Kapanlagi.com - Every paragraph or reading contains at least two ideas. Among them are the main idea and supporting ideas. Meanwhile, the main idea is the main idea in a paragraph. The main idea can be located at the beginning, end, or even a combination of both.
A paragraph contains several sentences as well as main ideas or supporting ideas. Knowing the main idea helps readers recognize the main idea or main point in a sentence. In other words, with the main idea, you can understand the content of the paragraph itself.
To find the main idea, there are several characteristics or techniques that need to be known. This is because the main idea can be located at the beginning (deductive), end (inductive), or in between.
To find out more about the main idea as the main idea in a paragraph, here is a review that can help you determine the main idea. Just check out the review about the main idea as the main idea that has been summarized by kapanlagi.com from various sources.
1. The Definition of Main Idea is the Main Idea

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In Indonesian language lessons, understanding the main idea is very important. Moreover, the main idea often appears in reading questions. That's why understanding the main idea is something you need to know. Based on its definition, the main idea is the main idea. In addition, another meaning of the main idea is the main sentence in a paragraph and reading.
Meanwhile, quoting from the publication module Kemdikbud entitled Indahnya Kebersamaan, it is mentioned that the main idea is the main idea discussed in a reading. In addition, it is also mentioned that the main idea is the main thought in the reading. This means that the main idea is the core or important point of the reading itself. That's why from this main idea you can directly understand the meaning of a reading.
Meanwhile, according to Suryono (2004) quoting from liputan6.com, the meaning of the main idea is everything that is equipped with data, facts, information or other supporting materials that are expected to clarify the idea. In addition, the main idea can also be used to convince readers.
The main idea is usually found in the main sentence of a paragraph. However, finding the main idea requires precision. Because the main idea can be located at the beginning, end, or even between the two. There is an easy way to determine the main idea by understanding the main sentence or main sentence. With that, the main idea will be easy for you to determine.
2. Characteristics of Main Idea

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After understanding that the definition of the main idea is the main idea, the main thought, the main essence in a reading or paragraph, there are also characteristics of the main idea that you need to know. This is because by understanding the characteristics of the main idea, it can make it easier for you to determine the main idea in a reading. In addition, there are several characteristics of the main idea that are discussed.
About the topic of the problem. There are also characteristics of the main idea that have a clear meaning without needing explanatory or supporting ideas. So, what are the characteristics of the main idea? Well, here are the important characteristics of the main idea as reported from liputan6.com.
- The main idea can stand alone without needing supporting ideas or explanatory ideas.
- The main idea contains the main topic of the problem or the topic of discussion.
- The main idea has a clear meaning even if it is not connected to other sentences.
- The main idea usually does not have or is not formed from conjunction words.
- The main idea in inductive (concluding) paragraphs is marked by words such as as, conclusion, so, important, therefore, thus or sentences that seem to conclude or summarize the essence of the paragraph or reading itself.
3. How to Determine the Main Idea

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After understanding the definition of the main idea, there are also ways to determine the main idea. Where determining the main idea is also important for you to know. Because some readers are often confused when they have to determine a main idea in a reading. Therefore, here are ways to determine the main idea in a reading or paragraph.
- Read each sentence in the paragraph or reading carefully to find the main idea, whether it is located at the beginning, end, or both.
- Identify the topic in the reading carefully to find the core and main idea in the reading and paragraph.
- Summarize the reading in one sentence to easily find the main idea.
- If there are repetitions of words or sentences, pay close attention to determine the main idea. Usually, this repetition of discussion can help you determine the main idea of a reading or sentence.
- Determine the main idea according to the type of paragraph, for example deductive, inductive, or even mixed.
4. Main Idea Examples

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Examples of main ideas can be seen from the type of paragraph, whether deductive (beginning), inductive (end), or deductive and inductive (mixed). Now here are examples of main ideas that can help you understand and determine the main idea, main thought, essence in reading or paragraph.
On Monday, the teachers of Nusa Indah School attended a teaching training at Hotel Arwana. The teaching training was conducted to improve teacher competitiveness, especially in online learning. The training started at 7:00 am and ended at 4:00 pm. There are several fields that were studied, one of which is utilizing online learning applications.
The main idea in the example above is On Monday, the teachers of Nusa Indah School attended a teaching training at Hotel Arwana. Meanwhile, the supporting or explanatory idea is The teaching training was conducted to improve teacher competitiveness, especially in online learning.
So that's the understanding of the main idea, which is the main idea in a paragraph. Hopefully, the above explanation can help you determine the main idea in a reading or paragraph.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.