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Meaning of Insecure and How to Overcome It, Recognize the Symptoms and Causes

Meaning of Insecure and How to Overcome It, Recognize the Symptoms and Causes Illustration (credit: - Insecurity has become a trendy term to describe the condition when you feel insecure, uncomfortable, afraid, or discouraged. The meaning of insecure is taken from the English language which means feeling unsafe. The cause of insecurity can come from various things, including low self-confidence.

Almost everyone may have experienced insecurity. The meaning of insecurity itself is feeling unsafe about something. This can happen in various aspects such as education, family, friendship, relationships, work, clothing, and so on.

For example, to make it easier for you to understand the meaning of insecurity, when a friend graduates earlier with good grades while the opposite happens to you. Then there is a feeling of insecurity (fear, worry, anxiety, insecurity, discouragement, lack of confidence) because of seeing that achievement and success. Insecurity can also arise due to appearance factors where oneself feels imperfect or receives negative opinions from others.

Actually, there are ways to overcome and prevent insecurity. But before that, you also need to know the meaning of insecurity along with its symptoms and causes. Because of that, here is a review of the meaning of insecure and how to overcome it that has been summarized by from various sources.

1. The Meaning of Insecure is Feeling Unsafe

There are various trendy terms that are commonly used to indicate certain conditions. One of them is the word insecure, taken from the English language, which is often encountered in everyday conversations. According to its origin, the meaning of insecure is feeling unsafe.

This feeling of insecurity can occur due to several factors. Where you feel afraid, anxious, worried, ashamed, lacking confidence, or discouraged because of something. This can be related to career issues, work, partners, appearance, or family matters. The meaning of insecure can also be said that you feel that something is lacking, incomplete, or imperfect.

Thus, it triggers your desire to complete that imperfection or deficiency according to your goals. In addition, the meaning of insecure can also cause someone to feel ungrateful, pessimistic because they constantly feel lacking. That is why, it is better for you to avoid this feeling. That is the meaning of insecure that you need to know.


2. Symptoms of Insecurity

After understanding the meaning of insecurity, this situation has almost been felt by everyone. However, some people may not be aware of the symptoms. Insecurity symptoms may appear similar to normal feelings of anxiety, fear, or worry. But it turns out that these symptoms of insecurity can be easily recognized. That is why here are the symptoms of insecurity that you need to know.

- Underestimating oneself by boasting or showing off something about oneself.

- Often showing off their strengths or achievements.

- Tending to have little trust in others.

- Tending to trigger the feelings of insecurity in others.

- Always being in situations that make them feel threatened or reluctant to leave their comfort zone.

- Always wanting to feel perfect and comparing oneself to others.

- Tending to always seek praise and admiration.

- Unwillingness to socialize with the environment.


3. Causes of Insecurity

Insecurity can occur due to several factors. However, everyone surely has their own personal causes of insecurity that make them feel insecure. But generally, there are several factors that cause someone to be insecure. Well, here are the factors causing insecurity that you need to know.

- Having a bad or traumatic experience.

- Feeling the need to always be perfect.

- Fear, anxiety, worry of experiencing failure.

- Fear of receiving negative opinions from others.


4. How to Overcome Insecurity

If left feeling insecure continuously, it will have a negative impact. This is because feeling insecure for too long can affect your psychological, physical, and even daily activities. That's why there are ways to overcome insecurity that need to be known. These ways make it easier for you to ward off feelings of insecurity. So, let's take a look at the review of how to overcome insecurity as follows.

- Apply positive thoughts towards yourself and others.

- Always be grateful for all the achievements you have obtained through your own efforts.

- Turn failure into motivation to always rise and try again.

- Spend time with loved ones.

- Try to love yourself.

- Understand yourself and find strengths within yourself.

- Always be optimistic about something and focus on goals.

- Avoid comparing yourself to others that trigger feelings of insecurity.

- Control the use of cell phones or social media.

- Occasionally, take care of yourself or relax.

So, that's the meaning of insecurity and how to overcome it. Based on the above reviews, you must already have an idea of the meaning of insecurity, which can actually make you feel insecure, afraid, worried, anxious, and low self-esteem.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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