the meaning of Man Jadda Wajada.
Therefore, as reported from various sources, in addition to knowing the meaning of Man Jadda Wajada, here are its understanding and good application in daily life. Let's check it out, KLovers.
1. Definition of Man Jadda Wajada

Illustration (credit: Pixabay)
The Arabic expression Man Jadda Wa Jadda means, whoever strives, will surely succeed. To strive, it must be initiated with good intentions for everything we desire. According to an article from unas.ac.id, Man Jadda Wa Jadda consists of three syllables, man which means who, jadda means strive, and wajada means achieve.
This proverb explains that whoever strives, will attain or succeed. This proverb is not just mere advice, but also can be an extraordinary motivation for those of us who are striving and working hard. Anything that begins with good intentions and gains the blessings of Allah SWT, will also yield good results when done with sincere effort.
2. Becoming One of the Memorable Phrases

Illustration (credit: Pixabay)
Man Jadda Wa Jadda itself becomes a phrase in Arabic. What is Mahfudzot? Mahfudzot in the Arabic language dictionary comes from the word hafidza, yahfadzu, hifdzan which means to guard or something that is guarded, or it can also be interpreted as a memorized sentence.
Usually, mahfudzot are taught in Islamic boarding schools and rarely encountered in general school or madrasah lessons. Therefore, not many people are familiar with the term mahfudzot. Mahfudzot is recommended for students to memorize and practice in daily life.
However, not only for students, as Muslims, of course, you must know several mahfudzot sentences. This can certainly be good advice and proverbs for your life. There are many Mahfudzot sentences that you can use as positive life proverbs.
3. Application of Man Jadda Wajada in Daily Life

Illustration (credit: Pixabay)
After knowing the meaning of Man Jadda Wa Jadda, you also need to know what you can apply in everyday life. Yes, here are some good applications for the proverb Man Jadda Wa Jadda in everyday life:
1. Study and seek knowledge diligently without laziness.
2. Strive to rise again and work hard in running a halal business for the family.
3. Determined in positive things, for example, determined to help make a village successful and develop.
4. Do not give up easily and always work hard even if there are obstacles in life. And many more.
4. Here are Other Examples of Mahfudzot Sentences

Illustration (credit: Pixabay)
In addition to Man Jadda Wa Jadda, it turns out that there are still many other Mahfudzot sentences that can be a wise life proverb for you. What are they? Here are some examples of Mahfudzot sentences that can be a wise proverb in your life:
1. Man Shabara Zhafira (Whoever is patient, he will be lucky.)
2. An-Nazhofatu Minal Iman (Cleanliness is part of faith.)
3. Man Saara 'Alad Darbi Washala (Whoever walks on his path, he will reach his destination)
4. Man 'Adzuba Lisaanuhu Katsura Ikhwaanuhu (Time is more valuable than gold.)
5. Al-Waqtu Atsmanu Minadz Dzahabi (Seek knowledge from cradle to grave.)
6. Khairul ashaabi man yadulluka 'alal khairi (The best friend is the one who leads you to goodness.)
7. Al-ittihaadu asaasun najaahi (Unity is the foundation of success.)
8. As-Syarafu bil adabi laa bin nasabi (Nobility is through manners, not lineage)
9. Ashlih nafsaka yashluh lakan naasu (Fix yourself and people will treat you well.)
10. Fa jazaa-u sayyiatin sayyiatun mitsluhaa (The retribution for an evil deed is an equal evil.)
That is the meaning of Man Jadda Wa Jadda that you can know and learn. Not only knowing the meaning of Man Jadda Wa Jadda, you can also know other Mahfudzot sentences as life proverbs.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.