Kapanlagi.com - How to check the family card number can now be done online. Of course, this is very convenient because the family card is quite large and inefficient to carry around. Especially when you need it for certain administrative purposes in urgent conditions.
Checking the number of the family card online is something you should know. With this, you don't need to bother going home and taking the family card just to see the number. In addition, you don't need to memorize the 16-digit number that is listed. This convenience exists because of the adjustments in the digital world that are increasingly advanced.
Actually, the Dukcapil website itself has been around for quite a while. Unfortunately, there are still people who do not know how to check the family card number online. Well, so that you don't have any more difficulties, please follow the steps to find out the information from your family card below.
1. How to Check Family Card Number on Online Service Site

Illustration (Credit: Pixabay)
Family cards can be used as valid and legal proof to declare membership status within a family. Therefore, you also need to know how to check the family card number if needed at any time.
For example, when you need it as a requirement for making an ID card, your identity will refer to the information on the family card, such as NIK, domicile, and so on. Besides directly viewing it on your printed family card, you can also view it on the following alternative online service site.
- Open your browser.
- Access the site https://layananonline.dukcapil.kemendagri.go.id/
- Next, enter the requested mobile number, password, and captcha.
- However, if you haven't registered yet, create an account first by filling in the requested data.
- After logging in with your personal account, the site will display the registered family card information.
2. How to Check Family Card Number Online on the Dukcapil Website

Illustration (Credit: Pixabay)
You can check the family card number through the official website of Dukcapil. The family card number is a serial number that will remain valid unless there are reported changes. Therefore, you need to report any changes in your family's composition to the Population and Civil Registration Office in your area.
Such data is needed, especially if you need valid data at any time. So, when you are in an urgent situation, please follow the steps to check the family card number online below.
- First, open your browser.
- Access the Dukcapil Ministry of Home Affairs website at the address https://dukcapil.kemedagri.go.if
- Enter your Population Identification Number (NIK) in the available column.
- Next, your data including the family card number will appear if the NIK you entered is valid or already registered.
3. How to Check Family Card Number through Alternative Dukcapil Site

Illustration (Credit: Pixabay)
In addition to the official website mentioned above, you can also check the family card number online through the site developed by the city or district where you live. This will be very helpful if the central website is experiencing disturbances. The method is not much different from before, only the web address is different. Check out the following list.
- Bandung: https://disdukcapil.bandung.go.id/cari-biodata
- Batam: https://disdukcapilbisa.batam.go.id/periksa/nokk
- West Kalimantan: https://dukcapil.kalbarprov.go.id/cek-kk
- Sragen: http://dukcapil.sragenkab.go.id/informasi/cek_kk
- Tangerang: https://disdukcapil.tangerangkota.go.id/ceknik/
- Tegal: https://disdukcapil.tegalkab.go.id/informasi/cek_kk
- Grobogan: https://www.dispendukcapil.grobogan.go.id/ceknik
- Kendal: https://dispendukcapil.kendalkab.go.id/ceknik
- Surakarta: htpp://dispendukcapil.surakarta.go.id/pelayanan-kami/pelayanan-online/
- Bogor City: http://disdukcapil.kotabogor.go.id/sikancil/
- Medan: https://sibisa.pemkomedan.go.id/app
4. How to Check Family Card Number Through Social Media

Illustration (Credit: Pixabay)
Not only through websites, checking family card numbers can also be done by sending a direct message. Here are several social media accounts that you can contact.
4. WhatsApp or SMS
You can check your family card number online by sending a WhatsApp or SMS. You only need to write a message containing your full name, ID number, telephone number, and the purpose of your request, then send it to the number +628118005373. Next, you just need to wait for a reply from Dukcapil that will inform you of your family card number.
5. Email
You can also obtain information about your family card number by sending a message via email. You only need to send an email containing your ID card number, personal information such as your full name, and the purpose of your request for the family card number in the email body. Next, send the message to callcenter.dukcapil@gmail.com. Checking the family card online takes time because you need to wait up to 1x24 hours to get the answer.
6. Facebook and Twitter
Not only sending WhatsApp and Email, the procedure for checking the family card number online can also be done through official Facebook and Twitter accounts. You can find the official Facebook account by typing the name 'Ditjen Dukcapil' and '@ccdukcapil' for Twitter. To avoid misuse or someone's opportunity to commit fraud, it is better to contact them through direct message (DM).
After that, you can send the ID number (NIK) listed on your ID card for checking by Dukcapil officers.
Well, KLovers, those are some easy ways to check the family card number online. Good luck!
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.